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ParaGliders, LSD, How good can They Be?

Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Jul 20, 2022 9:54 am

I read abut another case of raw carnage . Carenage derived by Pilots Fly Paragliders. I mean Flying hang-Gliders can, an does produce situations where the Pilot Gets injured or Killed. But Paragliders take this being injured or dead to new levels. I have spoken to Paraglider Pilots who simply blow-off any concern of having an A Symmetrical collapse. I had one Paraglider Pilot tell Me that He had Two Collapses in one Flight, no big deal. I know a former Hang glider pilot, by the way Kevin was a very good XC Hang glider pilot. Kevin tells me that His wing will still Fly with half the sail collapsed. Sorry, call me ignorant. But having half My Wing fold up while in flight would freak Me out, Flying Hang-Gliders can cause severe injury. Take My own case in point. But I have limits of tolerance regarding the structural soundness of My Wing. Call Me paranoid.

Take L.S.D. for example. When I was oh about an eleven Year old Boy. We had a friend of our femalely Brian Wind. Brian Wind was an "A" Student at UC DAVIS. Brian took Acid just One Time. Brian then had Schizophrenia after te "GREART HIGH" that He enjoyed due to taking Acid.

I say; How good can the High Be? Me Acid, Paragliders, NEVER!
Chris McKeon
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Re: ParaGliders, LSD, How good can They Be?

Postby Frank Colver » Wed Jul 20, 2022 11:44 am

Right on Chris!

Any aircraft that cannot hold its structural shape with any amount of negative G forces is not airworthy. I don't understand why the FAA lets these things occupy our airspace? If I went to have an experimental aircraft approved by the FAA and I told them it would collapse if it encountered any negative forces on the wing, how far do you think I would get with my request?

Oh, paragliders can re-inflate argument? Oh yeah, how about at 100 feet from the ground?

Flying hang gliders I have experienced heavy turbulence on approaching a landing but my aircraft never quit flying and I had control. A paraglider pilot, holding slack strings in his hands which are connected to a collapsing wing has no control. Hopefully, he has a good relationship with his personal God.

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Re: ParaGliders, LSD, How good can They Be?

Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Jul 21, 2022 10:57 am

I just have to acknowledge that Para-Gliders must give those Who Fly them a Tremendous Rush. But call Me a Pansy. But I do not have the "GOTS" the fortitude, the "RAW COURAGE that one must posses in order to fly a Para-Glider. Maybe I am cutting My Flying opportunities down By saying that I will not Fly a Para-Glider. But I imagine I would be up in the Air just sweating Bullets, when ever I looked up to see My wing experience some sort of Fluttering, or I do not even know what Para-Glider Pilots call it. But if I experienced any sort of Wing Flutter. I would be freaking out. It is like what My Friend Pilot-X said about when He would Fly a Para-Glider. X said; I will fly a Paraglider when Para Glider collapses as often as My Rigid Wing Does.

But we must acknowledge the raw Courage, nerves of steel, that those Pilots Posses. Me: I believe that being that I lack those essential characteristics that are esentasl in order to Fly a Para-Glider. I believe I will stick to Flying My Predator. I also will most likely continue pursuing fly that Grob Sail-Plane.
Chris McKeon
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