I read abut another case of raw carnage . Carenage derived by Pilots Fly Paragliders. I mean Flying hang-Gliders can, an does produce situations where the Pilot Gets injured or Killed. But Paragliders take this being injured or dead to new levels. I have spoken to Paraglider Pilots who simply blow-off any concern of having an A Symmetrical collapse. I had one Paraglider Pilot tell Me that He had Two Collapses in one Flight, no big deal. I know a former Hang glider pilot, by the way Kevin was a very good XC Hang glider pilot. Kevin tells me that His wing will still Fly with half the sail collapsed. Sorry, call me ignorant. But having half My Wing fold up while in flight would freak Me out, Flying Hang-Gliders can cause severe injury. Take My own case in point. But I have limits of tolerance regarding the structural soundness of My Wing. Call Me paranoid.
Take L.S.D. for example. When I was oh about an eleven Year old Boy. We had a friend of our femalely Brian Wind. Brian Wind was an "A" Student at UC DAVIS. Brian took Acid just One Time. Brian then had Schizophrenia after te "GREART HIGH" that He enjoyed due to taking Acid.
I say; How good can the High Be? Me Acid, Paragliders, NEVER!