by Chris McKeon » Sun Mar 03, 2024 1:21 pm
"My Leap Day"
So, for Me Bob My "Leap Day" will be when I will be able to do a steep Wingover. h Sure I have gone over as steep as Oh I do not Know? I probably have done Wingovers as steep as say a Hundred and Sixty degrees possibly steeper. The one thing that I felt good about was that My Hang strap was always taut. John tells Me that everyone has a: "Hanger" eventually. So, the mere possibility that I either would do a poor; "energy Dive" there for I would not have enough speed in order to keep My Harness strap to remain Tight all the way through the maneuver. Or worse Yet: I was concerned that I might do the Bone headed deal of apply too much Positive Pitch Pressure to fast and blow up my Predator! Well, it is looking like I will indeed Fly again. Then after a time? I do not know How Long. Heck, I have been waiting oh Thirty Hundred and Ninety-Six Months or so to do a Hundred- and Eighty-Degree Wingover. What's a few More Months?
OK so when I am back Flying My Predator again. John will be with Me when I hopefully do My first Hundred Degree Wingover. I hope, and I Pray that I do not have much Trauma and Drama.