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Re: Little HAWK comes to Northwest FLORIDA

Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Aug 23, 2024 9:19 am

Reading this has me thinking. Actually, getting Me to start Thinking about Flying is something I do on an almost Constant Basis. Bob when You did this with those Kids, did You feel like: "The Blind leading the Blind". Heck I would have felt like that. No, just as I have said before in previous Posts. It is not Children Who have a hard time grasping, understanding how Our Gliders Fly through the Air. How We are: {Solar Powered}. I mean; It really trips Me out How it is not the Children who cannot grasp how We are able to Fly with an Engine. It is the Adults that I have come accross that have a difficult time understanding what We do. I have heard the Question more than Once from Adults. I have been asked more so by Adults than Children: "Where's Your Engine"? But Adolescents, or Adults, those encounters were always nice.
Chris McKeon
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