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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Aug 04, 2024 2:25 pm


I almost started a new Thread. I would have titled it Flying Dreams. Well, Here I am a Predator Pilot Who stopped Flying Fourteen Years ago due to the Pounding that I took on March Twenty Eighth Two Thousand Ten. Anyways I have been Dreaming about what Else? I dream about Flying. It really Does not Matter where My First opportunity to launch a Glider enabling Me to Break Free From this as John says: "This Gravity Secured Penitentiary that I and all of You exist in. Well, I have no doubt that the first time in 14 Years that I have taken Flight will be on Special, Awesome Flight. I imagine being in a Thermal where I go up so fast, that I will need to use My Hook-Knife to Cut away. Then Deploy My parachute. I will do this to escape the tremendous

lift and get Myself Down!
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Sep 22, 2024 10:10 am

OK: I am having thoughts', thoughts of lying. So here it is Sunday. Sunday is really just like any other day of the week. Except if You are a thinking capable walking talking person. for as a People, Americans providing that They are not so severely injured that they are not capable of going to Work or have the Day off from Work. They Fly when as My Friend Pilot X says: On mostly weekends. But My Friend Pilot-X who Works a job now, that is until He will become a Bum who will no longer work. calls this condition of no longer going to work, as that it will not be what He will be as Pilot X calls it: That He Will be retired.

Here I am Fourteen Years since I ponded. I think more, much more often about being allowed to go to Work, than to be able to go Flying. I need a doctor to write down on a Piece of Paper, that I am capable of working. I just wonder I I will have to ask My account to fill out a form saying that I am good to go so that I can pay My taxes.

My Blowing My last Flight has caused some unreal events to transpire. I never dreamed that I would ever be in this situation. Not being able to Work, because I Blew a Landing sequence.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Sep 27, 2024 10:52 am

I say to the concept of being able to Short pack Ones Glider, as a solution to a potential impending problem by Me when Flying My Predator. I mean if I am Flying XC, and I might need to land due to My encountering that Filthy, Foul, Word. If I were to sink out due to encountering "sink" quite a way from a road. Being able to short pack My Predator. then I could carry My Predator to a road. I could do all this by Myself, Oh Yea! Yea Baby!
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Sep 28, 2024 4:39 pm

So, we all know how when You're Flying along singing Your Song. But then as You continue to sink out. But then one wing distinctly rises. Ah a Thermal. So, you initiate a Turn on the side of the Glider that Just rose. Round and round You travel in circles. Up, Up, Up You go. Then as You Climb, you We all love that Feeling, the feel One gets up completing a Climb. find Yourself approaching Cloud Base. That Feeling I so Yerrn to Feel again.

Is not Flying wonderful?
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Sep 29, 2024 7:35 pm


OK Today net because it is Sunday. But these thoughts that I have are true so many Days, For I think just like so many of You experienced today. Yes, I think about when I was Flying from here to Who knows where Cross Country. We all know the sequence of events that leads us to doing that Filthy, Foul Four-Letter Word: {LAND}. I for one simply due to conditions, having to land. I am sure that there are a few of You Pilots who are Members of the Hawks who feel the same way that I do.

I plan on when I am: "ALLOWED" to take the written portion of the DMV Yes, I need a doctor to sign a Piece of Paper that I will present to My Local DMV. that wat I will be allowed to take the Behind the Wheel Postin of the Test to determine if I will be able to legally Drive. I imagine that I will need to take the written Portion of the test, I scored a Hundred Percent.

Anyways when I am finally allowed to Drive. I wonder if I will need to have My Accountant fill out a form and sign it, that says that I should be allowed to Pay My Income Taxes?
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Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:25 am

OK maybe this Post is not appropriate. For the Title of this Subject even though it was born from the results of My last landing. What I I will say is not entirely Flying related. So, I was just thinking about M: "BUCKET LIST". So, what I really want to do is to be allowed by the State to Drive Myself again. In the effort I have already done and learned a couple of things. I have already gone to the DMV where I took the Drivers Test. I paced the written portion of the Test. But in order for Me to be allowed to take the: "BEHINFD THE WHEEL PART OF THE TEST". I will need a permission Slip that is signed by a doctor. This whole experience that I have, and I imagine that I will Continue to experience, has been the strangest deal that I have ever gone through in My Life. I imagine if I am ever allowed to Drive. Therefore, as a General Contractor. I will be able to drive to Work and earn Money. I really do think, that if there is consistency regarding a Person being Injured, and then I recovered. Well, I imagine that since I did experience a TBI. I really do wonder that if I will be allowed to Work again. Take Note: I need a permission Slip from a Doctor in order for Me to be able to Present to The General liability Insurance carrier. This cannot be made up. Heck, I had a injury. the operative word being {HAD}. I so want to be allowed to Work once again. We all have heard the Phrase: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.


I want to Fly again. Here are a couple of goals that I have for {MYSELF}. I want to do these flights for Myself, no other reason but for personal Private Goals. I want to Fly again. I want to Fly My Predator a Hundred Miles XC, I want to Fly up to twenty-five thousand feet or higher. For Myself I want to do these things. i do not compare Myself to others. Heck My Predator, coupled with the fact that it has an incredible sink rate, sure is capable of meeting the goals that I specked out. The Big unknown is this: Am I up to pulling off these Flights.

One thing that id no Question the Greatest Flight that I will ever make, is the very next time that I achieve Flight.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Oct 01, 2024 1:16 pm

I think back. n the greater Scheme. Not all that long ago. I have had experiences through Flying My Predator. Experiences that You just cannot Buy. Like Flying XC from a launch up in the Sierras, flying Cross Country to Gardnerville Nevada. I was talking to a Local while I was breaking down My Predator. Thie near total lack of knowledge regarding our Flying. really startled ME. I mean She really had a hard time grasping that a Fifty Mile Flight was not that far. This experience for Me I so thoroughly enjoyed, Just as I have enjoyed other experiences that only happened because I had been Flying My Predator.

Flying has always meant a lot to Me. I hope to continue having these experiences. Isn't Flying a Hang Glider Great? I for one simply love to be up in the Air Flying.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:22 pm

OK, Here I go again, with My TBI Born Mindless Musings about Flight. Heck even though I thought about Flying quite often before Ny last Flight. I now look at Personal Free-Flight, read Flying Hang Gliders, My Predator in particular in a new way. I mean We all know how it the First time that We left the ground on our very first Flight. I really am betting on that I will feel a lot of those same types of Feelings, and emotions, that I Felt on My Very First Flight Back in `1990. Only on this Flight I will feel those emotions in a much stronger way,

Regarding Flying, My Flying again. I am just like the Little Engine that could: "I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN.
Chris McKeon
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