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Re: Little HAWK comes to Northwest FLORIDA

Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Aug 23, 2024 9:19 am

Reading this has me thinking. Actually, getting Me to start Thinking about Flying is something I do on an almost Constant Basis. Bob when You did this with those Kids, did You feel like: "The Blind leading the Blind". Heck I would have felt like that. No, just as I have said before in previous Posts. It is not Children Who have a hard time grasping, understanding how Our Gliders Fly through the Air. How We are: {Solar Powered}. I mean; It really trips Me out How it is not the Children who cannot grasp how We are able to Fly with an Engine. It is the Adults that I have come accross that have a difficult time understanding what We do. I have heard the Question more than Once from Adults. I have been asked more so by Adults than Children: "Where's Your Engine"? But Adolescents, or Adults, those encounters were always nice.
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Re: Little HAWK comes to Northwest FLORIDA

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Fri Feb 07, 2025 12:31 am

This topic is another example of U.S. Hawks hang gliding outreach. This time it was a class of students enrolled in the Embry Riddle program through our long time friend (and U.S. Hawks member) Neil Larson.

This topic is another example of the U.S. Hawks outreach culture (in contrast with Eric's recent video):

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