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Will John aprove?

Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Jul 11, 2024 11:56 am

That Video of the Astronaut Hitting Gold Balls on the Moon, in My opinion anyways is just so Beyond being a totally Cool, Bad a** thing that was done. I think that would be such ab Awesome experience. It would Truly be the Experience of a Lifetime.

I am just a Busted-up Brain Dead Predator Pilot. But My experience of a: {Lifetime} is not that I got so injured. It is and it will be that Two things come to Mind, one: I survived the Impact. And two; Even though I am not at the Point Yet, regarding having recovered One Hundred Percent from injuries that I incurred by My having Mismanaging how My Flight was ending on March Sunday Twenty-Eight 2010. I now know that I will be One Hundred Percent recovered from the injuries that occurred Twenty years ago.

So: Check this out. I was talking to Hohn One Day a few Years ago. So, I brought up the subject that is dear to My Heart: {RECOVERY}. i said TO John: John II dream about MY ongoing recovery essentially almost constantly. I dream about recovering to being a Hundred Percent recovered. John replied: "Your One Hundred Percent is a Very LARGE NUMBER".

What John said to Me was in My opinion Anway's was just so Darn nice and cool to hear. For John is as most of You Know is a very Practical Honest Guy. He does not many False statements. So, regarding My ability to Fly. The way that this Predator Pilot will know that John is feeling pretty god about My Flying, will be when He once again offers Me to Fly His One Forty-Two Predator. The first time that John offered Me to Fly His Predator. I weighed of about Two Hundred and Thirty Pounds or so. Note: My Bathroom scale said that I weighed 298 Pounds on the morning of March twenty-eight Two Thousand Ten. Today July 11th I weigh not 200 Pounds. So, if John does noy offer Me to Fly His 142, I will know that the reason He will not offer Me to Fly His 142 Predator. His decision not to let Me fly His Predator. Will not be made because of My weight. It will be because He does not like what He seed when I fly the North Wing T-Two.
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Re: Will John aprove?

Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Jul 11, 2024 1:40 pm

(Rock and Roll Recovery)

Will John approve? OK I really cannot say weather John will Approve of My Flying or not. For as of Today the twenty second of July, John has yet to see Me Fly now that I am at this, My "Post Pound" status. But if John were here Today 7-11-2024. If John were here at My Mother's House here in Cazadero California. John would approve of what He heard. For I am as I do a couple of times each Day, I play My Gibson SG, MY Guitar is a Gibson SG. For no Question as an Audio indicator of My Progress back to being Recovered. For I can safely say that even though My Guitar Playing is currently. I would rate My Guitar Playing as Poor as My Guitar Playing was before I Pounded. My Playing is better than My Guitar playing was before March Twenty-Eight Two Thousand Ten. Heck, it has been so much worse. For after i Pounded. I was unable to form a Chord.
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Re: Will John aprove?

Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Jul 12, 2024 11:33 am

I need what I used to have. That is John's approval as to whether My Flying Skills are up to snuff, because I NEED TO OBTAIN IS john's APROVAL. I need to regain Mt =r ratting's AS TO HOW I will fly? it has now been Fourteen Years, Four Months. Fifteen Days since My last Flight. So, I know that I will need to get rid of a bunch of Wing Rust.
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Re: Will John aprove?

Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Jul 12, 2024 2:18 pm

More so than in the past by far, I so look forward to having the opportunity to demonstrate to John and to Myself that I can still Fly. But I will show caution on the impending Day, The Day that will be when My Greatest Flight will occur. I mean; Say that I have My first Flight in 14 Years be made where I will fly from a training Hill. If I launch, become airborne, then shortly after I achieve Flight. I immediately sink out, thus having to land. If I upon fairing the Glider. The Whack that May occur will signify My Greatest event ever regarding Flying. I will have been able to do a Pre-Flight, hopefully a very through Pre-Flight. Hold the Glider, Pointing the Glider into the wind. Scanning for Traffic. I will call Clear. Then I will while increasing the length and Pace of My Strides. I will achieve Flight. The word Awesome! Comes to Mind.
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Re: Will John aprove?

Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Jul 15, 2024 9:25 am


Well Yes, simply because I am Fortunate to have a Friend like John H. Well, a Day soon in the Futcher. I will have the opportunity to return to My Home, My True Home. My True Home is of course the {SKY}. I so yearn to Fly again. it is not that it has been Fourteen Years, no. Heck I because of how My last flight ended. I ended up living in Hospitals. Here is a bit of Hospital Humor: The way that You know that You have spent too Much time laying on Your back in a Hospital Bed, in I-C-U, is that Your Mail begins being Forwarded to You. The way I see it. I had to gravitate towards finding Humor in this Odowsey that I have been doing for the last fourteen Years.

Yes, oh Yes. I have Friends in High Places; John H is One of My Friends who Very much is a Good True friend. John finds Himself UP IN THE Air so often. Enjoying Himself Flying up in high Places.
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Re: Will John aprove?

Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:41 pm

Sp I am waiting, Yes I am; {Waiting on a Friend} Yes now that John is back in Southern California. He will be coming up north, Where John and I will go do what We used to do, before I did a; {SUPER POUND}. It is so odd, for I know this one thing. When I Fly for the First time in Fourteen Years. The Flight will be my Greatest Avion adventure ever. Not only that. But the Flight even though it might very well be made By Me Flying off a Training Hill. Not only will the Flight be what I consider My upcoming Flight will -be a Great Flight. But it will be the Greatest Flight that I will ever make.
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Re: Will John aprove?

Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Aug 02, 2024 10:18 am

So as I do each Morning, I did the: Prick My Finger and Swipe the Glucose Test Strip through the Blood Deal. I do this so as to find out where My Blood Glucose number is. Well, this Morning My Number while being under One Hundred, and the Optimal Number Off-Peak Blood Glucose Number which is 85. Anytime My AM Off-Peak blood Glucose number is between 85 and 100, all is good with Me. Last week I had one Morning where My Blood Glucose number was 78. Please take Note: really being under 85 is not a Health Problem, that is untill You drop to way low numbers.

This subject is not Off - Topic by the way Bob. For the only reason that I started monitoring My Off - Peak Blood Glucose number was because 14 Years ago I was Flying and crashing my Preator. So My Blood Glucose Number is a relevant Number regarding Hang Gliding. If I had not Pounded. would have not known about Ny Blood Glucose Number. So there You Go, My Blood Glucose number is relevant Flying deal.
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Re: Will John aprove?

Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Sep 10, 2024 10:56 pm

"A Hundred and Eighty or more and being Mindful, and Smooth"

It is funny: For I am looking at My next Flight as <it was My First Flight. I am while even though I have feelings of being Nervous. At the same Time Flying, Flying with John is something that I have done so many Times in the Past. I always enjoyed Myself very much. So that being said. I know that upon My standing most likely on a Training Hill. On My first Flight since My last Flight Fourteen Years ago. I know that I will be: "MPRE NERVOUS THAN A VIRGIN ON THE VIRGE".

Note to John:

Every Day I practice My LAAUNCG: Walk Jog run, I try to be Mindful of being Smooth.
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Re: Will John aprove?

Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:41 pm

So John will be coming up here this Month. i really have always enjoyed spending time with John. He and I are going to find out how much Flying knowledge that I still poses. Also, there is the Physical part.

Nut I know that When I Fly it very well might only last seconds. But if I am able to become Airborne. Even if the Flight lasts less than a Minute. It will be My Greatest Flight, not only that, but it will also be My greatest Moment of My Intier Life.
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Re: Will John aprove?

Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Oct 05, 2024 11:30 am

"Walk, Jog, run while doing all three as smoothly as Possible".

Well, sure I am currently unable to Set My Pretor up and practice My Launch: Walk, Jog, Run While holding My Predator, or other type of glider. So here I am, it has been Fourteen Years since when I last launched My Predator. I Merly hope that the basic flight Plan that John and I have putting together comes to happen. So, while I wait to hear from John as to what Say this Month that He will arrive here in Cazadero, {HI JOHN}. So, in the meantime, I do think about when the opportunity to show that I can do a Pretty good Hold-Walk, Jog, run version of being able to launch a Hang Glider. i do exactly that. I Walk, Jog, Run sans the Glider. Well, every Move I make I try to do it as smooth as possible. I am also trying to put the Pieces together so that I will be able to assemble a substitute Mock Glider control frame. I remember a story that My Father told once told Me about His favorite Base-Ball Player Ted Willams. So, when Ted Willams was in the War Overseas. He practiced His Swing using, I do not know what Ted Willams used to simulate a Bat. But nevertheless, He practiced with what He could put together.

So here I'm here in Cazadero California. I am in the Position where I must scrounge up the Pieces to practice My launch.
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