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Little HAWK comes to Northwest FLORIDA

Postby Neil Larson » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:03 pm

Little Hawk & Bob K - visit Crestview High School Aviation Engineering Classes
We had a short notice visit from Bob Kuczewski along with the
Little Hawk Training & Demonstration Hang Glider today-
Under severe weather alerts Lightning , high winds & heavy Rains-
Bob made the trip from the East Coast to our Gulf coast area-
The students really ejoyed the event even though they had to be indoors

here are some links to the photos taken in the classroom-

Please follow the links below to view photos -
- ... eHawk2.jpg
- ... o/PAn2.jpg
- ... o/CHS3.jpg
- ... SBobK3.jpg
- ... SBobK4.jpg

From Day One
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Re: Little HAWK comes to Northwest FLORIDA

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:09 pm

Hi Neil.

Thanks for those great pictures. I picked out some of my favorites here.

These first two show you and I giving the presentation to the two different classes...

CHSLittleHawk1_sc8.jpg (60.54 KiB) Viewed 8294 times

CHSLittleHawk2_sc8.jpg (60.1 KiB) Viewed 8294 times

This next few show a few angles from the "hands on" portion ...

hawk2_sc8.jpg (74.6 KiB) Viewed 8294 times

hawk3_sc8.jpg (80.39 KiB) Viewed 8294 times

hawk5_sc8.jpg (76.65 KiB) Viewed 8294 times

And, of course, this last one is just a great shot with the kids and Little Hawk.

CHSBobK4_sc8.jpg (79.99 KiB) Viewed 8294 times

Thanks very much for taking these photos Neil and for inviting me to the class. I had a great time, and I think it's great that they've got an aeronautics program going at the high school level. My hat is off to Tim for making that program work and to you for your support and involvement. :clap: :clap: :clap:
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The History of Little Hawk

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:34 pm

By the way ... I always want to remember and thank those who contributed to Little Hawk. This was a community project, and I appreciate every contribution that went into building this glider ....

Let me start with Joe Greblo. Joe was kind enough to lend me a much smaller glider (maybe 1/3 of Little Hawk) along with a simulator for our booth at the 2009 "Kick Gas Festival in San Diego. It was Joe's little glider that gave me the idea for one that was just a little more life-sized while still being small enough and easy enough to be safe and convenient. Thanks Joe!! :)

Then there was Dino Dinaso who heard my call for a cast-away glider and answered. He donated a Moyes Xtralite 127? that had been used for testing. He didn't ask for a dime ... and he threw in a simulator as well!! Thanks Dino. I hope you enjoy watching the travels of Little Hawk. :thumbup:

Of course, that brings up Mr. Moyes himself. Without his company, we wouldn't have Little Hawk ... or a lot of other great gliders! Thanks Bill. :clap:

Then there's David Beardslee. When I needed a way to get the glider and simulator from LA down to San Diego, Dave stepped up ... and drove up ... to get it. Dave was also at the festival where we used Joe Greblo's little glider, and he provided the transportation for that effort as well. Dave has a way of putting a smile on people's faces, and that's great for our sport. Thanks Dave ... for so much!! :wave:

Then came John Heiney. John's expertise in hang glider construction was fantastic. He let me use his shop and pick his brain. He was there from the first "incision" I made in the sail all the way through the final swedging of the last wire. He helped with frame redesign, static and dynamic balance, wires, and even some minor sewing tasks. Thanks John for your help with Little Hawk and for many years of friendship. :clap: :clap: :clap:

But John wasn't the only person involved in Little Hawk from soup to nuts. My long time friend Margie Holland was quick to catch on to the enthusiasm. Margie volunteered to help with the sewing and that morphed into several days (and late nights) of fitting, re-fitting, and then re-re-fitting. I would say that the bulk of the slow, careful, "I don't want to cut this too short" work actually happened at Margie's home. That's where we first assembled it enough (with strings for "wires") to be able to run test it. Thanks for being a friend Margie!! :thumbup:

Of course, when it came to doing the sail work, there was no one who could compare to Mitch McAleer. Mitch spent at least two sessions with Little Hawk in his sewing loft (or sewing barn). The first round was mostly to help me understand what had to be done with the frame and to get his insights on how to proceed. The second session was all sewing. When I asked Mitch how I could repay him, he just asked me to drive on one of his epic flights from Lake Elsinore to ... the beach! Thanks Mitch, it was a treat to watch your work, and an honor to drive for you. :wave:

Then there were many many other players who pitched in one way or another. Steve Stackable, for example, was quick to donate spare hardware and he even broke open an old Falcon bag to donate some tubes that I needed. Then there was Steve Baran and a bunch of the Torrey "regulars" who helped just by offering their suggestions and encouragement. And I can't forget Ken Bryenton who built the wooden cradle blocks and helped inspire the project through his own ongoing outreach at Torrey. They all contributed in one way or another to help build a great little glider that works so well for its purpose. Thanks to the Steves, and to Ken, and to all the other pilots who pitched in along the way. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Well, that's the history of Little Hawk. It was a hang gliding community effort, and I hope it will reward that community by bringing more good people into this great sport. When you look at the faces of those kids, and when you look at the smiles on all the people who've ever touched Little Hawk (or who ever will touch Little Hawk), I want you to always remember the many good people who pitched in to make this possible.
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Re: Little HAWK comes to Northwest FLORIDA

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:17 am

I just happened to be browsing the web and I came across this YouTube video that Neil had posted of our day at Crestview High School's Aviation Class with Little Hawk:

Thanks for posting that Neil. I'm looking forward to coming back when it's not raining ... so the students can give it a run outside.

Thanks for the great outreach for hang gliding!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Re: Little HAWK comes to Northwest FLORIDA

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:12 pm

I'd like to start getting Little Hawk back in action.

If anyone in the Florida area (possibly including Georgia) would like a visit from Little Hawk for either an event or hang gliding promotion. Please either post here or give me a call at 858-204-7499.

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Re: Little HAWK comes to Northwest FLORIDA

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Sun Aug 04, 2019 11:09 am

This topic was written before the U.S. Hawks had the code to embed videos, so I just wanted to update it.

The first part of the video shows Neil Larson and I setting up the glider.
The second part (starting at 7:15) shows us teaching the class.
The last portion of the video shows kids in the harness.

Thanks Neil!!!
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Re: Little HAWK comes to Northwest FLORIDA

Postby dhmartens » Sun Aug 04, 2019 1:29 pm

Little Hawk could be the first portable hang glider prototype. Re do the leading edge hardware, insert smaller carbon fiber leading edge inside aluminum leading so it telescopes out, and then velcro on the sail extension.

The first telescopic portable hang glider.

No one will do it because of hidden mind control techniques that prevent its invention.
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Re: Little HAWK comes to Northwest FLORIDAChris

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:31 am

Chris sent me a text message about this video this morning ...

Chris wrote:I am watching the Video of You and another Guy setting up a Glider in what appears to be a school Class Room. Good on You Bob. To think that just Maybe You Two might have lit the spark of inspiration so that one of those Students will go on to fly one-day themselves.

For what it's worth. I think it is just so cool what you guys did that Day. Heck Bob You very well just might be at a Flying Site setting up Your Glider, when a Young Pilot comes up to You and says: You won't remember Me. But You and another Guy came and set up a Hang Glider. It really did inspire Me to become a Pilot. Wouldn't that be Great Bob?

Yes it would Chris. :)

Thanks for finding and reading this old topic. :salute:
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Re: Little HAWK comes to Northwest FLORIDA

Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Apr 11, 2024 12:11 pm

OK; So, what I am going to say on this post heck everyone Who was involved with getting this "Little Hawk Glider to this School where You showed THOSE Kids that Personal Free-Flight is a very real possibility. I hope, and it was used to convey to those Kids, that there are some very real Possibilities in their immediate Future.

Ok I fully realize that Ny Compliments to John, Bob and the rest of the Pilots who put his Little Hawk Glider together, and used it to Demonstrate How these Kids might be able to enjoy, True Freedom. "Free-Flight"

Looking at these Images and reading the Captions has Me wishing that some Pilots had brought a "Little Hawk" to My High School oh 45 Years ago...

So this is about it, for now. Good on You Guys.
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Re: Little HAWK comes to Northwest FLORIDA

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Mon Apr 22, 2024 9:58 am

Chris McKeon wrote:Looking at these Images and reading the Captions has Me wishing that some Pilots had brought a "Little Hawk" to My High School oh 45 Years ago...

Thanks Chris. I hope all hang gliding pilots will take some inspiration from "Little Hawk" and make their own efforts to reach out and spread the sport of hang gliding to those who might enjoy it.
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