I'm guessing that you are located somewhere in Region 8. If I'm correct, check out the below information.
Here's a link to Connecticut's Recreational land statute -
Under #4 you will see hang gliding listed.
Here's Maine's law -
Under B you will find hang gliding.
Here's a link to Massachusetts' law -
Oddly, MA only defines "recreational" activities and does not seem to give a list. But other States usually do not limit their law to only what's on their list. So, . . .
Here's a link to New Hampshire's law -
It doesn't mention hang gliding or seem to include anything beyond their limited list. But I've made the point before that until a person is in the air they are not hang gliding. While your feet are on the ground you are (arguably) hiking - with a hang glider over head, . . . in case it begins to rain. Hiking is listed in NH's law. Also, once you're in the air only the FAA has authority over your movements, not a land owner or the local or State gov.
Here's a link to Vemont's law -
Under #4 you will once more find hang gliding listed.
About Rhode Island, . . . is there even such a thing as a hang gliding site in Rhode island?
I couldn't (easily) find a recreational land use law for Rhode Island. I might have to look harder.
BTW - I've yet to find a State law that specifically includes the activity known as "paragliding" in their land use law.