Bob Kuczewski wrote:Frank Colver wrote:Remember I had a lot of email conversations with Mark, back when I was trying to get you back into USHPA as an "insurance only" member.
I do remember. You made a perfectly good suggestion and you got shot down. Then you renewed your USHPA again like nothing ever happened. You also made perfectly good suggestions about Joe being banned. Again, you were shot down and now continue on as if nothing ever happened.
Just as with Red (since you brought him up), you're willing to accept injustices as long as you get what you want. I'm sorry, but that's a moral tradeoff that I cannot respect. Both you and Red go ballistic when I say these things because you know they're true. I'm sorry to have to say this, but I think you're making a terrible deal with the Devil just to get what you want.
Yeah, Frank, Bob does freely attack people who do not do his bidding. His attacks on me are not based on a simple case of right and wrong, no matter what Bob may think. It is a case of two good choices, and one of them MUST get my priority. I have chosen a very simple agenda. Bob uses a propaganda technique called the "straw man" to reduce my agenda to what he calls "helpful hints" and then tries to minimize my work as such. He is very wrong about that. He is entitled to his opinions, even though they are wrong. Propaganda is no substitute for clear reasoning.
Bob's "Wall of Shame" post is nothing short of public cyber-bullying. It is shameful, but the shame goes mostly to him, and to this web site. If he wishes to run folks off in droves, this is exactly how it is done.
My agenda is to help new HG pilots to realize when they have a bad instructor, or get bad advice, and possibly they may be thinking that they must accept the bad hand of cards with no alternatives. If my "advice" website can help just ONE pilot to avoid a lifelong wheelchair, or a bedridden and hopeless existence, or maybe even an early grave, then I am happy to contribute to their dreams, and to their safety. I will follow the simple rules of any website that allows me a speaking platform, and even tolerate the BS attacks that I get here from Bob, to continue with my agenda. Sadly, U.S. Hawks is not a high platform, but any platform is better than none, for my purposes.
I know, Bob wants everybody to feel that the only "right" choice is to fight against the injustices of *his* life. That selfish view may or may not be a good cause, but I have chosen a larger cause, and that choice was made long before I met Bob. He is still healthy; he can just walk away from his self-inflicted disputes and go flying. I am more engaged in the health and safety of others, very many others, and I refuse to abandon them to the darkness. No brag just fact, but I get email from across the globe, and typically there will be some statement with terms like "revelation" or "street-smarts," and thanks in various degrees. One Norwegian website copied and pasted much of my web page, but without citing the source. They recently removed my words from their website, rather than simply adding a byline, but at least now they have added a link to my site. Hey, I'm an easy-going guy.
Bob will probably continue his attacks on me, and the world. I steadfastly refuse to do his bidding, and I totally reject his "judgment" on the right and wrong of my choices. I would regret that he attacks you, too, but remember always, that the guy slinging mud is really losing ground. I believe that you and Joe have done important work, lifelong, and no one guy can diminish your contributions. Best wishes.