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Re: Will John aprove?

Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Oct 07, 2024 9:42 am

OK First off, I want to just say that as I am stating here in this Post: Will John approve of My efforts, my interest in being able to Short - Pack My Predator? So as the title of the song By the Rolling Stones says: Just waiting on a Friend. I am waiting for My Friend John to show up here, in a week or Two, Oh Yea! See for one thing, My Predator needs to be tended to by My Predators Creator, John. John will be performing a IRAN on My Predator. That way I will be assured that My Predator is Air - Worthy.
Chris McKeon
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Re: Will John aprove?

Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Oct 09, 2024 8:42 pm

In a week or so. I will see John: It has been Oh about Twenty Plus Years of Flying My Predator. I have Question's that I want to ask John. I am looking forward to seeing John. For John is going to Perform an IRAN on My Predator, Heck. I believe that My Predator needs an IRAN done on it.
Chris McKeon
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