It touched my sleep trying to get a handle over what Red might be meaning by "LYING FRAUD."
Some preliminaries:
1. I am uncertain exactly what Red might be meaning by "LYING FRAUD" and stand willing to go back and forth with Red until clarification is heightened.
2. Below I will make an attempt to describe what I right now believe Red meant when he repeats frequently the phrase "LYING FRAUD." i am willing to sculpt changes to my understanding upon discussion with Red about the phrase.
3. And I will form some questions that might help carve out some understanding and clarification.
First, some questions to help tease out later description:
Q1. Does Red use the phrase "LYING FRAUD" to describe how he would feel about himself if he published phrases found in text of another person without fully adopting those phrases as his own?
Q2. Does plagiarism play a role in Red's conscience?
Q3. What understanding of plagiarism does Red have? Is it plagiarism when phrases are offered for absolute full adoption; that is, absolute release is made by composers of phrases, like setting out invention into public domain deliberately or accidentally?
Q4. What is the process of adoption of phrases that occurs in normal human creativity?
Surrounding Q1, some exploration:
If I adopted a phrase or statement found in a book
only partially and published that phrase or statement in a manner that a reader could well assume that I
fully believed in the phrase or statement, then I would convict myself as being a "LYING FRAUD" relative to the readers. Plus, if the phrase was owned by the book and the matter held creativity or novelty, then I would be amiss for not crediting the creator of the novelty or creative phrase---and in a second sense the threshold of "LYING FRAUD' might apply to me. However, if a phrase or statement was not held in ownership but absolutely freely given to public domain and I fully adopted the phrase or statement as my own and gave such in a post where the flow had reader take me at my word, then I would not convict myself of being a "LYING FRAUD."
With that, I wonder if Red is distinguishing between a case of publishing without owning what he publishes and the different case of absolute owning what he publishes. I would not want Red to publish except what he owned ... owned by fair adoption or owned by core creativity without any adoption. My other post brought up the challenge about creativity where almost all a human has comes from standing on the shoulders of others, even down to the use of simple words like "king" or "culpable" or "hang gliding" or "aerodynamics" or "free", etc. I feel no pang of lying fraud when I write about "splinted airbeams" while not having mention of company that coined "tensairity". The ancient splinting of weak beams of many sorts is a known technology; that a company is focusing strongly on that technology does not mean they own the ancient splinted beam technology. If Red cannot see himself fully owning something in the public domain, then Red appropriately would probably not tell readers that he fully owned that something; such would have him live out a "LYING FRAUD." That would show integrity by Red: publishes as his only what he owned (by any method). I would encourage Red to avoid being a "LYING FRAUD."
Surrounding Q2, Q3, Q4, some exploration:
What is and is not plagiarism? One find: "the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own." If one was plagiarizing in a post, then one might convict oneself as being a "LYING FRAUD." What is "someone else's work or ideas" ? If Sally has made an ice cream cone and I took the ice cream cone and said I made that ice cream cone, then I would be lying. But if Sally gave me the ice cream cone to have as my own absolutely, then I could give the ice cream cone to a third party and say truthfully: "Here, please have my ice cream cone." But if Sally gave me the ice cream cone conditionally that I tell the third party that the cone originated from Sally, and if I did not fulfill that condition, then I could convict myself of a bad thing.
In committee, phrases and statements are offered and released into the committee's ownership. Hey, I had an idea close to THAT and maybe even exactly THAT The committee works and works. The members disband the committed; minds have grown by the fertilization of the committee's work. The committee had an understanding that their synergy would affect each member of the committee. Each member went from the experience with a changed life and perspective. Then one of the committee members publishes what he or she believe to be good ideas or statements; she or he owned what he or she published. He or she owes no duty to credit the synergy of the committee, especially when what is published also has mixtures of content with a thousand other sources in the writer's life. It would be sad, I hold, if a person's attitude was that "their ideas" have no roots in parents, teachers, friends, authors, newspapers, books, magazines, essays, poems, speeches, nature's offering, angels, God, etc. Spending some ink in thanksgiving would be nice, but I do not interrupt this sentence to thank Mr. Burke or Ms. Folsom for having taught me how say "interrupt" and write "interrupt" and understanding what it might mean to "interrupt." etc. There is a huge and deep train of clouds of gift from others that brought a rich understanding of "interrupt" when I write that word; sorry for interrupting the sentence with some touch on the roots of "interrupt" in me.
Red, look carefully if Bob placed in public domain some holdings. If so, then you would be free to 100% own his offerings. And you could probably see on what you chose to own as matter that probably was already yours before seeing the Bob offerings. No plagiarism when matter is in public domain or given absolutely without strings. Ingratitude is a different matter. I went over 8 years not finding any mention in the literatore for what I coined as "cavexion." Finally, the mechanical principle involved in my local creativity about what I coined as "cavexion" or "cavexity" that used "cavexors" was observed tucked away in an obscure balloon patent; my local creativity was firm, but global priority must go at least to that author of that balloon patent. I tell the truth when I say, "It felt in my discovery process that I invented cavexion." I tell a larger truth if I ascribed, "Many have affected my life in such a way that "cavexion" surfaced in me and it felt original and perhaps inventive." It would be "LYING FRAUD" if I wrote now that I was the absolute inventor of the mechanical principle involved. Anyone is free to adopt "cavexion" without referencing me. And the involved principle is now in public domain; just refrain from claiming to be the absolute inventor of cavexion, as such is not true. But freely use and tell about cavexion without interrupting to trace all the synergistic flows that bring cavexion to the front focus.
In growing hang gliding, many people have suggested with release many ideas and phrases and statement. Adopt them as your own or not. If you, Red, make a statement, I'll trust that you own that statement. Good on you.
I've been for many years offering to Bob and others phrases and ideas while placing such into public domain (absolutely no need to refer to me upon adopting as one's own the phrases or ideas). And in reverse I've received from some others equivalently.
Please look closely to see if you were encouraged to have 100% freedom over ownership of offerings (none, some, or much). Look closely to see if you were being encouraged to do something that you could not fully adopt as your own.
I find no evidence for "LYING FRAUD" encouragement, but I can sense in concert with Red, that if Red or I published knowing readers would get the wrong message, then our bad.
But to publish good true stuff would be our good.