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Postby Bill Cummings » Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:03 pm

Chris McKeon wrote:OK I guess this is not exactly: "ON SUBJECT". But it is really is closely associated with Flying. Ok I fully realize also that I am putting The Cart Before the Horse. OK here is what I am trying to find out; My Sister currently is driving down to the Bay Area Where She wi get us New Cell Phones. So I do not know what Intelligent Phone that She will get. Se up here in the Redwoods, Cazadero We have been having a problem with reception. If One has an Intelligent Phone. Can just about any of them take Video images?

Sorry of the Fact that I do not have either the Brand or the Model of My future Phone. But any Imput, thoughts would be appreciated. Good By Chris.

Most cell phones nowadays will take pictures and video.
Signal strength could also depend on which carrier you are going through.
Sometimes my Verizon carrier signal is too week to make calls but texting
will work if it can make a connection momentarily.
Pilots on T Mobile seem to have no trouble connecting from
the Mag Rim Launch.
So sometimes it’s a carrier/ tower problem and not
a bad phone.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Mar 17, 2023 6:23 pm

I mow that Quite possibly that i will be Flying again. So I hope just like all of us do, to embark on Long Cross Country Flights where i am able to extend My Horizon, due to my covering a lot of Distance on an XC Flight. But there is a Real downside to Flying XC by Me anyways. For in the Past I have merely get up and Fly. Not really worrying about getting retrieved. So taking off from a California Mountain site in the Sierras and landing I do not know, say Six or seven Hours later in Gardnerville Navara. Where I only had a Vague Idea of where I waas. I knew that I had flown East, but How far had I Flown? This was My California to Nevada flight with a very shaky Flight Plan. This type of XC flight will not work for Me anymore. For I want to know where I am. Also I want instruments that can communicate with the Driver. Does Garmin make what I am looking for?
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Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Mar 22, 2023 5:55 pm

So thank You Mr. Wizard for helping Me to be able to Post again. My current plan is this: Hopefully after John returns From the Point this Summer He will drop by here in Cazadero. That way I will be able to ride down to Southern California with John. I will be able to actually meet Bob, Frank, and others Face to Face. Oh Yes I have My release back for Dockweiler. This will be so much fun. I can hardly wait.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:08 pm

Guys, or I guess I should say Hello Fellow Hawks. I do appreciate that none of You, or Maybe it is just that None of You have come out and said much about how I have become a Nuisance. But as I hope is the case with mE; To know Mw is to Love Me. Anyways I have that all important piece of Paper, that Piece of paper is the Piece of Paper, that is a release so that I will be allowed to Fly a Glider at Docweiler Beach. If I do indeed Pull off a Major Hat Trick in Flying at Docweiler. I will launch, boat around. oR mAYBE i Will simply Glide sown the slope, Flar, and land. Hopefully I will land on y feet. If this des appen, and trust Me If it does happen, and trust Me I am Praying that I do am able to leave the Ground Then Fly for I do not know how many seconds that the Flight will last. But that Flight. Those few seconds that I will spend in the Air,will Be by Far My Greatest Flight. I just want to make it Clear that it will be My greatest Moment in the Air for Me!
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Postby Bob Kuczewski » Wed Mar 22, 2023 10:17 pm

Chris McKeon wrote:Guys, or I guess I should say Hello Fellow Hawks.

"Fellow Hawks" is good.      :thumbup:

Chris McKeon wrote:Anyways I have that all important piece of Paper, that Piece of paper is the Piece of Paper, that is a release so that I will be allowed to Fly a Glider at Docweiler Beach.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

I'll believe it when I see it.      ;)

Chris McKeon wrote:I do not know how many seconds that the Flight will last. But that Flight. Those few seconds that I will spend in the Air,will Be by Far My Greatest Flight. I just want to make it Clear that it will be My greatest Moment in the Air for Me!

I agree 100%.      :thumbup: :clap: :wave: :salute:
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Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:08 am


Guys, I fully realize and I understand how "OFF" "ODD" maybe Be I am a Bit Nuts. But do not kid Yourselves. For while I pounded into the ground harder than a Pilot had a rite to, and continue to live. But contrary to My attending Doctors Thirteen Years ago. I failed to Surrcomb, I refused to Comply with the initial Prognosis. No even though I ended up being in a Coma for three Months. My Body refused to Die. I say; My Body because for My Mind, those were dark Days and Nights for Ne. I am so glad that My Doctors initial assessment of My Physical Outcome was so in error. For I will show to everyone that Yes Vegetables can indeed Fly. I will be more than content being a Flying Potato.

I am not making that Up. A Doctor really did tell my Sister Kathleen; "He will never walk again, and that He will be a Vegetable". The Way I see it. That fool of an inept Doctor. Had sold Me short regarding My ability to recover, to live, to Fly. Well in order for Him to recover some sense of decency, so that now He can no longer feel Bad regarding the Short sighted Cruel things that He said about Mr. I want Him to feel good about Himself. Never Walk again, Vegetable? Heck Mr. Doctor, why don't You Drive for Me on My Next XC Flight? Also if You do retrieve Me.. I insist that I Buy You a Tank of Gas. Because being that I have thirteen Years of Cross Country Wander Lust Built up inside. I am just itching to extend My Horizon.
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Postby JoeF » Fri Mar 24, 2023 7:21 am

Chris, you are flying in my life; your up spirit has been driving home some keen positive values; thank you.
book cover:
Book cover: The Flying Potato
bookcoverTheFlyingPotato.jpg (45.45 KiB) Viewed 838 times

=================================== ... t-sun-fri/
Flying high above and darting through old growth forests there lives the Marbled Murrelet, a bird nicknamed the flying potato.


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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Mar 24, 2023 2:08 pm

As most of You know, I am working My way back to where I will be Flying again. I weighed Myself the Morning of My Last Flight. I weighed Two Hundred Ninety Eight Pounds. I never did Weigh Three Hundred Pounds. But Two Hundred Ninety Eight Pounds is close enough to being too much weight for Me have been expecting My 158 Predator to be able to carry. I have found that My dropping say at least ninety eight pounds was oh so easy to do. I simply went on the "POUND DIET" But in other ways than to be able to shed weight. Thee are large Physical penalties that must be paid by the Person who goes on the Pound Diet. Namely sd in My Case; A shattered Eye Socket. Spasticity down My al down the Left side of My Body. Sheered Brain Axons. In My opinion there is too large a Price to paid, just to end up Flying at a lower Wing loading.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Mar 25, 2023 9:37 am

OK, Check these thoughts of MINe out. I say "Thoughts" Because heck, My having thoughts about Flying is for the Present anyways; Thoughts regarding Flying is just about all I have at Present.


OK the way I see it. I want to achieve the optimal Wing Loading for a One Fifty Eight Predator. As John has when Flying His One Forty Two Predator. How cool it must of been when John was designing the Predator. That John was able to achieve having an Hg that was sized optimently for His Body Weight. I want that for My 158 Predator. To achieve that Goal. That Goal being the optimal Body weight for when I do Fly My 158 Predator. This Morning I am at the the Body weight where I need to loose Eleven more Pounds. I just can not believe that I will be a Sub-One Hundred Pound One Fifty Eight Predator Pilot!

OK I know that i will receive negative Push-Back for what I am about to say here, bt thought bears My Saying it anyways. I do believe that having My Body weight down to the Point where I will be able to stay up in the Air longer, thus I will have more enjoyable Flights. An injoyabile Flight for Me is a long Duration Flight. John said in a Video that "He only visited the Sky. Heck I want to live up there. I would love to have My Mail Delivered to Me up in the Sky! Yes I can see it in My Minds Eye, where My address would be: 158 Predator Cloud Base way.

OK, even though I emagine that I will get Pus-Bacl for My daring To even Mention those two Dreaded, Foul, Cuss Letters of the English Language: "XC". I do hope that when I once again am Flying My Predator, extending My Horizon for the Given Day. I hope that the time that I spend Flying will be longer, and thus My XC routes will be Further than before when Pounded

I will just come
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Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Mar 28, 2023 8:06 am

Hello Everyone:

Ok I am going to say that most likely I along with typing things that I want to convey here using My Fingers and the Keyboard. But I tend to also Talk, and Yes I have typed a lot of Smack. OK, I beieve everyone knows when I am typing Trash. Here is an example of Typing Smack: "My Flying Friend Pilot X is a Good Guy, But X is a BAD Pilot. X flies well, He gets alomg through the Air. In fact I look forward to Flying with X again. I told Him that Yes together We would be able to Fly together as a team while Flying XC Routes. I am looking forward to Flying along with Robert where we are both Flying each Wing, His Atos, and My Predator, oh I do not know how far apart say a Yards apart or so That way if say I Blinder into a Thermal. Then X upon seeing Me going round and round will head over and enter the Thermal below Me. Below Me, Yes this is where X always seems to be when He and I are working a Thermal for Lift. CLAIMER DISCLAIMER: Ok here was an example of My hacving typed (TYPING TRASH) So when I will Type out some Trash Speak. I will type {TS} at the begining of what I will be typing.OK right now, I am going to use the (TS) at the begining of what I say in order for Me to sign off:

(TS)So to all You Wak Pilots except One; GEt high and go Far!
Chris McKeon
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