Just as it looked like donations were drying up at 28k, an anonymous donation of $2000 came in.
Mark Forbes, is that you? ..(satire) because we know Mark would never do that without hero recognition.
Gee, I wonder who?
I think Jim Zeisit, was pressured to make a donation to the Womens' Team in return for the cover-up of all the "misspent" USHGA funds
when he and Mark Forbes nearly bankrupted 'the Corporation, back in the day. He skated out of leadership, turning it over to Tim Herr, the corporate lawyer and Mark Forbes, as they swept the issue under the rug. Those two know where all the bodies are buried because they are the ones that filled in the graves.
The power grab of a few days ago is a continuation of an ongoing cover-up. They have to limit the prying eyes of the members by controlling who might gain access to how the sausage is made.
This is not just my conspiratorial mindset running wild. There was a true, world class finance analytical guy that briefly looked into the corporate books during
the time in question and came up with the conclusion that all was not well in this land of volunteer machinations. Of course he was silenced somehow and he disappeared never to be heard from again. His name was Warren S.. something.. Scribner? Scrivner? I mean this guy was in Who's Who of his field of work. No dummy, he.
I wrote about this on the now defunct USHGA yahoo list years ago. I have some copies on old hard drives and will try to search on yahoo but they make it pretty hard to find things there, or I just am not good at it. Dan Brown, also wrote about it and he went silent. He's a California lawyer, maybe someone knows him?
Mark why don't you come clean and redeem yourself. Tell us it was you instead of Jim Zeisit, that nearly brought down USHGA, once before.
Make another sizeable donation to Tiki, and maybe we will forgive you for being such a ...