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Re: "Hang Gliding" being co-opted as Paragliding?

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Tue Sep 20, 2022 3:11 pm

Craig Muhonen wrote:A commenter noted:

blastman8888 wrote:You notice all those guys are 55-65 plus years old Hang gliding is hobby that is dyeing being replaced by paragliding and paramotoring. The one thing is hang gliders are not easy to transport have a big pole and parts wing has to be folded up. Paraglider can fold it all up into a backpack hitch a ride, or have uber pick them up.

I added my own reply to the video and quoted both "blastman8888" and Rick Masters. Here's a screen shot of my post on YouTube:

Reply_YouTube_CBS_8_post.png (263.84 KiB) Viewed 1062 times

It hasn't shown up on YouTube yet, and I'm not sure why.    :roll:
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Re: "Hang Gliding" being co-opted as Paragliding?

Postby Craig Muhonen » Fri Sep 23, 2022 4:30 pm

HG being "Out Videoed" by PG,
On Rumble,
well over a hundred posts

over 110 videos of  PG.png
over 110 videos of PG.png (111.23 KiB) Viewed 1040 times

only 19 HG videos on rumble starting with a fish

only19 rumble hg.png
only19 rumble hg.png (130.02 KiB) Viewed 1040 times

#95 on the list this guy did 5 separate posts ... es-it-the-

#105 on the list Halop-Hallop

Oh, this looks fun honey/him/zay/zee, but it's pure animal cruelty.

These people should be cuffed and taken in for reckless endangerment, not to themselves of course.
Rick says.png
Rick says.png (117.81 KiB) Viewed 1040 times

anti PG and pro HG on rumble, would be a good balance,
Youtube would have none of it.
Times a wasting
whos in?.

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Re: "Hang Gliding" being co-opted as Paragliding?

Postby Craig Muhonen » Thu Sep 29, 2022 5:01 pm

US HAWKS World Class Videographers
H0pinion, Why Not?

How about a, "HAWK EYES" citizen journalist part of US HAWKS, that tours the country asking the good questions that need to be asked, and getting them on film and audio, embarrassing themselves trying to answer.

Flying into TPGP would be a good start to pull the curtain back on this guy,
who is "crusen for a brusen" and loves shoving it in our faces.
Mr. double fingers.png
Mr. double fingers.png (89.74 KiB) Viewed 1003 times

I would do the same thing, in a heart beat if I could, at Telluride Gold Hill launch site which was controlled by the Boulder and Colorado Springs contingent of USHPA, until they shamelessly "bullied" HG out of the air and abused the ski areas with their "masses", then refused to pay a higher AIG insurance rate, effectively banning all foot launched flying from major ski areas forever after. Don't get me started on that one.

Thank you Bob for helping me post on this subject.
All things considered, I find that this is the biggest reason that HG is in decline for some time now.
Who is doing it, the PG and PM media machine is massive and well organized and the HG "machine" is small or practically nonexistent.

The different Forums and chat rooms seem to just pass along peoples opinions or, "expert" well intended advice, and video links get passed around like we were constantly around the "thanksgiving" diner table. "Pass me this, pass me that", only to be gobbled down and then discreetly deposited in the toilet, without much thought. Toilets are my forte as a Plumber. ha..
I notice on US HAWKS there are many many viewers that are only there to see what we're doing, only to enhance their narrative behind the scenes.

I think words and videos are great, but unless articulated, well formed, and well produced on various "platforms", they are doomed to the toilet of the "inconspicuous".

I have recently applied for and gotten (quite easily, who the hell am I?) a (check it out) "newsletter" titled, "My Crawlspace Perspective" which now sits there among all the other authors big and small.
I notice that our own Rick Masters has a site now in his lengthy progression into HG and PG, PM politics.
His music and artistic abilities, and his writing show so well.

I have yet to publish anything because I'm such a novice, but in reading the vast amount of authored topics which are free to read by anyone, I was struck by the notion that all you well written US HAWKS could combine forces, and "subscribe" with yourselves at first, and then get a much bigger following of a very small but interested Hang Gliding community because of your vast knowledge, AND engineering skills.
If you want to go some "paid subscribers" that can be done too.

The question was asked by JoeF and Bill Commings, "why not Youtube videos"?

To enhance the aspects of Hang Gliding not only on the beautiful music videos, but on the political side of the massive attempt by PG and PM to, "Co-Opt" out the truth, is to, "publish" with each other on substack and gain a foot hold with a much wider range of interested readers.

We don't need to know the, "History" of Hang Gliding if all it does is make us reminisce fondly about the past
or make us pissed off about the sorry state of "Big media".

I feel that US HAWKS is in position now to take the next step into the
Videography and Podcasting world, by building teams of videographers in the different chapters, to put the training of new Hang Gliders and instructors front view, and also teach others about the "insurance scam" that is going on and the many alternatives which aren't talked about, which I think has thwarted many would be Hang Glider Pilots old and new.

John Heiney over the years has advocated for VR Hang Gliding flight simulators and also "wind machines" to get new fliers advanced much quicker
and much more, "funner". :D :) :D :)
Here is one, very similar to Microsoft 2020 Flight Sim ( which is incredible )

He would build a portable wind machine, but his work as a world class flight instructor and Videographer, and lack of money, keeps him concentrating on mentoring his next student, which is what it's all about anyway.

Onward and Upward

I submit this beautiful piece of writing on the subject of Hang Gliding, and even if you don't fly, you can imagine.

You embrace her and feel her tremble and sigh, responsive to your touch.
You pay attention to the air ocean you are about to enter.
You don’t turn your back to it’s waves, lest they sweep you away.
You don’t make a bunch of ridiculous and distracting choreographic moves at the critical moment of take off.
You stand firm and focus on the sky that beckons you.
You stand firm and focus on the movement of the air coming up the hill towards you.
A gust? A thermal? The devil?
Your hang glider is completely ready to go, trusting you to guide her.
You stand there, confident, in quiet excitement, feeling her fly on your shoulders like an ever wondrous and powerfully fleet, obedient Gryphen about to be released from her cage.
You see the grass ripple.
You watch the birds.
You listen to the words of the wind, sometimes you wait for signs of a thermal teasing the bushes.
You wait for the right moment, when the wind feels perfect, with your fabulous wing already flying inches over your head, responsive to your every command.
You trust her.
Then you take a few steps and fly away to heaven.
You are joyously and instantly and smoothly transformed into an ethereal being.
There is no drama.
Drama is for idiots. Rick Masters. 2018. US HAWKS

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Re: "Hang Gliding" being co-opted as Paragliding?

Postby JoeF » Thu Sep 29, 2022 7:20 pm

Craig, please remind me of the meaning of "PM" in your posts. Thanks.
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Re: "Hang Gliding" being co-opted as Paragliding?

Postby Craig Muhonen » Thu Sep 29, 2022 9:30 pm

I see PM sometimes used for para-motoring,
it's confusing, but maybe just a "P" would do,
as in, "P" your pants, and Tandem Motorized Paragliding,
well that's where the two P's come in,
USPPA, two people peeing their pants. ha..

Here is something from the net.

"A paramotor is a motorized paraglider (MP) that is used for flying. A propeller, typically powered by a small two-stroke engine, is strapped to the back of the pilot. A paraglider is attached to the pilot with carabiners. To take off, the pilot gets a running start, then gives the paramotor some gas via a hand-held throttle to gain lift. Taking off and landing are typically performed in an open field.
There are no formal certification requirements for paramotor pilots. However, training is Strongly suggested by the United States Powered Paragliding Association.

I talked to David Cronk awhile back and he said that when his new partner Dick Eipper strapped a chain saw engine with a rigged propeller to his back, got under his perfectly good Hang Glider and launched himself off the cliffs, he knew that this fledging industry was going to get a lot more crazy, and away from the pure sport of just plain and simple foot launched Hang Gliding.
Got to hand it to Dick though, the "Ultralight" became the most flown aircraft in the world, although the true craft I think, is still the Hang Glider wing.

I'm glad to know you on the pages of US HAWKS. TY.


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Re: "Hang Gliding" being co-opted as Paragliding?

Postby Craig Muhonen » Mon Oct 03, 2022 6:41 pm

What a great little platform Juan Browne and Dan Gryder are building for General Aviation.
In this one, I put the USHPA in place of the word FAA just for fun, and it fit perfectly.
Shows what can be done on a small pocket book, with a lot of passion about training and telling the honest truth.
Seems to me that HG could find a "Juan Brown" and a "Dan Gryder" type, to keep tabs on what's going on, using this platform model. These guys are saving lives overall.

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Re: "Hang Gliding" being co-opted as Paragliding?

Postby Craig Muhonen » Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:56 pm

Free Flight.png
Free Flight.png (85.54 KiB) Viewed 962 times

I estimated the cost of this, doomed from the start ride, at $8,000.
Jebb has a giant "slush fund" with the SD police union to draw off of, and sucked the city council into their "Lare". (to fatten and feed).

Probably the biggest Paragliding Co-Opted word is, "free flight", it has radically changed recreational flying sports for the worse,
when before it was just called "foot launched hang gliding", and the the word "free" could mean, "free to choose the best glider possible".

This video from the PG Telluride Airforce shows just how powerful USHPA is, and they keep getting away with their massive Co-Opting scheme.
click on "Dan O flying Telluride" and be ready to cringe.
Looking at PG reminds me of, "Hands up don't shoot".

Hang Gliding does not have a "push back" video corps YET!!
come on guys

Chris, you could write and play some cool music and, "publish" it.

If you add up all he "costs" since 1989 Paragliding has a huge price tag on it, and AIG finally caught up,
and of course USHPA has predictably buried the stats
and made it seem safe and inexpensive, and easy.
US HAWKS Rick Masters says it so well;
"Paragliding is a bunch of gamblers flying a tree condom" and,
"drama is for idiots".
No better description.

Progressives have pushed headlong past "quality",
with their narrative on inclusiveness, diversity and equity,
to a point which has utterly diluted the truth.

Let's push that stick forward because we are definitely, "Looking at the ground".

on a different but valuable subject

I've been wearing these "Wireless Bone Conduction Headphones" for two years now and they really work to bring true clear sound into my brain, while being totally hands free.
Ear Buds" collect moisture up against the ear drum, "headphones" block outside hearing and, "Not Good".

This post from a person on,
sorry for the blurry.
way cool headphones that really are a hearing aid.png
way cool headphones that really are a hearing aid.png (165.67 KiB) Viewed 962 times

Stay connected


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Re: "Hang Gliding" being co-opted as Paragliding?

Postby Craig Muhonen » Wed Feb 15, 2023 1:45 pm


DaveSchy wrote:When the USHGA was approached by paragliding, it was after they were unable to obtain insurance on their own, or through the skydiving clubs.
USHGA had stellar insurance through Lloyd's of London for many years and that is what the PG community needed.
USHGA got greedy, drank that grape Kool aid and as soon as Lloyd's got a sniff at paragliding actuarial data, They new it right off the but but said nothing. it was so bad compared to hang gliding, and Rick Masters has put together the true numbers, starting in 2010, and put the caution out but it seems PG is ok wit5h these bad numbers.they quickly dropped the entire shebang. That is the PG vacuum that could be filled by HG.
That's what happened

We can't do anything to win over the fliers of parachutes, but we could/should have everything in place to replace USHPA with something else. Something simple.

To combat the "co-opt"
Create an LLC or a PLCC that is made up of HG clubs, videographers, and certified HG single pilot, non tandem hang gliders, adopting their own "AQP" and airworthiness standards for HG, and making a PowerPoint proposal to LLoyds to be underwriters and insurers of the operation. No need to be an association, 501, foundation, or be National, it's just a business providing a service state by state. The service being to coordinate all the HG pilots and their wings, into a simple one entity. It takes a good database. The LLoyds backed LLC or PLCC could speak as one, through US Hawks and other platforms for HG, and develop their own substack type network and subscriber membership. It could also be the "new" residing place for HGMA. It would be a new insurance umbrella for all single pilot, foot launched hang gliders, exactly like they did in the early 70's on the liability side. TAF and LLoyds kicked off the most exciting times for everyone starting in 72', and the fly inns brought pilots and people from all over the world, and to this day Telluride's and TAF's safety record is unmatched. The LLC or PLCC would make a well written proposal to LLoyds, and I think they would come back to single pilot Hang Gliders, and put the "gamblers" in a clear light. This would carry some weight. and I think pilots would become "members", rather than associates or shareholders.

As far as commercial tandem operations go, which really did ruin the launch sites from day one , they will make their own way and be separate. Non tandem instructor pilots should not have to pay commercial rates.

"LLoyds got a wiff" and dropped them like a hot potato, and AIG Insurance tripled, but you can still be insured for liability and/or life at a high premium. Ski areas used to have site insurance for the take off zones but no more because of the sheer liability of taking people for joy rides.

Paragliders have lost their insurance and been banned from major areas, let's hope the trend continues.
What do you guys think? could a club become an LLC?

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Re: "Hang Gliding" being co-opted as Paragliding?

Postby Bill Cummings » Wed Feb 15, 2023 8:32 pm

This sounds like a possible solution.
A collaboration of HG pilot ideas on how to complete a proposal to run past an insurance company
would be worthwhile endeavor.
Pro’s and con’s please.
We know the history of the mess that happened and the next articles of incorporation (or whatever) must have a built in restraining order. Directors must have the majority of the members participate in big changes.
The takeover we went through would have been more difficult with more minds that needed convincing.
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Re: "Hang Gliding" being co-opted as Paragliding?

Postby Craig Muhonen » Wed Feb 15, 2023 9:32 pm

Frank Colver wrote:I continue to say that controlled flying sites (like POM and Torrey, etc.) should have alternate flying days for Hg & PG.

However, I can anticipate the PG argument against that plan going something like this: "It's unfair that a few HG pilots have a day all to themselves and hordes of PG pilots have to be there jammed in on their day".

My son tells me that even Roy Haggard now prefers paragliding because of its convenience and Roy insists that the collapse problem has been eliminated. Caution: I am repeating hearsay. My apologies, in advance, to Roy if this is untrue.

Sad :(


It is unfair, but "the few" are master Hang gliding Pilots and deserve more respect from the hordes.
Why not PG teams and HG teams, look at the forecasts and "bid" the days they want to fly and where, and get on a schedule like all the other airports.
Windier days HG calmer days PG, and maybe a toss of the coin could give you the airspace for an hour.
The early Hang Gliders shared the airspace with the new paragliders, because Hang Glider Pilots and their Roadies, are good people,
but these new paragliders all of a sudden became many, and invited all their friends to come, pay money to join their club and take them tandem with selfies, or take "lessons" and buy equipment from a foreign country.
The launch sites got more and more crowded because it was easy and cheep, every 30 minutes they were sending up a new "gaggle" of novices and "selfie riders".

Out with the old in with the new.

When USHPA dissolves, gotta' be ready.
all the original H3 and H4 (how many?) non commercial launch sites could be taken back into Hang Gliding (LLC) and then shared back on certain days to PG's paying a higher insurance premium. Let them wine but they still get to fly and hopefully not crash and die as much.


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