To know misic is to know yourself.Subscribe to The Truth Watercooler
By Jessica Rose · Hundreds of subscribers
Jessica's Substack Input
Without music we die.There was a party in London recently. Now, since I was not there, I cannot confirm or deny if this party was from Christmas Eve of late (2021) or footage from last year, but I choose to believe it was from 2 days ago for the purposes of this message. I choose to believe the kids wanted to have fun. I choose to believe there are more intelligent people than brainwashed people. I choose to believe that liars always get found out and cannot exist in nature for very long. It goes against truth, see?
The street party was captured on video. Now don’t get me wrong. If it offends you to see healthy people out and about having fun and dancing and making art, then you’re more than free to watch the BBC and emprison yourself in isolation and fear. But for anyone who wants to be free, to express, to dance, to share to create -
I suggest that this be the theme for 2022. Creators, musicians, DJs, dancers - let’s fill the streets and the clubs (if there are any left) and bring these tyrants with their life-shaming lies and their ridiculous incessant shots to their knees.
I don’t know about you, but I am so sick of this COVID bulls***. There are OTHER THINGS and I want to experience those things. Like insects.
I’ve also seen some online counter posts to this ‘party’ that immediately jump to the tactics to indemnify, guilt and shame the healthy and thinking - the tactics being used for 2 years to make YOU feel guilty for being alive. This ain’t gonna work on creators and creatives. You’re going to have to start using other tactics, psychopaths. But I have a secret to share with you: That won’t work either. There’s too much power imbalance built-up and ultimately, it isn’t even up to us: it’s up to nature. You know that action equal and opposite reaction thing?
THE GLORIOUS DEAD - What a telling screen shot. The glorious living dead protecting the glorious living.
I like this screenshot: the enforcers are clearly having a really good time. Be quiet. Do not move. Hide. Be afraid. Be very afraid. My message to the enforcers is this: if you are also sick of this s***, let me take your hand and guide you to the dancefloor-street. You won’t need a mask. And you won’t need a weapon.
The take home message of this post is this: ignore their non-science-based militant rules and live your life as a fully functioning, robust living entity. Their rules are not laws. They do not trump unwritten law. They do not trump statutory laws. They cannot decide for you what happens to your body. I am all for infrastructure and law - of course I am - but I am not into totalitarianism. We have to learn and retain the differences between these methods of organizing groups.
By the way, if you’re reading this and you disagree with me, then that’s fine too. You and I can co-exist. For the more persistent and hardcore disagree-ers, know that there are places in the world where you can go live under totalitarian rule. I personally don’t want that. Not one bit of me wants that. And I don’t think anyone who fled places like that, want that. I think a good solution does indeed revolve around the freedom (illusion) to choose. For those who want the rules and the shots and the dictates and the digital tracking, please, choose to go to where those things exist and will continue to reign. But for those of us/you who want to live in a free nation, where democracy, intelligence and balance can hypothetically exist, then choose that. Choose to re-create that. Choose by acting. In order for re-creation to ‘happen’, the current systems need to be dismantled. In order for that to ‘happen’, we have to start somewhere. That’s all I know for now.
So cunning creators, benevolent balancers of equations, lovers of logistics and innovators of infrastructure, punch into your power and do everything you can to unite the others. This is going to be fun".
Keep playing Chris Canon of Reason and Virtue - Number 11
Lao Tze
The Function of the Non-Existent
The space between the chords.Thirty spokes unite in one nave and on that which is non-existent {on the hole in the nave HUB] depends the wheel's utility. Clay is moulded into a vessel and on that which is non-existent [on its hollowness] depends the vessel's utility. By cutting out doors and windows we build a house and on that which is non-existent [on the empty space within] depends the house's utility. Therefore, existence renders actual but non-existence renders useful.