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Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Nov 14, 2023 6:15 pm

It is just like the High Priestess of Hang Gliding onc ... ./427732/e said . . . : A Day without XC, is just like a Day Without Sunshine.
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Postby Craig Muhonen » Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:50 pm

:D :D :D

Back in Black.

Here is one of my favorites too.

Bon lives on in this band from above, old school Rock & Roll will never die, and oh that SG classic.

:D :D :D
Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
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Postby Craig Muhonen » Fri Nov 17, 2023 12:05 pm

:D :D :D

Rock and Roll will never die.

Can't get enough of Rick Beato but,
I see you with your guitar Chris, keep on cranking those fingers.

:D :D :D
Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
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Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:15 am

Well just as when a Sociopath I have seen said about My Playing my Gibson SG as a tool for the recovery of My Left Hands Manual Dexterity. Doctor Chung thought that My playing My Guitar was Great! I have a Mid length of time Goal regarding the Playing of My Gar. this is a realistic Goal. OK I only want to become as good a Player of My Gibson SG as Angus Young is when Flying His SG.

You know I have found that recovering from a Accident such as the Pounding I had. Well, I had to look for new different ways to get what I once had back.

t is important that I set good, realistic Attainable Goals. So, when I have become as good a Guitarist as Angus Young, that will be good enough. My recovery will be complete.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:22 am

You know it seems a bit funny to Me. For across the Spectrum My Physical indicators, Mu Number regarding My Body are low.

Mu Bodies temperature is always Low. I never see a Body Temperature is almost never 98.6. Same thing for other indicators of the state of My Bodies Health. My Blood pressure
is always low. You know how there is a high number and a low number for One's Blood Pressure? Well, it comes down to How good of Shape that I am but My High number is almost never over One Hundred, My Blood resting Heartbeat, it's the same thing, Low. The last time I checked My Resting Blood Pressure it was Forty-Four Beats a Minute.

Bu there are some numbers that are high in My Life. Like when i Fly My Beloved Predator! I have not Flown My Predator in Thirteen and a half Years. I never seem to have much trouble regarding My staying up in the Air when I am Flying My Predator. Yes, if You are a Pilot Who simply loves being up in the Air, you should get Yourself a Predator.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Dec 02, 2023 11:44 am

Ok Hello everyone. Ok I hope that everyone who reads this post is going Flying Today. Yes I hope that Everyone is able to get an Air Gassim today. Well, this morning just like Every Morning I play My Gibson SG. I Play My Guitar as a therapeutic Device. I had an Osteopath Doctor Who when I told Her that I was Playing My Guitar. She said that She thought that it was Great that I was playing My Guitar. She should be told; That She does not know how correct that She was.

So as to keep this Post On-Subject. I am really looking forward to this Spring when because of My Pilot Friends like John Heiney, and Zac Majors, I will have an opportunity to Launch and Fly Zacs 330 Condor. Well-being that I will insure that on the Day that I launch Zack's Condor l make sure that My Bathroom scale reads no more than 2000 Pounds. Well-being that John will be with Me For My Venture back to; "My Home" in oh by then it very well might be Fourteen Years. I could not Fly My Predator even if I was inclined to. Also, regarding My Being, "Inclined to Fly My Predator" I am always inclined to Fly the Best Hang Glider I Every saw, or Flew. I mean come on what a Glider! John You really did Hit One out of the park with the Predator. Well, when I am able to Fly My Predator again. I see the Day when this Six Foot Three-and-a-Half-inch Tall Sub Two Hundred Pound Pilot will be able to Bag the First Two Hundred Mile Xc Flight. That is Two Hundred or More Mile XC Flight. I really do like; {OR MORE!}
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Dec 02, 2023 2:49 pm


Here I sit a full Thirteen Years Eight Months. Five Days since My last Flight on My 158 Predator. Anyways by the Posts that I have put up. I believe that just as all of You I had the Dream of Flight, That Dream burns deeper and is brighter than it was 23 Years ago when My Quest to Fly took Flight. Maybe I am nuts to think that I will Fly again. Bur, then again Maybe not. There has been one advantage to My having Pounded on March Twenty-Eight Two Thousand Ten. MY WEIGHT, WINGLOADING. I have lost a Hundred Pounds! I now weigh on certain Days 198 pounds. Check this out about My Body Weight and Height. I stand about Six Foot, Three inches, closer to Six Foot Four than being 6'4". I have not weighed under two hundred Pounds since High School.

Anyways I guess that someone can call Me a Dreamer. Well that I am, The Dream Burns Brifghter than ever before.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Dec 24, 2023 7:25 pm

Look I realize that My Posts might come across as a bit Dull, and I say it; My Posts are from Me a currently non-Flying Predator Pilot. I have to be honest. It is quite Questionable That I am not able to Fly again. If it is indeed the case that I will not be able to Fly, it will Break My Heart. But I am going to Hopefully be a Predator Pilot on the Move. Yes, the move will be My getting Myself Down to Dockweiler During the End of May. That is when Dockweiler will be happening, yes?
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Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Dec 27, 2023 12:07 pm

So I Jope hose of You Who do not have to go to Work Today are going to Fly Today, up here around the Santa Rosa area If I was Flying I and I imagine if or if anyone Else will be Flying Today would get Wet during the time of the Flight just after Launch, and them During the ending Part of The Flight. Yes You/I would get rained upon, while setting up Their Gliders, During the initial part of the Flight. Yes, for the time it takes You to Climb up to be above the Clouds a Pilot Would Get Wet. Then after Flying around Providing that {Said Pilot" chose to Fly through The Sky for a vast Majority of the Flite in the Dry Airspace that is above the Clouds. He or She would get Wet during Both the initial Part of the Flight, and during the descant to Below the Clouds Where once again Providing that it is still raining when "Said Pilot" chooses to land. Well; Not once but Twice "Said Pilot" will get Wet.


OK I just wrote a Fluff Piece. Yes, I put some "TRASH TALK" Vocabulary down here using instead of My Voice Being Used to "Talk Trash". I used My Computer's Keyboard to enable Me to Talk a little Flying Trash Talk. I hope that some, if not all of You will appreciate My little Tongue and Check Flying Humor. So how did I do?
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Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Feb 08, 2024 8:04 pm

So: I do very Much Plan on Flying My Great Hang Glider". That glider ids My One Fifty-Eight Predator. I mean while yes, I always seemed to enjoy having nice landings Flying My WW Falcon Two Twenty-Five. But every once in a while, I would Whack My Falcon. Granted I would only Whack My Falcon once in a Long while. It did happen. Then I bought My second Glider. My Altair Predator One Fifty-Eight. Whacks went the way of the Do Do Bird. I mean I believe that the Predator is along with having a Pronominal Sink-Rat. a sink-Rate that might be the best in the Industrie. The landing Qualities that a Predator has are incredible.
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