I think that must be insane like reality that You Southern California Pilots have to put up with a Concessioner. A concessioner who has set-up shop where they are able to with the local law Enforcment thar are more than willing to use their Gun totting Law enforcement employees to who take Action to Prevent Pilots Who Some of which are Partial Owners of the Site. Some of if not the Majority of Pilots who Fly at this Costal sites, the Pilots Who Own Property and Pay Taxes fund the Police, Police who evidently are more than willing to do the bidding of the local concessionaire. This reality, the reality that the corrupt local Police are more than willing to do enforce the will of a Concessionaire that causes local Pilots regarding the use of a length of cliff line to be able the Launch their Hang Gliders.
I Myself have had an incident where after I landed. I had Airforce Employes who drove up to where I had landed on "Their Property" being very upset with the fact that I had landed My Predator on "Their Property". I began to learn about Controlled Airspace after that Day. Also, if I am ever in a position but in this case, I was while yes, I was in the Wrong. I claimed Ignorance. At least after I spoke to these Gun Toting Air Force Guys, I explained why I had chosen their land to execute a landing. They got it. We were only about Forty-Four Miles From where I had launched from. Mount Diablo. Talking with Them answering their Somewhat common Questions such as: Where did You launch from? How were you able to Fly this far with-out an Engine, and other Questions that I have heard a number of times after Previously landing Out in other Fields, I answered these types of Questions before.