What is a Colorado PLLC? Unlimited owners (aka "members") allowed.
Better for max flexibility in how you manage and run your business; board of directors not required
A Colorado PLLC is a limited liability company (LLC) formed specifically by people who will provide Colorado licensed professional services. LLCs in general are businesses registered with the state that consist of one or more people—called LLC members—who own the business. Like other LLCs, PLLCs protect their individual members from people with claims for many (but not all) types of financial debts or personal injuries.
Note: Unlike the
majority of other states, Colorado's LLC Act doesn't include provisions specifically for LLCs that will provide professional
they hate professionals services, nor is there a separate PLLC Act. Also unlike almost every other state, Colorado's corporation laws do not specifically include provisions for professional corporations (PCs).
U$hpa's power grab in Colorado. (A few other states largely base their rules for PLLCs on pre-existing PC laws.) Instead, the legal basis for PLLCs in Colorado—as well as for other forms of so-called professional service entities—derives from the state's various laws regulating professions and occupations (Title 12 of the Colorado Statutes).
I think Telluride Colorado should be at the starting point for any push to replace USHPA, because of the many H4 sites that could be taken back into HG. It was bad for the new TAF to get Hang Gliding banned forever, just because TAF didn't want to pay the much higher insurance rate, at one of the most respected flying sites in the country, now in the hands of billionaires, and with the best safety record too.
Too bad TAF was now all PG's with no one to push back on them. till now finally. A fix would be for an HG LLC to renegotiate with the ski area to let Real Hang Gliders with full backing from LLoyds, back into the air. Who would not want to see this?
As a pilot in my younger years, when I watch Paragliding I don't see much piloting skills and they have paying passengers and some of the stuff they're doing looks downright crazy dangerous, and maybe an "illegal exhibition".
An interview with Luigi at TAF would be quite interesting but he is hiding out.
There would be a lot of push back from the progressive left who are 95% paragliders if they fly, but now they can't fly from Gold Hill any more, maybe that's a blessing. USHPA is eating itself and a bunch of angry "guys".
Excerpt from Rick Masters on substack Feb 2023.
“Global paragliding fatalities were approaching 800 deaths in 2010. I was greatly concerned. I don’t like to see anyone die. As a pilot, I especially don’t like to see pilots die. If they do, I hope they had a fighting chance. I was only offering advice from my years of freeflight experience in order to save their lives. I was unprepared for their shockingly immature, ignorant, clownish, unexpected and overwhelmingly pathetic response. They cried about my website: Mythology of the Airframe - titled after their inept refusal to recognize the obvious safety benefits of an airframe surrounding the pilot in a crash. They cried about my advice on Paragliding Forum. Boo, hoo, hoo”.
Below are 49 “word salad” untrue and and angry posts, some on PG.org, about "wanker" Rick from USHPA’s so called leaders and their sheep membership. Boy do they hate and fear him.
"It's horrible. My eyes are bleeding! It should be banned!"
(C'est horrible, j'ai les yeux qui saignent. Ça aussi ça devrait être interdit!)
"Your acceptance of Rick Masters as an authority on paragliding, apparently without taking the time to learn anything about him, or talk to any people who are actually involved with the sport—we are all concerned about safety—is pretty disappointing."
"Rick Masters, whose aim is to stop people paragliding, because of his mistaken view that the lack of a rigid airframe necessarily makes paragliding unacceptably dangerous."
"The 'airframe' bulls*** is just that."
"Paragliding, one of the most dangerous sports in the world?????
Be serious."
"Paragliders have got much safer over the last 20, 15 and 10 years."
"His statistics are likely bull****.
Surely not down as much as he indicates."
"His fundamental argument - that an airframe is always safer than a canopy - does not stand up to closer inspection statistically or theoretically. He ignores the fact that collapses are recoverable. That even torn canopies can still fly."
"2010 - 48 death, doesnt mean ANYTHING."
"Rick is a complete wanker."
"Ridiculous trolling."
"Ricky doesn't like PG."
"Like a religious zealot, he is not interested in facts or discussion unless they support his rigidly defined position."
"fu**ing lunatic."
“Doing more harm than good to our sport."
"Oh dear, is he still going? ...maybe doctoring those links so that they're not real, clickable links wouldn't be a bad idea."
"Nothing says crackpot like pointing out on your own website all the people who think you are an idiot!"
"Rick has no understanding of what is going on."
"Uninformed claptrap!”
“Not useful data, just a collection of quotes, news-links and other associated cobblers to provide a list which he uses to backup his 'already made-up' mind.”
"Cherry picking to support an argument."
"Rick Masters pontificating."
"Hate site."
"A pointless list."
"A programmed response."
"Preconceived ideas."
"Neglects the whole picture."
"Incomprehensible nonsense."
"A partisan attempt to discredit."
"The interpretation is totally nuts."
"The level of stupidity is unbearable."
"We all are gonna die. Everything what we do, walking on the street, driving a car, brings us to possible death."
"A huge cover up about hanggliding safety statistics in the US."
“Although these deaths remain socially unacceptable, they are well into the average range of other sports with a risk."
"So much dedication with nearly religious fanatism put on such a secondary subject is suspicious."
"You could make the same website about fatalities of people killed by hammers."
"He will never make a useful contribution to Paraglider Safety."
"A collection of nastiness."
"An utterly pointless discussion."
"You could say the same about motorcycling."
"Drivers are in far more denial about the risks they are taking everytime they get behind the wheel, than we paragliders are everytime we launch."
"The same air that will collapse you on launch in a paraglider will give you sticky wing in a hang glider. The range of outcomes is the same."
"Where are these complacent pilots that you speak of so knowledgeably?"
Even the unelected president of the United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association chimed in:
“Rick Masters is a fool with an agenda. He knows that his stats are misleading and incomplete”.
He actually said that!! A fool.
“Virtually all incidents are a result of the pilot doing something wrong”.
Fear and loathing, why?
it's not nonsense for a pilot and a father to want to show (when they'll watch it) mothers the facts, and to possibly save lives, but this is the USHPA AI team that is pro PG which is ok, butt...time for a HG AI of sorts.
Rick seems to have a Dan Gryder, Juan Browne approach, and he IS a US Hawks forum "core," among other things.