sO LOOK BACK TO THE Eighties; We had a rapidly growing number of Para Gliders. Who needed to form an organization. So instead of Us, By Us I mean Hang Glider Pilots. Well being that we allowed Paraglider Pilots to be allowed to join {OUR ORGANAZATION} then due to the fact that Paraglider Pilots had the raw number of Persons. They} Paraglider Pilots were able to use Democracy against US. To Me it is simply stunning that We handed over USGGA to the Paragliders. I like so many of You Could see the Writing upon the Base of Clouds Back in the Eighties. I even write to USHGA that They should not do this. No, I said that doing this would lead to where We would lose control of our organization.
So what to do about this Mess Now? We Hg Pilots could ask them, the Para Glider Pilots to simply allow us to leave USHGPA. We could ask them to Help Us form a New Organization that would be solely for Hang Glider Pilots.
Si in closing, I am simply Crying over; {SPILLED MILK} or is there a chance of Hang Glider Pilots not only Having, but retaining their Own Organization?