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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:57 am

Semper Fidelis wrote:PS : I'm sorry to realise that we are only four participants on this topic today... Do you know potential others to wake them up ?

The sport of hang gliding is slowly dying. There are several reasons for this, but one of the big ones was best expressed in Rick Masters' famous quote:

Rick Masters wrote:People talk about the sport of hang gliding dying. It's not dying. It's being murdered. By the U$hPA.

I also see hang gliding communications forums dying. The Oz Report and were once vibrant and thriving forums. But the operators of those forums began banning people and removing posts to the point where people were either disgusted and left or were afraid to post what they believed. Both effects reduced participation to a trickle. We've been trying to reverse that trend at U.S. Hawks, and I thank everyone who helps by posting.

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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Fri Jul 19, 2024 9:51 am

At the bottom of a post if you are signed in, one might see how many guests are present for the topic for the current period. E.g., "30 guests" was right right now. Last night the number was 42. Last week in this topic I saw a 49.
Our hands are tools. In some prototypes of coming TPHGs, some minor tools might be handy; the wing would still be a hang glider. It is neat when only hands are the only tools. A wrapping strap is a tool. A bag is a tool.
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Fri Jul 19, 2024 7:27 pm

Development notes toward one option of a TPHG using spar segments of 4-ft length:
DS, left-wing sock and right-wing sock.

Spar couplers: Keep stub lines with each coupler; the stubs will have a loop and pigtail for flying line and landing line each. Later in assembly a full crossline will feature ends of stop knots. The stub loops will be used to capture the stop knots via use of the lark's head knot. The pigtail will ease disassembly of the join. Couplers will pack and tote separate from spar segments. There will be two meta spars on left and two meta spars on right. The four spar segments of each spar will have diameters permitting tote packing via a telescopic nesting of the four segments. Some elastic segment of line will be integrated in the landing lines. There will be 6 spar couplers per side, thus 12 couplers for packing. Keep the stubby line starts with the each coupler; assembly thus will be just capturing the stop knots of the long crosslines. Crosslines serve a left coupler and a right coupler. In this scenario, the frame is socked before full crosslines are attached. The left wing and right wing will have chord taper to allow easy sock mounting and dismounting. Airfoiling will occur by some means. Tailing will be added.
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby Semper Fidelis » Sat Jul 20, 2024 1:59 am

Things have to change !
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Sat Jul 20, 2024 3:27 am

Semper Fidelis wrote:
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:srofl: :srofl: :srofl: :srofl: :srofl: :srofl: :srofl: :srofl: :srofl: :srofl:

Very nicely done!      :thumbup:
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Sat Jul 20, 2024 2:14 pm

Development note on one option of TPHG:
Some elasticity in quadrilateral diagonal lines.
Some elasticity is designed in the sock sail.
Use ribs that stuff against fore and aft spar and form camber in that action letting sock sail and quadrilateral lines provide the stuffing compression. Design all such so that the sock tautens. Density of such stuffed ribs may increase as the sock counters the pressed fore and aft spar points where the ribs so act. Stuff ribs are so set on the inside of the sock after the sock is in place. Note that in this option there are not straight struts for making the planar quadrilaterals\; the stuffed ribs form sides of quadrilaterals in the frame.
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby dhmartens » Sat Jul 20, 2024 10:11 pm

A magic telescopic trick that can put out your eye.

inflation has eroded any 5 foot hang glider budget I may have had untill further notice.
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Re: TPHG of low volume and less than 5 ft in length

Postby JoeF » Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:51 am

Thanks, Doug! Sorry about the inflation; but your creative flow remains additive to the movement!
The thin-wall extendable staff sure packed to short length; keep this in mind if developing TPHG 1 ft or so; shown is probably a helically stored metal ribbon and not telescopic. The shown bo staffs are double-tapered beams with neat telescopic means. Perhaps spar segments could be a series of double-tapered bo staffs rigged for flight. Perhaps some ribbing could derived from the bo staff inspiration.
ChatGPT 3.5 wrote:A bo staff is a traditional Japanese martial arts weapon. It is a long, cylindrical staff typically made from wood, though modern versions can be made from other materials such as metal or synthetic materials. Here are some key features and details about the bo staff:

Length: The bo staff is usually about 6 feet (1.8 meters) long, but it can vary slightly depending on the practitioner's height and the specific style of martial arts.

Material: Traditional bo staffs are made from hardwoods like oak, red or white oak, which are strong and durable. Modern versions might use materials like aluminum or polycarbonate for increased durability and different performance characteristics.

Usage: The bo staff is used in various martial arts, including Okinawan kobudō, karate, and other Japanese martial arts. It is employed for striking, blocking, sweeping, and thrusting techniques. Practitioners also use the bo for various spins and maneuvers to develop coordination, strength, and agility.

Training: Training with a bo staff helps improve a martial artist's balance, coordination, strength, and speed. Techniques can range from basic strikes and blocks to complex kata (pre-arranged forms) that simulate combat scenarios.

Historical Significance: The bo staff has a rich history in Japanese martial arts and was often used by peasants and monks for self-defense. Its simplicity and effectiveness made it a popular weapon.

Overall, the bo staff is a versatile and effective weapon in martial arts training, valued for its ability to enhance a practitioner's physical and mental skills.
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Sun Jul 21, 2024 1:32 pm

Development Note on an Optional Path for a TPHG
Consider having socks for covering; and have socks with spanwise inclusion of elastic segment; ribs press and stress socks; the pressing sets up a compression of the special four-part ribs with result of one of the parts forming an airfoil camber.
SocksWithCompressionRibs.png (14.59 KiB) Viewed 285 times

Ends of the compression ribs will spread the pressing on the spars
RibEndSpreadsPressOnSpar.jpg (8.9 KiB) Viewed 284 times

The terminal pressure-spreading ends of the compression ribs tote separate from the rib long bodies. The designing of the end brackets is not finished; final prototypes are likely to be different from the drawing.
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby Semper Fidelis » Sun Jul 21, 2024 2:21 pm

First I wanted to have every part strait. Then I tought to make battens to compress to have the aerodynamic shape. But we have to keep it simple and makins so is expensive and because the articulation joints will weight much more thant a tube, I decided to keep only one lenght of strait batten and having the right shape in front of it like the classical battens.

Two parts battens
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