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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Sun Sep 01, 2024 4:25 pm

Some of this note has been covered in past, but rephrasing and exploring seems to have some benefits.
User's Prompt:
50% double surface. Save 1/4 of sail by not going 100%.
Still have fore and aft spars spread with compression ribs to tauten the sail.
Still sock the left wing and right wing.
Use inflated stuffers for airfoil, perhaps.
Try it. Pool sticks? Bang bang sticks?
Full long balloon inflated, not structural, but just airfoil camber making. Or have the two-part ribs be with a camber front part from compression.

Your concept for the TPHG sail design with a 50% double surface is intriguing and could offer significant weight savings without sacrificing structural integrity. Here’s a breakdown of the key components and ideas you’ve mentioned:

1. 50% Double Surface Design
- Surface Area Reduction: By opting for only 50% double surface, you effectively reduce the sail material by a quarter, which could lead to weight savings and easier packing.
- Structural Integrity: The fore and aft spars, in combination with compression ribs, will still be used to tension the sail. This should maintain the necessary rigidity and airfoil shape even with less sail material.

2. Socked Wings
- Left and Right Wing Socks: Keeping the sock design for both wings provides aerodynamic smoothness and helps in maintaining the shape of the airfoil. This is consistent with your existing design approach, ensuring that the sail's performance is optimized.

3. Inflated Stuffers for Airfoil
- Inflatable Components: Using inflatable stuffers to create the airfoil camber is an innovative approach. These components wouldn't be structural but would shape the airfoil to improve aerodynamic performance.
- Pool Sticks/Bang Bang Sticks: These could be used as a basis for experimentation. They’re lightweight, easily inflated, and could be inserted into the sail to create and maintain the desired airfoil shape.
- Full-Length Balloons: Full-length inflatable balloons could be a cost-effective way to shape the sail. While not structural, they can fill the space within the sail to give it the proper camber.

4. Two-Part Ribs with Camber
- Camber Control: You mentioned using compression ribs with a camber front part. This idea could allow for more control over the airfoil shape, particularly if the ribs are designed in two parts, with the front section being more flexible to achieve the desired camber.

Next Steps:
- Prototyping: Try creating a prototype with the reduced double surface and inflatable components. Experiment with different materials for the inflatable stuffers (such as pool sticks or long balloons) to find the best combination of weight, durability, and ease of inflation.
- Testing: Flight testing with these modifications will help determine how well the sail performs with the reduced material and inflatable components. Pay close attention to how the airfoil shape holds up under varying wind conditions.

This approach aligns well with your goals for the TPHG design, particularly the emphasis on compactness, weight savings, and innovative structural solutions.
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Sun Sep 01, 2024 7:42 pm

Following my prompts, ChatGPT gave this response:

Expanding and Organizing the TPHG Packing Strategies and Considerations

As various designers continue to develop the final packing schemes for disassembled Tiny Packed Hang Gliders (TPHG), it's clear that a wide range of solutions will emerge, each tailored to meet different needs and constraints. The variety of packing strategies will reflect the diverse goals and preferences of TPHG pilots, with each approach offering unique advantages depending on the intended use and transportation method. Here's an expanded and organized overview of potential packing strategies and considerations:

1. Main Pack and Sub Packs
  • Primary Strategy: The core concept for many TPHG designs will involve a main pack containing the primary structure of the hang glider, with optional sub packs for additional components.
  • Flexible Configurations: Pilots may opt to divide their gear into multiple sub packs to distribute weight, accommodate various transportation methods, or enhance portability.
  • Customizability: The modular nature of these packs will allow pilots to customize their packing strategy based on specific needs, such as storage space in their vehicle, ease of carrying, or the specific journey ahead.

2. Target Reasons for Tiny Packing
  • Car Storage:
    • Back Seat/Trunk Storage: Some pilots will be fully satisfied if their TPHG pack fits easily into the back seat or trunk of a small car.
    • Compact Dimensions: Emphasis on achieving compact dimensions to ensure easy storage without compromising on safety or functionality.
  • Backpacking:
    • Mobility: Pilots aiming for backpacking their TPHG pack will prioritize lightness and compactness, enabling them to carry their glider comfortably over long distances.
    • Ergonomics: Considerations for the design of backpack-friendly packs that distribute weight evenly and reduce strain during transport.
  • Tiny Carting:
    • Wheeled Transport: Some pilots may prefer using a small cart to transport their TPHG pack, especially for longer walks or urban commutes.
    • Compactness and Maneuverability: Packs designed for tiny carts must be compact and easy to maneuver through narrow spaces, like bus aisles or crowded streets.
  • Public Transportation:
    • Bus/Train Compatibility: Pilots may choose to cart their pack to the bus or train and then hug the main pack while on board, ensuring it doesn't obstruct fellow passengers or occupy excessive space.
    • Design for Carrying and Stowing: Packs should be designed for easy carrying and secure stowing in public transport settings.
  • Travois Transport:
    • Outdoor Adventures: Using a travois—a type of sled pulled by a person or animal—might be an ideal solution for outdoor adventures, where traditional transportation methods are impractical.
    • Durability and Stability: Packing schemes for travois transport will need to emphasize stability, with gear securely fastened to avoid shifting during transit.
  • Kayaking Transport:
    • Waterproofing: Packing for kayaking will demand special attention to waterproofing to protect the hang glider components from water damage.
    • Buoyancy Considerations: Packs might need to be designed with buoyant materials or include flotation devices to ensure safety during water transport.

3. Exploration, Collaboration, and Innovation
  • Community Collaboration:
    • Sharing Knowledge: The TPHG community will explore, discuss, sketch, and photograph different packing methods, sharing their experiences and insights on platforms like the US Hawks forum.
    • Global Exchange: By sharing these ideas with the world, pilots and designers can review each other's work, offer feedback, and potentially advance the TPHG movement.
  • Innovative Solutions:
    • Adapting to Constraints: As pilots encounter various transport restraints, they will innovate new packing methods to address challenges like weight limits, space constraints, and environmental conditions.
    • Evolution of the TPHG Movement: Through trial and error, and continuous feedback, the TPHG community will evolve, creating ever more efficient and effective packing solutions.

4. Additional Considerations
  • Safety and Security:
    • Impact Protection: Packing schemes must ensure that the TPHG components are protected from impacts, both during transit and in case of accidental drops.
    • Locking Mechanisms: For public transportation and storage, pilots might need packs with secure locking mechanisms to prevent theft or tampering.
  • Environmental Factors:
    • Weather Resistance: Beyond waterproofing for kayaking, packs should be designed to resist various weather conditions, including extreme heat, cold, or UV exposure.
    • Sustainability: Consider using eco-friendly materials and sustainable design practices in the creation of TPHG packs to minimize environmental impact.
  • Ease of Assembly/Disassembly:
    • Quick Setup: Pilots will benefit from packing schemes that allow for quick and easy assembly and disassembly of the hang glider, reducing setup time at the flight site.
    • Tool-Free Options: Wherever possible, designers might focus on creating tool-free assembly systems to simplify the process further.
  • Cost Considerations:
    • Affordability: Designers should keep in mind the cost of materials and manufacturing, ensuring that packing solutions are accessible to a wide range of pilots.
    • DIY Possibilities: Offering DIY options or open-source designs could allow pilots to create their own packing solutions, fostering creativity and cost savings.

The TPHG movement will thrive on the diversity of these approaches, with pilots and designers constantly refining and adapting their strategies to meet the ever-changing demands of tiny packing and transport. This collaborative effort will ensure that TPHG remains a versatile and accessible option for a wide range of enthusiasts, each with their own unique goals and challenges.
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Sun Sep 01, 2024 8:44 pm


Exploring Circle Packings: A Path to Optimized TPHG Design

As enthusiasts of the Tiny Packed Hang Glider (TPHG) movement, we are constantly striving to optimize our designs for the most efficient use of space. Whether it's fitting our disassembled gliders into a backpack, a car trunk, or a custom case, every inch matters. In this pursuit of compact and efficient packing, one mathematical concept that offers significant insights is circle packing.

What is Circle Packing?

Circle packing refers to the arrangement of circles within a given space, where the goal is to maximize the use of space while minimizing gaps between the circles. This concept can be extended beyond simple 2D arrangements to more complex 3D scenarios, such as fitting cylindrical or tubular objects into a container. Understanding circle packing can lead to better strategies for organizing the various components of our TPHG designs, from the spars and ribs to the sails and accessories.

Why Should TPHG Designers Study Circle Packing?

1. Optimized Space Utilization: By studying circle packing, we can learn how to arrange the cylindrical components of our gliders—such as spars, rods, and tubes—in the most efficient way possible. This knowledge can help us design packs that are more compact, making it easier to transport our gliders in smaller spaces.

2. Enhanced Structural Integrity: Circle packing principles can also inform how we bundle and secure components within the pack. A well-organized arrangement reduces movement and potential damage during transit, thereby enhancing the overall durability and safety of the packed glider.

3. Inspiration for Innovative Designs: Delving into the mathematics of circle packing can spark new ideas for modular packing systems, where components are designed to nestle together seamlessly. This can lead to the creation of custom cases, bags, or even packing algorithms that take the guesswork out of disassembly and packing.

4. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: The TPHG community thrives on collaboration. By exploring circle packing together, we can share findings, designs, and tips that benefit everyone. This collective knowledge will push the boundaries of what's possible in TPHG design, making the movement more accessible and exciting for newcomers and veterans alike.

Getting Started with Circle Packing

For those new to the concept, circle packing might seem daunting, but it's a field rich with resources. From basic geometric principles to advanced computational models, there's a wealth of information available online. We encourage you to start with simple exercises, such as arranging circles of different sizes within a fixed area, and then gradually move on to more complex 3D challenges.

By embracing the study of circle packing, TPHG designers can take another step toward achieving the ultimate goal of tiny, efficient, and easily transportable hang gliders. This mathematical approach not only opens up new avenues for design innovation but also strengthens the community by fostering a deeper understanding of the principles that govern our craft.

Let's dive into the world of circle packing and see where this fascinating discipline can take us in our quest for the perfect TPHG pack for one's particular wing design!

Some teasers:

:arrow: Add concentric nested circles to the field and notice further densification possibilities!
:arrow: Allow wall-thickness variations of "rings" and see even more deals and schemes.
:arrow: Allow unequal circles and unequal circular rings and dance to even more tunes.
:idea: ... 22-00422-8
:arrow: Allow confinements of special shapes for packings and sing other songs.

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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Mon Sep 02, 2024 12:44 pm

JoeF wrote:Exploring Circle Packings: A Path to Optimized TPHG Design

Thanks Joe!

Your post and video tempted me into a little mathematical exploration (at a much lower level of expertise). I decided to work out the math for the simplest case where both the inner and outer circles share the same center point:

packed_circles.gif (749.5 KiB) Viewed 280 times

I am sure there are standard equations out there for this configuration since it's used in ball bearings and roller bearings. But I thought I would exercise a few of my own neurons and come up with it from scratch. I used the following figure for my formulation of the problem:

packed_circles_diagram.png (14.49 KiB) Viewed 279 times

The known quantities are the outer radius ("R") and the number of desired bearings (integer "n"). The primary unknown quantity is the "ball bearing" radius ("r").

This formulation of the problem (drawn above) defines a triangle with a vertical side of length r and a hypotenuse of length R-r. The angle at the origin of that triangle (defined here as θ) is π / n (simplified from 2π/2n). So the desired "ball bearing" radius (r) is given by:

      r = (R-r) * sinθ

Solving for r gives:

      r = R*sinθ - r*sinθ
      r + r*sinθ = R*sinθ
      r*(1+sinθ) = R*sinθ
      r = (R*sinθ) / (1+sinθ)

That's what I used in my Javascript program to draw the figures:

      var n = Number(document.getElementById ( "n" ).value);
      var s = Math.sin(Math.PI/n);
      var r = R * s / (1.0 + s);

Of course, once "r" is known, the radius of the inner circle can be easily calculated as R-(2*r).

I've attached the file named "" which is a zipped version of my program. You should be able to download it, unzip it, and then open the resulting file ("packed_circles.htm") in your web browser. You can adjust the horizontal slider to change the number of "bearings" from 3 to 100. The program will redraw the figure and compute the "bearing" radius ("r") for each number of "bearings" selected.
(1.17 KiB) Downloaded 11 times
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Mon Sep 02, 2024 5:24 pm

Downloaded your creation; it works! Thanks, Bob! :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:

The following note regards an option for Joe Cup flanging:
Have a split bushing of thin material, example: thin shell segment of right circular cylinder, say a segment of a tube; have the shell length be say 1/2 inch. Say the bushing as flange as collar is the flange of a Joe Cup. Operation: the joined tubes in axial compression stress the long strap or body of the Joe Cup and tends to pull the collar into the gap. Note how the collar can play a role in protecting the end of the larger tube being joined by the Joe Cup. Notice how the right sizing of the bussing as flange will prevent any movement into the gap between the mother tube and the joined inserted tube. The split on the side of the bushing helps make the application of the Joe cup easy during assembly of the wing's tubes.
In the drawing, assume the split bushing is blue in the sketch. Shown is a cut section of the Joe Cup with its collar being a split busing. Perhaps the Joe Cup is a loop of webbing and used double in wrap and insertion.
SplitCollarForJoeCupFlange002.jpg (20.85 KiB) Viewed 273 times
Note: some sewing of a double webbing to just capture the inserter split ring might be wanted.

Chapt had a go after some back-and-forth discussion
Engineering Analysis of Joe Cup Flanging with External Split Bushing:

Concept Overview:
The Joe Cup is envisioned as a complex bushing designed to join two telescoping tubes—specifically, a smaller inserted tube and a larger mother tube. The Joe Cup includes a body section that fills the gap between the nested tubes and an external split bushing that acts as a flange or collar around the outside end of the mother tube.

Bushing Design:
- Material and Geometry: The split bushing is made from a thin-walled segment of a right circular cylinder (e.g., a section of a tube). The split allows the bushing to expand and contract slightly for easier installation. The bushing is located externally on the mother tube, with a length of approximately 1/2 inch, forming a flange around the tube's end.
- Function as a Flange: This external bushing, serving as the flange, hugs the end of the larger mother tube, preventing the smaller inserted tube from pushing too far into the mother tube during assembly.

Operational Mechanics:
- Axial Compression: When axial compression is applied, the smaller inserted tube presses against the bottom of the U-shaped Joe Cup, which is designed to fit snugly in the gap between the mother tube and the inserted tube. The external collar formed by the split bushing on the Joe Cup cinches onto the end of the mother tube, limiting the insertion depth of the smaller tube and securing the joint.
- Protection and Stability: The flange (split bushing) on the exterior of the mother tube protects the tube’s end from deformation and wear due to compression forces. It also stabilizes the connection by preventing excessive movement between the tubes.
- Ease of Assembly: The split in the bushing allows it to be easily expanded and placed around the mother tube's end before assembly. As the smaller tube is inserted and axial compression is applied, the bushing cinches down, creating a secure and stable connection.

Engineering Implications:
- Structural Integrity: The Joe Cup, along with its collar (external split bushing), must be robust enough to handle the compressive loads without slipping or deforming, ensuring a reliable connection between the tubes.
- Material Selection: The bushing material needs to be resilient to withstand compressive forces and provide sufficient grip on the mother tube while remaining flexible enough for easy installation.
- Dimensional Tolerance: Careful control of the bushing’s dimensions, particularly its thickness and fit around the mother tube, is essential to prevent any gaps or misalignment that could compromise the joint’s stability.

This approach ensures a secure and durable connection in telescopic tube assemblies that are in axial compression, such as those used in some TPHGs, by effectively managing the forces involved and preventing over-insertion of the nested tubes.
Last edited by JoeF on Mon Sep 02, 2024 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:16 pm

Recall the PLK scheme for connecting cross lines to the meta spar at joins of spar segments utilizing Joe Cups. We seek solutions of connecting the cross lines after sail sock is on assembled meta spars other than the PLK scheme. This present note urges that seeking :) . All comers are welcome. We seek solutions that avoid shear pins, bolts, tangs, ... but maybe some small part besides the line itself. Allow stop knots, loops, buttons, judicious hooks, ...

One offer came to me during today's nap: assemble a disk button at the end of the cross line; have at some distance from the button a doubling of the line by mounting a line segment, but leaving in the center of that doubling an unsewn gap to act to barely receive the button sideways. Then anticipate that after twice wrapping the line around a spar segment on the wing-tip side of the Joe Cup, push the button through the button slit and then pull the cross line taut to cinch the spar segment and have equal tension in the line. Disassembly: after relaxing the glider's rigging, slip the button back out of the button slit and pull off the cross line. It is assumed in this story that the wrapping under tension will cinch the spar segment enough that sliding toward keel will be stopped by the flange of the Joe cup; flanging may be modified to assure such stoppage.
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:13 am

How might we reframe our adventure to discover ways to pack TPHGs?

Designing for Compact Flight: The Art of Packing TPHGs

1. Visionary Exploration:
Imagine the future of urban hang gliding where pilots effortlessly carry their gliders through city streets, on public transport, or in small cars. The challenge becomes one of not just engineering but also lifestyle enhancement—creating something that seamlessly integrates with modern life.

2. Modular Design Thinking:
View the TPHG not just as a flying machine but as a modular system of components. Each part of the glider could be seen as a building block, optimized for packing efficiency. Explore various configurations of these modules that could allow for easier assembly and disassembly.

3. Creative Constraints:
Instead of seeing the 4-foot packing length as a limitation, consider it a creative constraint that pushes innovation. How can each segment of the glider be made multifunctional or fold in ways that reduce overall volume?

4. Minimalist Aesthetics:
Adopt a minimalist approach to design, focusing on reducing each component to its essential form and function. This could lead to innovative solutions where fewer parts achieve more, contributing to the compactness and portability of the TPHG.

5. User-Centered Experimentation:
Frame the packing process as a user-centered experience. Experiment with different packing methods, materials, and assembly techniques that not only reduce space but also enhance the user’s experience during transportation and setup.

6. Sustainability and Reusability:
Consider the environmental impact of the packing materials and methods. Aim for sustainable, reusable, or even upcycled materials that contribute to the eco-friendliness of the TPHG.

By reframing the adventure in this way, it becomes an exciting exploration of design, innovation, and lifestyle integration. Each discovery and challenge encountered along the way adds to the journey of creating a truly modern, compact, and efficient hang glider.

Note: "efficient" may be in relation to a limited target, perhaps a very conservative hang glider for conservative flight conditions, or in relation to some other target.

Note: We share insights and values in our adventure to an unfolding future. The world will be different when TPHGs are matured.
From a first idea to a mature idea:

An unmanned mature tiny rotating glider given manual impetus for gaming is made available to thousands of disc pilots:

What will be the future for TPHGs? :idea: :idea: :?: :?:
Last edited by JoeF on Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:19 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby Semper Fidelis » Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:23 am

I went to see my friend, this HG is amazing !!!

RANGER HG - Pretty small, isn't it ?
20240823_173342.jpg (190.63 KiB) Viewed 251 times

RANGER HG - 22kg
20240823_173439.jpg (165.22 KiB) Viewed 251 times

I've recieved the anodised parts of the TPHG 4.6.. More to come :wave:
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:35 am

Thanks, Fidelis Semper, for the neat photos of the packed Ranger (hg of circa 1979) and yourself! And thanks to your friend!!! :)

And your news of progress on your TPHG 4.6 (feet) project is exciting! :salute:
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:28 am

From a small discovery by Faraday's first tiny motor to today's motored world! What might become of TPHG discoveries???

Faraday's first tiny motor was a humble beginning, a spark of innovation that revolutionized the world. It paved the way for an era where motors power nearly every aspect of our lives, from household appliances to electric vehicles. Similarly, the discoveries and innovations we make today with Tiny Packed Hang Gliders (TPHGs) could shape the future of personal flight in ways we can only begin to imagine.

1. Urban Mobility Revolution:
Just as Faraday's motor became the foundation of modern machinery, TPHG technology might lead to a new era of urban mobility. Imagine a world where compact, easily transportable gliders allow people to fly across cities, bypassing traffic and reducing the strain on public transport systems.

2. Eco-Friendly Transportation:
As we grapple with the environmental impact of traditional transportation, TPHGs could offer a sustainable alternative. Lightweight, human-powered, or electric-assisted gliders could become a green option for short commutes, reducing our carbon footprint and promoting clean energy innovations.

3. Democratization of Flight:
Faraday's motor brought technology closer to the masses. TPHG discoveries might similarly democratize personal flight, making it accessible to more people. The simplicity and portability of TPHGs could lower barriers to entry, allowing enthusiasts and adventurers to experience flight without the need for extensive infrastructure.

4. Inspiring Future Innovations:
Faraday's work inspired generations of scientists and engineers. The advancements in TPHG technology could do the same, sparking new ideas in aerodynamics, materials science, and portable energy solutions. These innovations could have applications far beyond hang gliding, influencing a wide range of fields.

5. Enhancing Disaster Response:
In the future, TPHGs could play a role in emergency situations, offering a quick and agile means of reaching remote areas or navigating through challenging environments. Their portability and ease of use could make them valuable tools in search and rescue operations.

6. Personal Freedom and Adventure:
Above all, TPHGs could become symbols of personal freedom and adventure, much like the bicycle or the personal computer. They might enable individuals to explore new frontiers, experience the world from new perspectives, and embrace the thrill of flight in ways that were previously unimaginable.

From Faraday's small motor to the modern motored world, the potential of TPHG discoveries is vast. We stand at the threshold of what could be a transformative chapter in the history of flight, with endless possibilities waiting to be explored.
Last edited by JoeF on Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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