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Urs on Houston Hang Gliding and Paragliding forum

Postby SamKellner » Wed Apr 18, 2018 2:45 pm

u$hPa losing the grip of control.

Urs W Kellenberger
Not enough volunteers for term limits especially from the PG community. You may realize there's no money in volunteering except for the love of the sport, especially since HG's that saved PG's a** in the 90's. Without proper instruction and land owners having insurance we're all done very quickly. It's not rocket science.

David Prentice
David Prentice Bwhahaha! That's hilarious! Term limits are needed in every assoc,organization. People will step up when others stand aside and everyone will benefit from some new perspectives.
FYI there are multiple schools across the country currently operating with other than USHPA insurance,instruction,certifications,tandems, So "We're all done very quickly" will never be a reality!

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Re: Urs on Houston Hang Gliding and Paragliding forum

Postby wingspan33 » Wed Apr 18, 2018 7:38 pm

Urs has since replied -

Urs W Kellenberger wrote: David, no, they don't step up especially from within the PG community. That's the problem. And eventually the FAA will say stop without an organized association. Most don't have a clue what goes on behind the scenes by volunteers to keep us flying, but they sure have a keyboard and crappy instruction.

I find this statement hard to believe. The FAA has not put the U$hPa in charge of non-powered ultralights. It has given the Assoc. some exemptions, but the FAA has also given those same exemptions to other groups.

Hang gliding is "self" regulated not U$hPa regulated. I see self regulated as meaning regulated by "ourselves" - meaning each hang glider pilot.* But that also means that every hang glider pilot has the responsibility to follow the FAA's non-powered ultralight rules/regulations. I know for a fact that a large number of HG pilots have broken the rules (now and then) MANY times with the U$hPa "in charge" yet the FAA still hasn't said "stop" now has it!

What the FAA knows, that Urs 'berger doesn't seem to comprehend, is that you can't stop pilots from running off a thousand different hill, or mountain, of cliff sites just because you say "Stop!". The FAA couldn't hire enough investigators to enforce a "Stop Order" - for even one State, much less 50 of them.

PS - Thanks for posting that Sam. :thumbup:

* Local clubs and one or more national organizations help as well, assisting the individual pilots.
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Re: Urs on Houston Hang Gliding and Paragliding forum

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:27 pm

SamKellner wrote:

u$hPa losing the grip of control.

Urs W Kellenberger
Not enough volunteers for term limits ...

Urs Kellenberger ... what a liar. USHPA was so desperate to keep out anyone speaking up for the pilots that they made a special rule to keep me from running against Brad Hall back in 2010. Urs voted for that rule, so that makes him a double liar. They keep out anyone who really wants to improve the organization and then they claim they can't have term limits because there's not enough volunteers. The fish rots from its head, and Urs is part of the stench.

I also caught Urs in another lie he was telling at Fort Funston a few years back. I challenged him with the facts on the Fort Funston forum, and Urs got his buddy (Steve Rodrigues) to delete the whole topic and ban me. USHPA has become a cesspool of liars and history rewriters (sweeping up after the liars).

wingspan33 wrote:Urs has since replied -

Urs W Kellenberger wrote: David, no, they don't step up especially from within the PG community. That's the problem. And eventually the FAA will say stop without an organized association. Most don't have a clue what goes on behind the scenes by volunteers to keep us flying, but they sure have a keyboard and crappy instruction.

I find this statement hard to believe.

Ditto. I also find it hard to believe.

U$HPA is becoming so desperate that they're willing to claim anything to force pilots to pour more money into their rotting organization. Just say no.

The only part of Urs' statement that was true was that "Most don't have a clue what goes on behind the scenes ...". If most did have a clue what goes on behind the scenes at USHPA, then USHPA would have gone under years ago.
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