Frank Colver wrote:Please explain Bob. What's happening here in these new photos of little hawk and these people shown with your glider? Where is this location?
Hello Frank, maybe this could help clear up the question, subject to change, open for thoughts
1st. Point.I have to buy United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association Insurance (not required by law.)
2nd PointI have to buy a Leaseholder club membership pass to use a free park in San Diego. (illegal collection)
Both pointsBoth are by force and duress. by no contest are illegal collection of funds
Both want exclusive business rights to use public land.
Both commercialization and privatization of our parks is illegal and unacceptable.
Checkmate,... right there I could say no way
A Possible Solution, 1st point Easy fix, Similar to the Dockweiler waiver.
Recreational flying was free at Torrey for many years with USHPA operation no problem
The California Statutes Law already protects landowner liabilities. A waiver already is mentioned and not needed.
A recreational waiver would keep pilot rating and skills at a recreational City or USHPA card bank .
Securing recreational freeflight. At a reasonable one time fee, (Like a diving card /certificate/ waiver)
The waiver, Via City or other does not include exclusive business rights to a public park
It would allow other clubs within the flying community to operate under the same set of standards and rules.
Issuing a recreational fight card/certificate for use at any of our public parks. I believe is our American rights
The waiver allows tandem/instruction of both sports to operate in harmony at the same time within any given site.
Paying for their own insurance and oversight needed for public conflict, as they are fighting over money, power and control.
Possible Solution 2nd PointGliderport can have a club, even more than one, like every other park with clubs in San Diego, offering something like glider storage, benefits such as discounts, package sales.
Tandem instruction may operate like every other Club in San Diego, without obstructing recreational public access and safety.
Closing WordsThe Gliderport, like every other Club in San Diego, can not sell me access to a free public park, the sky, cliff, beach or ocean.
Why would anyone one give up their rights and sign unfair waivers to a third party to use a free park
P.S. There are no reasons I would join a known, collapsing, business scandal.

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