"Hang Gliding is being murdered by U$HPA(RM)", and the "mutilation of the HISTORICAL RECORD, to bury the evidence is there for all to see, if you would just open your eyes and read between the lines (which they don't want us to do), and call them out for their
high school, "Fake Newsery".
Dan O is just "Trippn' (on U$HPA drugs), left his bulls**t back on the ground, and he ain't never coming down". The captions have a hard time writing the words "Hang Gliding" see how USHPA puts Hang Gliding into one word, just H.
Here is just one video (I don't have room for all the others I've found) of how they have been doing it since 1989, when Dan O and his friends first came to Telluride launch site (And many others all across the country and the world) and kinda "bullied" and taunted their way into The Telluride Air Force, saying, "we are hanging just like you guys, so please let us fly here under your "Hang Gliding" insurance, we have a P4 ushpa rating, and we can, "really fly".
Videos and words like these are just the tip of the "U$HPA iceberg"
Bob said, "If Hang Gliding were a thriving sport", and I think he's right to a certain degree, but Hang Gliding is not thriving, due to the sheer numbers of U$HPA paragliders (all good people I'm sure) that have showed up since 1989, and put themselves in the air, at original H4 only sites, forcing a very thriving Hang Gliding Sport (at the time) to use them like, "gates on a slalom ski racing course", "and it was no fun any more", say my old TAF friends.
A much faster, "penetrating", Hang Glider and it's prone pilot, should not have to compete in the same lift band ( and be forced to become a censored, dues paying, U$HPA member) with the slower, "floating and twirling", (and collapsing sometimes at the most inopportune times), Paraglider canope', and it's supine pilot, and "selfie taking" passenger. (who could not "fly the wing or throw a reserve chute, in case of a desperate emergency (as in an Asymmetrical Collapse) But that's the way it is.
What about this as a "buffer against U$HPA" ;
A WEB PAGE that is not a forum, which is a True History of The World Hang Gliding Recreational Sport, in Pod casts, original Music videos and interviews, and stop action Training Videos , (Paragliding included) AND private insurance options by new underwriters, all put together by HG Clubs. John Heiney's training video called "Off & On", is a wonderful model, and he keeps it simple.
US Hawks is a wonderful repository of fantastic "essays" and art work and videos, where developers and software engineers, (and pilots) build their data base.
U$HPA has it's head up it's A**.
U$HPA is just a "suppository applicator", and their way to deliver "Their Drug".
Google USHPA and "read between the lines", and you will see how their marketing campaign has "stolen" the historic word, "Hang Gliding"
a story about a Paraglider pilot (Dan O maybe) who in 1992 took off from Telluride in "building weather","see, we can fly" and got sucked up into the thunderheads over the Wilsons, almost died, but then was miraculously let down over Dolores. He decided that since he was still flying and able to get some lift he would see just how far he could go. He made it all the way to the 4 corners Monument, a world record by mistake, (and wildly tauted) for the time of early Paragliding.
The Telluride Airforce went from 12 original Hang Glider (test) Pilots, and no Paraglider Riders, to now, 19 Paragliders, and "cash cow" Tandems , and only 1 Hang Glider Pilot.
anybody else seen this at their sites?

Long winded, but at least we have the wind.