JoeF wrote:Why not walk throughout San Diego with a Little hawk and give a small flyer to all citizens of the City asking them to urge their City to HALT THE PRIVATIZATION OF TORREY PINES recreational hang gliding. Let's write the flyer. It would be excellent exercise for me to walk throughout San Diego.
I think that's a great idea Joe. But the current Little Hawk is still a bit too big for casually walking around San Diego. I think it's time to start thinking of a glider somewhere between Little Hawk and Tiny Hawk. I suggest that we call it "Mini Hawk" and that it be just a little bit smaller than the glider that Joe Greblo loaned me for the San Diego "Kick Gas" festival back in 2009:
It would be something between that version and what I've called "Tiny Hawk":
We probably want something with a 6 to 10 foot wing span that quickly (almost instantly) folds down to 5 feet or less. Let's exchange some ideas and maybe some plans and materials in this topic on how to build these. People could do that everywhere from coast to coast. It's another brilliant idea from the mind of Joe Faust!!