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Windsports Free Flying Day May 13, 2023

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2023 11:38 pm
by Bob Kuczewski
Windsports will be offering a free flying day on May 13, 2023!!


Re: Windsports Free Flying Day May 13, 2023

PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 9:34 pm
by JoeF
? : is one forced to be a member of the org? ... for the day?
? : what insurance is covering the person who flies for free under their business?
? : will they let BobK fly for free on that day?

Re: Windsports Free Flying Day May 13, 2023

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2023 2:27 am
by Bob Kuczewski
JoeF wrote:? : is one forced to be a member of the org? ... for the day?

I believe the answer is yes.

JoeF wrote:? : what insurance is covering the person who flies for free under their business?

I suspect It's USHPA insurance.

JoeF wrote:? : will they let BobK fly for free on that day?

I doubt it. I thought about going up there, but I decided against it.

Re: Windsports Free Flying Day May 13, 2023

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2023 3:38 pm
by Chris McKeon

I have a Question, granted it May very well be a stupid Question. So here it goes; INSURANCE? What is the Insurance for? I mean has any one ever had a situation where they e=were required to by; I do not know Who it would be that would ask Said Pilot to provide proof of Insurance? I imagine that if a Pilot screwed up by some act while Flying such as causing An Mid-Air Collision, or if the Pilot Piled into say a Building or an Automobile, or possibly a Person. Then Said Pilot would be asked to show proof of Insurance. I for one have Flown H-G's for Twenty Plus Years ago. I have never heard of A Plot who crashed into another Pilot, a Building, or as Person causing damage thus requiring the victim of Said Pilots Miss Piloting His or Hers Glider.

So is insurance something that We all have but has Yet to be needed?

Re: Windsports Free Flying Day May 13, 2023

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2023 8:38 pm
by Bob Kuczewski
Chris McKeon wrote:So is insurance something that We all have but has Yet to be needed?

There are many kinds of insurance, and different kinds may have been used to differing degrees.

There are many ways to slice the insurance pie. One such division is between commercial pilots and recreational pilots. I believe that commercial pilots (like instructors and tandem pilots) have had quite a few claims made against them. And since many of USHPA's "leaders" are commercial operators, they want the insurance to protect their businesses. But since most couldn't afford it, they place a lot of that burden on recreational pilots by making them pay for insurance that most don't need. That's my understanding of the situation.

Also, it turns out that every state has laws protecting landowners from being liable for recreational non-commercial activities on their land. But once money is involved ... everything changes. That's why we formed the U.S. Hawks as a recreational pilots association.