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Crash Diet; Cause and Effects

Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Oct 25, 2023 1:33 pm

So, I just got off the Phone from talking with John. John has a lot of students at present down in southern California. So, he will not be coming up right away. But He will be coming. Then John and I will do what We used to do in the past. We will go and Fly! For Me It has been Thirteen Years since I last Flew. I am now 100 Pounds liter than on My last Ill fatted Flight that was on March Twenty-Eight Two Thousand Ten. Weighing Two hundred Pounds, or just under Two Hundred Pounds, or just over Two Hundred Pounds. This is So Cool. For I have not been this Lite since High School. I am seriously wondering how with My Body weight Plummeting down to being rite about Two Hundred pounds I am really itching to see how My 158 Predator responds to this Leaner Pilot. Back Thirteen Years ago before I went on the; "CRASH DIET" My Predator had a fantastic ability to Climb. I have flown My 158 Predator Heavy. Now I will Fly it as a Lite Predator Pilot. I can't wait to find out how My Predator will respond to This New; Liter, Leaner, Phonex Guy in The Sky. I mean just think about it; A hundred pounds less Payload must change things regarding how My Predator behaves, It Must, Correct?
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Re: Crash Diet; Cause and Effects

Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:07 pm

OK, I know that I am bordering on posting a Text that contains information that is Off Topic regarding doing what We all simply love to do, For that Iam sorry, but what I am talking about; I am talking about Body Weight. So think about it One's Body Weight has a Direct Impact on a Pilots ability to remain Airborne. Ok I used to be Quite Heavy though I never saw the Dial on My Bathroom scale reach Three Hundred Pounds. I did weigh Two Hundred Ninety-Eight Pounds, the Morning of Marc Twenty-Eight Two Thousand Ten. March Twenty eighth Two Thousand Ten was the Date of My last Flight. But that was then, this is now. So, when I Pounded, and I want to say I Pounded. well on that Day Thirteen Years ago, I also embarked on a "CRASH DIET" So I imagine that when I Fly, I could simply Pound My Predator and Myself into the Ground. That way I could simply lose Weight the Way I did Thirteen Years ago to lose One Hundred Pounds. But there are two things that I want to bring up. One I do not need to lose a Hundred Pounds. To Be the optimal Body Weight that A Pilot should Weigh in order to Fly a 158 Predator. I only need to lose about Fifteen more Pounds. the other point to consider is When a Person goes on; {THE POUND DIET|}. Even though the Pound Diet does indeed Work. There is a Potentially Deadly side Effect. Yes, when undergoing a Crash Diet such as; [THE POUND DIET}. One might not survive the Process. So ere I am a Six Foot Three Pilot, and though I do want to achieve an Optinel wing Loading so weighing One Hundred Seventy-Five Pounds. I will not experience that Dreaded Foul, Four-Letter Cuss Word. No, I will not "Sink". No nothing but lift for this Sub Two Hundred Pound Predator Pilot.
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Re: Crash Diet; Cause and Effects

Postby Bill Cummings » Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:04 pm

My guess is that you probably lost muscle and also bone density and possibly fat.
Bone loss could leave you more susceptible to a fracture or break.
Muscle loss due to inactivity must certainly be connected to the strength of your bones.
Did you develop a lactose intolerance?
My time without milk while in the jungles of Vietnam and Cambodia
didn’t give me a lactose intolerance but I became allergic to milk protein.
But who knows if it was exposure to Agent Orange, or the experimental
Monday morning malaria pill that was pulled off of the market.
Would you say that before you pounded you were overly fat?
My guess would be that choosing the size of wing going forward
with possible bone fragility would be as big of a wing that you can
comfortably muscle around in the air. I would want slower softer landings
With the lightest handling possible.
I would also set limits for myself like not flying on still air days due to
landing concerns and no high above sea level landing zones.
I’d recommend a tandem flight so that you can trade off flying with
your primary pilot. Find out if you remember how to fly while your primary pilot
can take over if necessary.
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Re: Crash Diet; Cause and Effects

Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:35 pm

Ok, here is a little more information. When I Pounded on March 28th. 2010 I weighed 298 Pounds. Well, this Wednesday she eleventh, I Weighed One Hundred Ninety-Eight Pounds. When I weighed darn near Three Hundred Pounds even though My large Body. I climbed quite Well Flying My One Fifty-Eight Predator. The Predator has as My Friend Zack Majors said, "The Predator has a Phenomenal Sink rate." Check this out When I was oh about Twenty-Five Years old. I was built pretty Well. I pumped a lot of Iron. My waist was about 33 inches. My Chest was around Fifty Inches, I once Bench pressed Four Hundred Eighty-Five Pounds Three times. UI weighed Two Hundred forty-two Pounds even though I was in outstanding shape, with more than enough Strength. I could Flex My Abdominal Muscles and in between to of My Abdominal Muscles, I could suspend a Quarter. But by running the numbers Six foot three and Two Hundred Forty-two Pounds. I was Obese! Boy today what would give to be that; "Obese". As A Pilot I was known as; "The Big Guy in the Sky."
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Re: Crash Diet; Cause and Effects

Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:35 pm

Ok, here is a little more information. When I Pounded on March 28th. 2010 I weighed 298 Pounds. Well, this Wednesday she eleventh, I Weighed One Hundred Ninety-Eight Pounds. When I weighed darn near Three Hundred Pounds even though My large Body. I climbed quite Well Flying My One Fifty-Eight Predator. The Predator has as My Friend Zack Majors said, "The Predator has a Phenomenal Sink rate." Check this out When I was oh about Twenty-Five Years old. I was built pretty Well. I pumped a lot of Iron. My waist was about 33 inches. My Chest was around Fifty Inches, I once Bench pressed Four Hundred Eighty-Five Pounds Three times. UI weighed Two Hundred forty-two Pounds even though I was in outstanding shape, with more than enough Strength. I could Flex My Abdominal Muscles and in between to of My Abdominal Muscles, I could suspend a Quarter. But by running the numbers Six foot three and Two Hundred Forty-two Pounds. I was Obese! Boy today what would give to be that; "Obese". As A Pilot I was known as; "The Big Guy in the Sky."
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Re: Crash Diet; Cause and Effects

Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Jan 21, 2024 3:20 pm

Ok I am a six-foot threw and a Half inch tall 158 Predator Pilot. I currently weigh plus or minus 200 hundred Pounds in the Morning. So, what I am hoping to get is . I am looking for foe advice regarding how to lose only about Twenty more pounds more weight. Now that I am no longer fat. II am f-finding that losing Body Weight has seemed to have stopped. Should I reply to one of the Ads that run on TV such as Go Low? Do I simply eat Less and Fly More? SHOULD GO AND Fly My PRE\DATOR AND GO BACK ON THE: "pound diet?"
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Re: Crash Diet; Cause and Effects

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:56 am

Chris McKeon wrote:Ok I am a six-foot threw and a Half inch tall 158 Predator Pilot. I currently weigh plus or minus 200 hundred Pounds ...

200 pounds seems like a reasonable weight for you. Have you looked up the ideal weight for your height?
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Re: Crash Diet; Cause and Effects

Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Jan 22, 2024 2:30 pm

Bob I am looking to be the ideal weight for a One Fifty-Eight Predator Pilot. To that End, I want to weigh While Flying My One Fifty-Eight Predator, so that I have the same wing loading as the Creator of My Awesome Wing has when John Flys His One Forty-two Predator, not a lower Wing Loading, Merly the Same, not less, or more. Granted one cannot Argue thar I could go back on: {A CRASH DIET} again. but the price I paid for getting down to being a Lean Mean tall Predator Pilot, is so sever. I mean Three Months laying in a Hospital Bed in a Coma! Not for Me, no Thanks. So how about Posting some Weight loss links/
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