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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Dec 16, 2023 3:54 pm

Well, I have come to the realization that there are Pilots Who care not that a Certain Glider has more Performance in one are of Its Flight Envelope than another Glider. What I am saying is the Glider. Not the abilities of the Pilot Flying it but the actual Glider that is being flown by Him or Her. How well a SHG Wing Performs. Performs, some aspects of it's ability to Perform is hard to Quantify. I mean how do you objectively measure Hang Gliders performance? If this could be done. Then one Wings ability to provide lift from a number of Square Feet Could be measured. Ten We could see how well a design of Wing We had compared to other Wings. I realize that there are certain Pilots where a Hang Gliders ability to say have an exceptional Glide, or its speed range is notably impressive. I Always dreamed of having a Glider where even when a god sarong Thermal was only a Wish. I wanted to be able to stay up in the Air where I could cover Ground, and to: Extend My Horizon. I can say how neither viewpoint of Hang Glider Performance capabilities is the Correct Viewpoint. The commonality that We all Share is This: "We all Simply Love to be up in the Air Flying."
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Dec 16, 2023 8:03 pm

Flying thoughts; Thoughts of Flying are just about all I have these Days is Thoughts of Flying. I am considering doing what I need to do in order so that I will be able to head down to Dockweiler this Year for the Otto Meet. I have some Personal issues that I need to get a taken care of before I head down to Sand Diego-Dockweiler. Once again, I am asking anyone Who might have a Manual Typewriter to contact Me if You will consider selling Me Your Typewriter, Thanks Chris McKeon 925-497-1059/
Chris McKeon
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Postby Bob Kuczewski » Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:10 pm

Chris McKeon wrote:Once again, I am asking anyone Who might have a Manual Typewriter to contact Me if You will consider selling Me Your Typewriter, Thanks Chris McKeon 925-497-1059

Hi Chris,

Back in the mid-90's I wrote a typing practice program in QBASIC for DOS. Since DOS is long gone, and QBASIC isn't easy to find, I recently rewrote it in Javascript so it should run in almost any web browser. I have attached the latest version below. You will need to download the file, then unzip it, and finally double-click on the file named "TypingTutor.html". If you do it right, you should see something that looks like this:

Screenshot_2023-12-16.png (41.63 KiB) Viewed 4057 times

Here's how to use it:

The top line shows the text that you will be typing. The white letter with the gray box around it (in the center) is the next key to type. That key is also highlighted on the keyboard (with the yellow border). When you type the proper key (including upper and lower case) the top line will advance to the next character (letters already typed will be blue, and letters yet to be typed will be green). If you type the wrong key, that key will show up in red below the small gray box, and the top line will refuse to advance until you get it right. The program keeps track of your statistics and shows your keys per second typing rate.

The program starts out with the (in)famous typing sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." You can type that over and over and over as long as you want. But the program also includes a number of other exercises shown in the green buttons ("Quick Brown Fox", "Home Keys", "Random Alphabet", "Random Numbers", and "Random All"). It also has exercises for each finger shown in the gray buttons ("L Little", "L Ring", "L Middle", "L Index", "R Index", "R Middle", "R Ring", "R Little"). In addition to these specific exercises, the program also has some pre-loaded passages ("Declaration of Independence", "Constitution/Bill of Rights", and "Gettysburg Address").

All of these exercises and texts are loaded into the text box at the bottom when you click each button. But they are not loaded into the program until you click on the red "Load" button. The "Load" button loads whatever is in that bottom text box ... regardless of how it got there. This means that you can paste anything you want into that bottom text box and load it for typing. If, for example, you want to read an article from a web site, you can simply select all the text of that article, copy it to the clipboard, and then paste it into the text box. When you click "Load", that text will be ready for typing. This is especially helpful as motivation. If you copy and paste an article that you really want to read, you'll be motivated to type it ... in order to read it.
Here's the file to download, unzip, and open with your web browser:
(7.05 KiB) Downloaded 267 times
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Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Dec 17, 2023 1:50 pm

Well I sure did Post this thread using the appropriate Heading, Flying Thoughts. For since When I Pounded Thirteen Years Ago My Brain has not been all that way up and functioning, yes this: {Come Back}. This Comeback to having a Fully functioning Brain has, and I imagine it will continue to be a Daunting. Trying undertaking. It is like What My, Our Friend John said to Me regarding if I would Regain One Hundred Percent of My Mental Abilities. John replied: "You must remember that Your One Hundred Percent is a Very large Number". Well-being that John is My Friend, a very good Friend indeed. When John makes comments about Me, They are just too Kind.

So being that it is: Slack-Sunday. I hope that everyone is up in the Air Flying. Good By Chris McKeon. Get High and Go Far! Good By Chris.

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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Dec 24, 2023 4:33 pm

So I contacted Grey Hound. It will Cost Me $98.95 Dollars to get Me down to Sand Diego. At this Point I am not Sure what Means of Transportation I will Use in Order for Me to travel Down so that I could be at the Otto Lilienthal Fly - In.

I am just looking into Options.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Dec 31, 2023 10:28 pm

OK check this out. I am a Six Foot Three and a Half inch tall Man. I lost a Hundred Pounds due to going on a Crash Diet. The: {CRASH DIET}is indeed a fabulous way to lose Weight. Case in Point: Me. For I went on the {POUND DIET} and subsequently to going on this Diet I lost a Hundred Pounds. But Here I sit weighing rite around Two Hundred Pounds. But The Days of Weight simply dripping off My Body are a Thing of the Past. My Question for those of You Who might know How I can enable My Body to Drop Of about just Fifteen Pounds or So. I do not to, even though going on the Crash Diet Works. There are some Negatives that acompanie going on the {POUND DIE, CRASH DIET} THat I care not to experience again. IE: Three Months in a Coma.

So what are some traditional ways that I can lose just a small amount of Weight? At the very Most, I only need to lose say Twenty Pounds Max, fifteen will Work.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Jan 05, 2024 4:53 pm

The way I see it. Being that upon finishing My Last Flight. I did not Die. I believe that I will Fly again. It is interesting My Pounding so severely Has Prompted Comments that have Been informed, Compassionate, Insightful, Caring Comments. Some of Which I really Appreciated. Then There were "other Comments" these "Other Comments", Have been either difficult, or nearly impossible for Me to Digest. Here is one From a Fellow HG Pilot Who responded to My talking to Him about My Dreams of Flying a HG once again. Well anyways He Said to Me: "Chris Get real, You will never Fly a Hang Glider Again"! I was Blown away By this Horrible Statement. I mean really. After all I have been through. Currently I am on the Cusp, The Verge of spending a Day out on the Coast with John, where I will try out Flying My Friend Zack Majors Circus tent Sized 330 Condor! Saying some thing like what He said to Me is not just an un true statement. From My Point of View it was a Cruel thing to Say.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Jan 05, 2024 4:54 pm

The way I see it. Being that upon finishing My Last Flight. I did not Die. I believe that I will Fly again. It is interesting My Pounding so severely Has Prompted Comments that have Been informed, Compassionate, Insightful, Caring Comments. Some of Which I really Appreciated. Then There were "other Comments" these "Other Comments", Have been either difficult, or nearly impossible for Me to Digest. Here is one From a Fellow HG Pilot Who responded to My talking to Him about My Dreams of Flying a HG once again. Well anyways He Said to Me: "Chris Get real, You will never Fly a Hang Glider Again"! I was Blown away By this Horrible Statement. I mean really. After all I have been through. Currently I am on the Cusp, The Verge of spending a Day out on the Coast with John, where I will try out Flying My Friend Zack Majors Circus tent Sized 330 Condor! Saying some thing like what He said to Me is not just an un true statement. From My Point of View it was a Cruel thing to Say.
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Postby Craig Muhonen » Sat Jan 06, 2024 1:52 pm

:salute: :salute: :salute:

Maybe a bit off topic but;
The fathers of my generation, I'm 77, are a true inspiration but much forgotten.
I know what it's like to wake up in a hospital some time later and know that everything we once loved to do was gone, but we survived not really remembering "exactly the just before or just after", what almost took our lives. We had our brains and some wisdom, but our bodies could no longer answer the call. Of course I'm talking about you being a Master Pilot and me being a Master Plumber for the better part of our lives, but "it is what it is".
I thought I'd post this here about a forgotten generation, of Pilots, my dad being one of those, "Where did we get these men"? Truly inspirational.
It was hard for me to watch "The Gift" without tearing up a bit, of a better time gone by.

Sitting on a beach with a glider over your head will come for you, take it slow and everything will be ok. In the mean time strengthen your legs because you will absolutely want to take off and land. Even before that, maybe set your glider up on a windy day, strap in under it, and just visualize a pilot that once was, and will be again with his glider that just want's to fly even just sitting on the ground.

As far as your brain is concerned, it's your Pilot's instinct that counts, how many times have your eyes and your hands taken you on a flight not even knowing or caring that you have a bunch of neurons in your skull firing off?

Enjoy this Pilot everyone,
and a bit of irony, watch at 1:50 where it shows from Palos Verdes, my home town Torrance Beach and Dockweiler off in the distance, both filled with courageous "test Pilots" and aviation history.

Forever Flying

:salute: :salute: :salute:
Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
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Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Jan 16, 2024 6:13 pm

wEL on this Day Here in Cazadero000 it is raining. Tody if a Pilot were He or She would get Wet during Their Climb to up above the Clouds and during Their Decent under the Clouds. Boy I simply love typing Trash.

I CALLED THE Willams California sailplane OPERATION. I asked the Woman who answered the Phone about How I want to have another Pilot Fly with Me in a Two Seat Sail Plane. I was informed that this could indeed happen. Providing that I pay for the use of the Sailplane. and for the other Pilots Time.

I have only Two Flights Flying a Three Axis Control Aircraft a Grobe Sailplane. I enjoyed it very much. Yes, a Grobe is a Sailplane. I have no idea how Two seat Sailplane stacks up Performance wise to Other Sailplanes. But I was very impressed. Under Tow, I found that the Ailerons were very sensitive once I released from our Tow Plane. I experienced no more PIO.

I am just waiting to read a response to this Post saying something like this: So, You Flew a Two-Seat Grobe. That Sail Plane is a DAWG! I am ready for that. BUT I am telling You something here. That Sailplane's Performance, Got My attention.
Chris McKeon
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