SHGA misinformation still is published
Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:12 pm
Why does SHGA still publish false information? The matter was brought up years ago and the SHGA website still publishes misinformation.
What is required to fly at Kagel? They publish a false answer; why do they do such? Membership in private orgs is not required to fly the airspace, but SHGA says membership in private orgs are necessary. Bad! Can SHGA be trusted, if such a core data point is falsely thrusted to the world? It would be so easy to correct the misinformation: "No requirements to fly the airspace except to respect FAA rules. But if you want to land on our private spot of land, then respect our private org rules for the use of the private land." Why does not SHGA simply tell the truth? Is truth important? Is there cooperative misinformation radiated from the $PA org related to these matters? Follow the money? I tend to have a private rule: Do not join any org that deliberately refuses to tell the truth.
I asked Chat GPT 3.5 to polish the above:
What is required to fly at Kagel? They publish a false answer; why do they do such? Membership in private orgs is not required to fly the airspace, but SHGA says membership in private orgs are necessary. Bad! Can SHGA be trusted, if such a core data point is falsely thrusted to the world? It would be so easy to correct the misinformation: "No requirements to fly the airspace except to respect FAA rules. But if you want to land on our private spot of land, then respect our private org rules for the use of the private land." Why does not SHGA simply tell the truth? Is truth important? Is there cooperative misinformation radiated from the $PA org related to these matters? Follow the money? I tend to have a private rule: Do not join any org that deliberately refuses to tell the truth.
I asked Chat GPT 3.5 to polish the above:
**Why Does SHGA Still Publish False Information?**
Years ago, the issue was raised, yet the SHGA website continues to disseminate misinformation.
What is truly required to fly at Kagel? SHGA claims that membership in private organizations is necessary to fly the airspace, which is simply not true. Membership in private organizations is not required; only FAA rules must be followed. SHGA should clarify this: "No requirements to fly the airspace except to respect FAA rules. However, if you want to land on our private spot of land, you must adhere to our organization's rules."
Can SHGA be trusted if such a fundamental piece of information is falsely presented to the public? Correcting this misinformation would be simple.
Why doesn't SHGA just tell the truth? Is truth important? Is there cooperative misinformation propagated by related organizations? Follow the money.
I have a personal rule: Do not join any organization that deliberately refuses to tell the truth.