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Perseverense UGH.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:48 am
by Chris McKeon
I like many of You had dreams of Flaying. But now after My last Flight it has gotten so much worse. I constantly Dream of flying. I guess because of My Pounding Fourteen Years ago. My brain must be locked in a Perseverant Born thought locked loop. Yes I will admit it I want to Fly!

Re: Perseverense UGH.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 10:32 am
by Chris McKeon
OK, OK. i KNW THAT I should probably not put up these Posts where I talk about how I am: "GOIING TO FLY". I mean it has been over Fourteen Years since I flew My Predator. I mean I should as Pilot friend of mine Tim said: "Get real Chris, you will never Fly again". But I key into what others have said: Such as what My Friend Andy V said regarding My Voice just a Week or so ago. "You sound Crystal clear". Or what a doctor friend of Mine . . . R-A said to one of those who attended a Barbeque that I had at My House down in Brentwood, Doctor "A" said: I do not think that Chris is: "one and done". I never intended what happened to My Body after Sunday March 28th, 2010. But the "POUND DIET". where on that Day I initiated this great Diet. So I do seem to have leveled off regarding My descending in weight. Or I am at a sticking point. But this Six Foot Three-inch-tall Man has not weighed Two Hundred Pounds since High School. My sister gives Me a hard time with My preoccupation with My Body Weight. She calls Me: "An Anorexic teenage Girl". So be it. My "Crash Diet" really has worked. It is like that so true saying: "You can't argue with success.

Re: Perseverense UGH.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 11:35 am
by Chris McKeon
Perseverance, Perseverance was forced upon Me due to My having Blown My last landing while Flying My Predator. But as maddening as it has been for Me to be afflicted with this condition that runs up and down the left side of My Body. I have discovered that By My simply being more active I have found that merely doing things such as working in My mother's yard has bennificle effects in ridding My Body of this condition. Typing, as I am doimg here is a good thing to do. I type uing both of My hand4s, no mor hunt ad pecking for Ne. There is also my
Playing of My Gibson S-G. Yes when Plying My SG, I am able to Hear the improvement through Playing My Guitair.

Re: Perseverense UGH.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 11:56 am
by Bob Kuczewski
Chris McKeon wrote:Perseverance, Perseverance was forced upon Me due to My having Blown My last landing while Flying My Predator. But as maddening as it has been for Me to be afflicted with this condition that runs up and down the left side of My Body. I have discovered that By My simply being more active I have found that merely doing things such as working in My mother's yard has bennificle effects in ridding My Body of this condition. Typing, as I am doimg here is a good thing to do. I type uing both of My hand4s, no mor hunt ad pecking for Ne. There is also my
Playing of My Gibson S-G. Yes when Plying My SG, I am able to Hear the improvement through Playing My Guitair.

Very good Chris!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Re: Perseverense UGH.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2024 7:35 pm
by Chris McKeon
I sort of see things with Me both Physically and Mentally. Take this Perseverance condition that has afflicted Me since I Pounded. I look at My having this Physic logical condition as something I can use. For when I am Flying Cross Country, when I get low. I can be quite steadfast in My Quest to regain Altitude. Using Perseverance to keep My Mind focused on regaining altitude. Yes, this Condition, Perseverance Could, and hopefully will be an asset.

Re: Perseverense UGH.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2024 5:17 pm
by Chris McKeon
Perseverance is not all that bad a Deal. I mean it can describe a Physical condition that could be considered an Asset by a Pilot to have when flying. For as we all know, well those of us who have, and will continue to Fly Cross Country. For During an XC Flight. A pilot will find Her, or Him getting low. at the time the word Perseverance could be used to describe how a Pilot's refusal to sink out by sniffing around for that elusive thermal. Upon determining that a thermal was indeed near. Turning into the Thermal. adjusting their turn, so as to cause their Vario to Ring like a Bell.

A Piot once said to Me: "I just simply love to be up in the Air". I have been more than a few times. I have been quite a long way from the nearest Road. I have been so low that I should have abandoned trying to locate and Corre an Elusive Thermal. No, I should have just resigned to the conclusion that I should commit to landing. But I had Perseverant Al thoughts going through My Head. Such as a stubborn refusal to not commit to a S-B-F. and land. I just loved the idea of remaining in the Air. These thoughts coupled with the fact that I was Flying My Predator 158 with its Pronominal sink rate. I almost always managed to remain up in the Air. It is a crime against Hang Gliding that Predators are no longer being Made.

Re: Perseverense UGH.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 2:16 pm
by Chris McKeon
PERSEVERENCE: Perseverance is a word that to Me can be used in a positive way to describe Positive aspects regarding a HG Pilot. I think back to when John and I were talking about Larry Tudor, and Larrys Flying style. I believe that John said in Glowing terms that Larry was so Determined, relentless in His quest to Fly. Sounds good to Me.

having a perseverant nature while Fluing is an aspect of one's make up, scope, our raw essence that We can all build upon. I have been Flying with the Sun getting low in the Sky. I have said to Myself: Just one more Thermal, then I will call it a day and land, yes just one More Thermal.

Re: Perseverense UGH.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 6:07 pm
by Chris McKeon
I am not a Neurologist, so take what i say with a grain of Salt. But as severely that I hit the Ground 14 Years ago. Make no mistake I did indeed Pound way too Hard. But I have in ways benefitted from that Pounding. Just as is said: "You cannot Argue with Success " I mean I am still tripping over My Physical reality. Yes that 100 Pounds will not be lost. Gaining the weight back is not on My list of things that I need to do in order to be a Hundred Percent recovered. My Sister gives Me a Hard time regarding My thinking about My Low weight Number. So, I hope that as Kathleen has said to Me: "You sound like an Anorexic Girl. I imagine that I will need to be accustomed Flying a Stiff Predator 158.I have never flown a Stiff - Hang Glider. I first flew a Moyes Mars down in New Zealand. When after I got Back to America. I Bought a 226 Falcon. Then My second Glider was My 158 Predator. Talk about making the: {PERFIRCY CHOICE} regarding making the optimal to A second Glider. After having Flown One's first Glider. Choosing My Predator was the Perfect Choice. Transitioning to the Predator after having Flown My 225 Falcon was one of the best Decisions that I ever made.

OK, I have Questions:

Ok I have had two Flights flying a Two Seat Grobe Sail Plane. I found that Sail Planes do Go up in a Thermal. They have tremendous Performance. I now can fully accept what My Friend Mikey F told Me about His experience Flying a Two Place Sail Plane up in Reno. Well Mikey was flying with another Pilot just as I had down in Byron California. Well Mikey being a HG Pilot, started thinking about getting back to the Airport, standard XC thinking. Well Mikey asked the other Pilot: Shouldn't We think about heading back to going back? Do We have enough Altitude to make it to the Airport? The Pilot that was Flying with Mikey that Day. He replied with a Flat Drawl, Monotone. "We have SFO on Glide. SFO onglide, from Reno! That blew Mikeys Mind it a little hard to believe that. But there is no question that Sail Plane have Performance.

The only Problem I experienced in flying the Grobe was while under Tow. I did experience some PIO. Will PIO just go away after I get more Stick time?