Noman Info Warrior

Missouri Hawks Hang Gliding Club

Re: Lamestream Programming

Postby miguel » Wed Aug 01, 2012 1:31 pm

Free wrote:The rabbit hole beckons..

miguel wrote:Seem strange that there are no witnesses saying that the gunfire came from anywhere else except from the guns of Mr. Holmes.

Free wrote:How are you so sure of this assertion?
Get your facts much from TV?

I do not watch tv. I have never bought a tv in my life.I have a tv that was given to me about 20 years ago. I keep it around for the vacuum tubes.

Point me to some witnesses who claim other shooters besides Mr. Holmes.

miguel wrote:If there were other shooters, some of the witnesses would have said so.

Free wrote:Is this a 'fact' skillfully mixed with fantasy, (programming) to buttress an agenda?
What agenda?

I have no idea. Most of the ones I follow seem to be trying to deliver votes to one presidential candidate or the other.

miguel wrote: Some of the responding law enforcement types noticed right away that Mr. Holmes's uniform and equipment was different from the standard issue.

Free wrote:Ok, Columbo, where does that take us?

OK TV watcher, the only thing I can figure is the uniform saved him from being hamburgerized. If they had killed him, the conspiracy story would have more weight.

miguel wrote:Facts skillfully mixed in with fantasies to buttress someone's agenda.

Free wrote:Exactly...
That is what you get from lamestream media.
They are programming your mind. You have to break free of the programming.

I could say the same of you concerning the sites you have listed.

miguel wrote:Thanks for the links. I do read them.

Free wrote:The links are starting points.
Have you listened to Alex Jones, yet?

Not yet. I kind of detest sites that depend on video/audio to deliver the message. I would rather read.
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Re: Noman Info Warrior

Postby miguel » Wed Aug 01, 2012 1:58 pm

I do not get the hate for Davis. I read his windoze books back in the day. People thought I knew something about computers.
His money does not color what I think of him.
The facts he spouts are not secret. They are on the internet just like the other so called facts.
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Re: Lamestream Programming

Postby Free » Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:10 pm

miguel wrote:I kind of detest sites that depend on video/audio to deliver the message. I would rather read.

Detest?? Who am I dealing with here?
Ya know... 20 years ago a TV with tubes in it was already quite an antique.
I haven't had broadcast TV since they finally went digital.

I like podcast radio shows because I can take them on the move with an mp3 player.
It sure beats standing there holding a shortwave antenna just so, to get a signal.
I get 8 to 10 hrs of podcast information every day plus a couple hours reading.

How much information are you reading every day and from what sources?
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Re: Lamestream Programming

Postby miguel » Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:54 am

Free wrote:
miguel wrote:I kind of detest sites that depend on video/audio to deliver the message. I would rather read.

Detest?? Who am I dealing with here?

Come on, youtube is filled with idiots giving their opinions on whatever.

Giving a speech on a blog is one step above youtube.

It does not take much intelligence to ramble on in front of a camera.

It does take intelligence to express an idea clearly in writing.

Free wrote:Ya know... 20 years ago a TV with tubes in it was already quite an antique.
I haven't had broadcast TV since they finally went digital.

I last turned my tv on about 20 years ago during the loma prieta earthquake. I was curious to see if the bay area had fallen into the ocean.
I talked with a lot of people up in the hills. They all had large antennas and had wonderful reception. The new digital killed almost everyone's reception. Now they have di$h.

Free wrote:I like podcast radio shows because I can take them on the move with an mp3 player.
It sure beats standing there holding a shortwave antenna just so, to get a signal.
I get 8 to 10 hrs of podcast information every day plus a couple hours reading.

I did shortwave during the first gulf war. I watched a little tv at my parents. I could see that I was being lied to. My father who is ex military pointed out more of the lies to me.

Free wrote:How much information are you reading every day and from what sources?

I don't keep track of it as it varies. I read a lot of newspapers. If you delete cookies, you can read the pay papers for free. I do read yours and Davis's favorite, NY Times. I subscribe to a few conservative news letters including Ann Coulter and a few progressive ones. Ann writes believable nonsense and has a large loyal following.
All of them tend to leave out facts that are not consistent with their agenda. I follow links off of them if they are interesting. I also read Al Qaeda and the Taliban from time to time.
I do a few written blogs and message boards.
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Re: Lamestream Programming

Postby Free » Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:27 pm

miguel wrote:
Free wrote:How much information are you reading every day and from what sources?

I don't keep track of it as it varies. I read a lot of newspapers. If you delete cookies, you can read the pay papers for free. I do read yours and Davis's favorite, NY Times. I subscribe to a few conservative news letters including Ann Coulter and a few progressive ones. Ann writes believable nonsense and has a large loyal following.
All of them tend to leave out facts that are not consistent with their agenda. I follow links off of them if they are interesting. I also read Al Qaeda and the Taliban from time to time.
I do a few written blogs and message boards.

You pay for Ann Coulter and a few progressive ones?
Al-CIA-duh, Taliban and the New York Times?

Who are you.. really..
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Re: Noman Info Warrior

Postby miguel » Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:58 am

Reading comprehension is not your strong point.

Where in my post does it say I paid for anything?

I read everything for free.
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Paid Subscription Prison Planet TV

Postby Free » Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:45 am

miguel wrote:
Reading comprehension is not your strong point.
Where in my post does it say I paid for anything?

If you want to get technical, where in my post does it say you paid for anything?

I read everything for free.

Nothing is free on the internet.

We are tracked, traced, targeted, catagorized, dumbed down and programmed to name just a few off the costs. We are being scientifically enslaved and we can't even see it

What is it doing to your head to continuously listen to an anorexic transvestite beating the war drums of hate, to bomb and murder innocent brown people that happen to have the bad luck of being born in a resource rich, strategic location critical for world domination?

Then you balance that with a few "progressive" sites,that are likely spreading the same message, what is that cost?

We tune out the big picture with programmed responses and pretend that we are truly informed by reading the NY Times and Ann Coulter. I am not impressed. Being lied to is so much easier that facing the truth, especially if our minds and bodies are being poisoned, chemically, biologically, electronically and spiritually.

The truth that globalist 'elite' want you plundered and dead is a hard pill to swallow. Wishfull thinking isn't going to help.
Tuning out information because you don't like video and audio is not valid.

If anyone wants to really explore the reasons things are as they are, I can *loan* you paid access to the big picture view with history/documented evidence.
This is leading edge information, people.

You can also get a free 15 day trial subscription.. or just go ahead and pony up the cost of a few toxic sodas to support people that are working for you and your family's freedom.

Three free hours of leading edge information.. five days a week..
Brian Sussman
Best selling author Brian Sussman joins Alex today on the Friday, August 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Sussman is the author of Eco-Tyranny: How the Left's Green Agenda Will Dismantle America. Eco-Tyranny exposes the red roots of the green movement and conclusively illustrates how its deceptive branches have now extended into every of aspect of American life. Sussman's book is now available at the Infowars Store. Brian Sussman has experience in post-graduate meteorological studies and achieved the stringent requirements necessary to pass the American Meteorological Society’s esteemed certification program. Alex also covers the latest news on the economy and other important topics and takes your calls.
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Green Agenda Eco-Tyranny

Postby Free » Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:36 am

Brian Sussman is the author of Eco-Tyranny: How the Left's Green Agenda Will Dismantle America. Eco-Tyranny exposes the red roots of the green movement and conclusively illustrates how its deceptive branches have now extended into every of aspect of American life.

Video from August 3 2012, Alex Jones radio show
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What you are missing..

Postby Free » Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:31 pm

Miguel, it's the weekend.. I know you are tuned out but this is what you are missing.
(live now)
Alex Jones Sunday show..
Today on this live Sunday edition, guest hosts and Infowars crew members Aaron Dykes and Rob Dew take on the open hypocrisy of Western forces admittedly allying with, aiding, arming and otherwise cheering on al Qaeda in the attempt to topple Assad's regime in Syria, while destabilizing Iran and other opponents in the region. Then, Alex Jones joins by phone with breaking news about attempts to bring martial law to Texas, and further merge military and police in violation of Posse Comitatus, this time against the supposed threat of IEDs and roadside bombs in the homeland. It's all part of the Orwellian attempt to flip the script on terrorism and occupy America, demonizing its patriots as domestic terrorists and hardening the total takeover. On the Edge host Max Keiser and Alex also discuss the myriad of issues eroding away our remaining civil liberties-- from rain water collection, to Monsanto and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the rights of the people are being transferred to offshore, globalist corporate interests bent on total domination.

Sikh Temple Shooting: Get Ready For “Hate Crime” Propaganda

Paul Joseph Watson
Sunday, August 5, 2012

The narrative for the Sikh temple shooting in Wisconsin to be blamed on conservatives and libertarians in order to portray anti-big government activists as “hate criminals” is already underway. This will also be used to further demonize the second amendment as legislation is readied to eviscerate gun rights. Watch out!

Obama is being kept up to date on the issue by his homeland security advisor even though this tragic incident is over and has nothing to do with national security. The media is already hyping the “hate crime” angle.

RELATED: 7 dead, including gunman, in shooting at Wis. Sikh temple

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9.SPLC Declares Tulsa Shootings a Racist “Hate Crime”
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11.Trayvon Shooting being Sold as “White on Black Crime” by Media, and Bought by the Masses
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The Al-Qaeda Deception

Postby Free » Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:19 pm

The Al-Qaeda Deception
On the live 8/05/12 Sunday edition, guest hosts and Infowars crew members Aaron Dykes and Rob Dew take on the open hypocrisy of Western forces admittedly allying with, aiding, arming and otherwise cheering on al Qaeda in the attempt to topple Assad's regime in Syria, while destabilizing Iran and other opponents in the region. Then, Alex Jones joins by phone with breaking news about attempts to bring martial law to Texas, and further merge military and police in violation of Posse Comitatus, this time against the supposed threat of IEDs and roadside bombs in the homeland. It's all part of the Orwellian attempt to flip the script on terrorism and occupy America, demonizing its patriots as domestic terrorists and hardening the total takeover.
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