Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

Missouri Hawks Hang Gliding Club

Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

Postby Free » Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:46 pm

Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.

Transcript and sources:
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Questions? Experts Speak Out

Postby Free » Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:07 pm

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out (Free 1-hour version - PBS)

This is the 1-hour version of our 1 ½ hour groundbreaking documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out which is available for purchase as a DVD in our online store at or as a download or video-on-demand at .

Public Broadcasting Station, Colorado Public Television (, have courageously thrust themselves at the forefront of our nation's public service media network. CPT12 recently aired this powerful and controversial film as a featured premium during their Summer fundraising campaign. The PBS national website then posted the re-broadcast which quickly became one of their "Most Watched" as well as "Most Shared" programs on PBS. 
 We are approaching the 11th year since that fateful day in September and more and more people are becoming aware that they haven't gotten the whole story on 9/11. Over 1700 architects & engineers are leading the way at AE911TRUTH, with dozens of additional professionals joining them in this documentary to put their careers on the line in their demand for a new independent investigation. High-rise architects, structural engineers, scientists, physicists, chemists, scholars, educators, firefighters, forensic fire engineers, demolition experts and others have put together a ground-breaking scientific assessment of the events at the World Trade Center. The sudden, complete collapse of the third skyscraper on 9/11, WTC Building 7 at 5:20pm, is now being seen around the world as "the smoking gun" which disproves the official story about 9/11. These experts also introduce additional "overwhelming evidence" for a controlled demolition hypothesis at WTC which is disturbing to say the least. The film does not speculate, and empathizes with viewers by also presenting the most popular segment of the film, which introduces the professional perspectives of eight psychologists who explain some of the reasons why it is so hard for people to face the scientific evidence. This is the most scientific and compelling 9/11 documentary film to date, containing vital information that demands action from all of us. We can no longer afford to ignore the World Trade Center evidence.

Please support the organization which made this program possible by purchasing the DVD or making a tax-deductible donation at

Shortened 58.5 minute version for promotional use. Please support AE911Truth by purchasing the DVD, downloading it or watching it now at
If you are truly impressed with the vital nature of our work we encourage you to make your tax deductible donation (We are a 501c3 non-profit organization) at

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Re: Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:37 pm

Hi Warren,

I watched the whole thing (1 hour video) and gave you another hour of my life.

And after watching every single minute of the video, I didn't see a single person present even one alternate hypothesis of what actually happened. They're all very good at raising questions, but not one of them is willing to say "Mr. Green did it in the Library with the Candlestick".

When you have a situation with ambiguity, you can always raise unanswerable questions because ... there is ambiguity. That's the definition of a situation with ambiguity. So someone needs to have the guts to present an alternate hypothesis that contains less ambiguity and has a higher probability of having happened than what's generally accepted. That still hasn't been done.

Now I know you're going to hate me for saying this, and you're probably going to accuse me of being a double agent or a government plant, but that will only make you less believable to me, because guess what ... I know that I'm not a double agent or a government plant. So when you accuse me of it, I surely know you're wrong on that count!! :)

Warren, I am trying to be honest with you and I'm trying to tell you what I see. If you're going to blast me for that, then the next time around ... I won't bother.

With best intentions,
Bob Kuczewski
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Re: Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

Postby majiemae » Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:07 pm


I watched the video and, am not truly convinced. There are a lot of groups out there claiming that the US Government caused 9/11 to happen to fulfill an agenda. I listen to Coast to Coast AM and they have a lot of different groups that come on and talk about this conspiracy or that conspiracy, but - but in the end the evidence is speculative at best.

What I do believe is that the government had these agencies in place - just in case of an event such as 9/11. And I'm sure there were factors in the government who felt that an attack was evident - but responsible for it? No. It's too easy to place blame anywhere but where it belongs. And, it's way too easy to see "evidence" in things when you really want to make a point. It's gotten to where you can convince anyone of anything with the "right" photographic proof.

I've also learned not to take anything at face value. 'Trust - but verify" - to quote President Reagan.

Don't stop sharing the information - but just know, that not everyone is going to agree with you - but that doesn't mean you don't have the right to say it.

This is in my humble opinion - and so far, we still have the right the to voice our opinions.
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Re: Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

Postby Free » Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:56 pm

majiemae wrote:Warren,

I watched the video and, am not truly convinced. There are a lot of groups out there claiming that the US Government caused 9/11 to happen to fulfill an agenda. I listen to Coast to Coast AM and they have a lot of different groups that come on and talk about this conspiracy or that conspiracy, but - but in the end the evidence is speculative at best.

Hi Margie,
'Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth' don't really speculate about the collapse of those 3 buildings on 9/11.
Don't confuse conspiracy theories with documented facts that clash with the "official" 9/11 conspiracy theory.
Anyone that has some respect for science and physics knows that those buildings could not disintegrate into their own footprint, at the speed at which they fell, without the underlying structure being removed simultaneously by forces unknown.

You don't have to be an engineer to understand that the official conspiracy theory doesn't add up.
It seems to be a hindrance.. Bob, the engineer, wants to talk Mr. Green and the candlestick and not the facts or the physics.
I see the physics and I want to talk about the implications.
You should too.

What I do believe is that the government had these agencies in place - just in case of an event such as 9/11. And I'm sure there were factors in the government who felt that an attack was evident - but responsible for it? No. It's too easy to place blame anywhere but where it belongs. And, it's way too easy to see "evidence" in things when you really want to make a point. It's gotten to where you can convince anyone of anything with the "right" photographic proof.

How about just investigating the known facts and weigh those facts against known physics and science?

I've also learned not to take anything at face value. 'Trust - but verify" - to quote President Reagan.

This is exactly as I advocate!
Now what happens to trust when you verify that you have been lied to?

Don't stop sharing the information - but just know, that not everyone is going to agree with you - but that doesn't mean you don't have the right to say it.

This is in my humble opinion - and so far, we still have the right the to voice our opinions.

God bless you Margie.
So far, we ~kind~ of have the right to say an apple is not an orange.. but be prepared to take the heat.
Coast to Coast is a bit fringy and I don't listen. By that time it's on, I've already digested 8 or 10 hours of real news and geopolitical analysis. The world is set up for a world of hurt and 'Mr. Green with the candlestick' is the 'new world order'.. which is really the old world order. We are under attack from many angles and I seem to have the goggles to see it all coming. What looks to be just around the corner is frightening.

I've been talking about this stuff for about two decades. I may be the original 'conspiracy' theorist of hang gliding?
If not, I have been at least the most prolific..

I was already known as a conspiracy theorist when I met a guy named Kenny W. down in Tennessee, years ago.
He bare-footed a copperhead one night and I had to drive impaired to get him to the hospital.
We both survived. Ask him if he remembers.

Now look at what 9/11 has brought us.. talk about conspiracy.. the lies of the collapse, never ending war that grew out of it with people that had nothing to do with 9/11, engineered economic collapse, (endless war is good for that) encroaching tyranny in our homeland.. engineered endless wars.. more coming.. sometimes I wish I was in happy LaLa Land like most pilots.

Nice to make your acquaintance, Margie. I've rambled enough for now.
Three hours of geo-political analysis from Alex Jones, Webster Tarpley and Max Keiser, sort of drained me today.
Alex Jones is on Coast to Coast, every now and then. Ever heard him?
Alex Jones, may be too much information for LaLa Landers.
Check him out and see if you can handle it.
On the Monday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the continuing drift toward war as the Middle East burns in response to an amateurish video purportedly produced by a network of neocons to rile up Muslims and produce an October Surprise for presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Alex also covers the Fed's latest effort to bail-out the banksters and decimate the living standards of average Americans by devaluing the dollar and ushering in punishing inflation. On today's show, Alex talks with historian and author Webster Tarpley about the situation in the Middle East and also former trader and television show host Max Keiser.
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