Why Conspiracy Theorists Are Rebranded Domestic Terrorists

Missouri Hawks Hang Gliding Club

Why Conspiracy Theorists Are Rebranded Domestic Terrorists

Postby Free » Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:01 am

Why Conspiracy Theorists Are Being Rebranded As Domestic Terrorists
To achieve a great political, moral victory for mankind, we must drop the term “conspiracy theory” from our vocabulary

Saman Mohammadi
The Excavator
February 8, 2012

“Thoughtcrime is death. Thoughtcrime does not entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.” – Winston Smith, 1984.

Glenn Greenwald points out that U.S. government officials are twisting reality again, but this time in a very bizarre and blatant manner, in his latest article, “Top official: drone critics are Al Qaeda enablers.”Greenwald writes:

“The New York Times‘ Scott Shane reported this morning on the Bureau of Investigative Journalism study I wrote about yesterday, detailing that the U.S. drone program, as the NYT put it, “repeatedly targeted rescuers who responded to the scene of a strike, as well as mourners at subsequent funerals.” Shane’s article contains this paragraph:

A senior American counterterrorism official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, questioned the report’s findings, saying “targeting decisions are the product of intensive intelligence collection and observation.” The official added: “One must wonder why an effort that has so carefully gone after terrorists who plot to kill civilians has been subjected to so much misinformation. Let’s be under no illusions — there are a number of elements who would like nothing more than to malign these efforts and help Al Qaeda succeed.”

Note that the “senior counterrorism official” did not deny the findings, at least not in the quotes provided, but there are two lessons to take from this paragraph. First, at least according to some “senior” Obama official, those who report critically on the civilian-killing, rescuer-and-funeral-targeting American drone attacks (i.e., those who “malign these efforts”) are either supporters of or useful idiots for Al Qaeda; it sure is a good thing the Bush era is over when those who questioned the President’s national security policies were accused of helping the Terrorists. Second, if you’re a cowardly senior government official who wants to smear critics as Al Qaeda enablers or supporters, The New York Times will grant you anonymity to do it, all while violating multiple provisions of its own policy on anonymity adopted after its historically shameful performance in the run-up to the Iraq War.”

Plainly put, the U.S. “counterterrorism official,” who is quoted in the New York Times article is a murderer and a liar. He is falsely accusing journalists and human rights activists who investigate U.S. drone killings of helping “Al Qaeda succeed,” which he damn well knows is a big lie. It is actually the job of the CIA, which invented Al Qaeda and its mythical face, Osama Bin Laden, to help Al Qaeda succeed.

And the CIA did an outstanding job of helping Al Qaeda succeed in Libya, where Al Qaeda terrorists were brought over from Afghanistan and other battlefields in the illegitimate global war on terror. Those same dirty terrorists were then shipped to Syria by the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies.

If Al-Qaeda is the plague, then the CIA, MI6, and Mossad are the evil doctors who sliced the genes, developed it in the laboratories, and then released it to the world.

If we want America and the world to succeed in the 21st century, then we must put the Al-Qaeda plague back in the CIA-MI6-Mossad laboratories, shut them down, and bring the spy wizards at these government-run terrorist laboratories to justice.

In order to achieve this great political and moral victory for mankind, the world must first drop the term “conspiracy theory” from the public vocabulary. This is a stupid and meaningless term that is only used to smear truth-tellers and brainwash the global public. This act of “language defiance” will transform public thinking about the tragic 9/11 events and the war on terror, and help the Middle East gain peace and security.

Why are conspiracy theorists not listened to by the general public? Because conspiracy theorists are thought criminals. We are guilty of thinking for ourselves and speaking the truth about 9/11, which are inexcusable crimes in the eyes of the totalitarian terrorist states in Washington, London, and Tel Aviv.

But we are doing a lot more than just thinking for ourselves. We are defending the victims of state terrorism and reasserting the truth in public life by showing that the shadow CIA and the shadow Mossad were responsible for the tragic 9/11 events.

For a lot of people, speaking the truth about 9/11 means social, financial, political, and professional suicide. But it can also mean real death at the hands of the state.

We are no longer just “thought criminals” who are trying to restore the foundations of government and civilization in the wilderness. We are now classified as “domestic terrorists,” by the planetary terrorists in Washington.
Terror threatens us from above. And the ground below us has collapsed so we’re suspended in air. Death hangs over us like a dry mist. Evil stalks our shadows, while Darkness disguises itself as light.What has changed? Why are conspiracy theorists being rebranded as “domestic terrorists.” The answer is simple. The war criminals in Washington and Tel Aviv are beginning to fear 9/11 truth-tellers and the great democratic force that we embody.They want to get rid of us. But our numbers have grown beyond anything they imagined. And they’re scared of this new reality. Remember: all tyrants are cowards at heart. Government power is not the only force in society. The truth of history is a force to be reckoned with. It is a force that can send the state terrorists behind 9/11 to the prison yard and the graveyard. And they know it. That is why their knees are shaking and their bloody hands are twitching with terror.On Friday, February 3, the website Public Intelligence reported that the FBI and the Department of Justice have secretly dispatched propaganda flyers to private businesses across America that say individuals who express opinions about 9/11 that are different from the official version are potential terrorists. Here is an excerpt from Public Intelligence’s article called, “Do You Believe in Conspiracy Theories? You May Be a Terrorist”:

A flyer from a series created by the FBI and Department of Justice to promote suspicious activity reporting states that espousing conspiracy theories or anti-US rhetoric should be considered a potential indicator of terrorist activity. The document, part of a collection published yesterday by Public Intelligence, indicates that individuals who discuss “conspiracy theories about Westerners” or display “fury at the West for reasons ranging from personal problems to global policies of the U.S.” are to be considered as potentially engaging in terrorist activity. For an example of the kinds of conspiracy theories that are to be considered suspicious, the flyer specifically lists the belief that the “CIA arranged for 9/11 to legitimize the invasion of foreign lands.”

The FBI’s propaganda flyers are part of a larger program by Homeland Security that is designed to put fear in the hearts of citizens, business owners, and critical areas of civil society.

Make no mistake. This is an act of war on America and the American people by the globalist terrorists who usurped power in Washington.When the war against Iran enters the next gear, the cold war on democratic dissent in America by the FBI, CIA, and Homeland Security will turn hot. Indefinite secret prisons will be activated in the United States to deal with dissidents, mass protests, and popular uprisings.Protesters and activists will be demonized as “domestic terrorists” by the state-run media and shot in the head with bullets by the police and military.

All authoritarian governments operate against reformers and revolutionaries with deadly accuracy. Blood and lies are to tyrants what the sun and water are to life on Earth.So expect propaganda and violence against reformers and revolutionaries by the savage planetary terrorists in Washington. Expect them to release hell. Expect them to dish out pain and death with big smiles hanging on their crooked lips.

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11.Obama Website Calls Opponents “Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists”
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Article printed from Infowars: http://www.infowars.com

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Re: Why Conspiracy Theorists Are Rebranded Domestic Terroris

Postby Bill Cummings » Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:12 pm

First pass NDAA, indefinite detention law, then broaden what type of speech aids the terrorists that this country is fighting.
Say the wrong thing then get sent to Gitmo and never see a lawyer or the inside of a court room until the day that terror surrenders. :wtf:
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New Film Exposes the Blueprint of Madness

Postby Free » Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:48 pm

Unleashed by the New World Order
COMING TO PRISONPLANET.TV: Alex Jones’ latest documentary turns the tables on fear: Government, not terrorism, poses the real threat.

February 29, 2012

A new documentary from Alex Jones definitively declares war against the attempts to control the population through a fear of false dangers. The facts are in– terrorism as a mass threat is a hoax. It is government, and the elite who control it, that pose the real threat to humanity. This new film will serve as evidence to the fact that government is history’s greatest killer– with various regimes claiming more than 262,000,000 unnatural deaths in the 20th Century alone. Now, a 21st century technocratic global corporate tyranny seeks to kill not mere millions but billions– through their superweapons, central banking warfare model and eugenics mindset.

New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen, which premiered to sold out audiences at the ‘Blueprint to Defeat the New World Order‘ twin events that took place in Dallas and Orlando this past week, will be available to PrisonPlanet.tv subscribers within hours and will later be available to the public, in hopes that it will serve as a warning.

Watch this preview of the film:

New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen (TRAILER)

The film begins with a humorous intro, mocking the false sense of power carried by those who serve the system in the name of spotting a terrorist. Alex Jones portrays an everyday citizen snitch in the service of government, reporting on potential terrorists who pay for coffee with cash or use the Internet in a cafe. He’s part of the “federal family” that “Big Sis” Janet Napolitano speaks of– part of a self-feeding paranoia that assumes anyone can be a terrorist anywhere, anytime. The FBI’s recent Communities Against Terrorism campaign embodies this, by continuing to paint a broad brush nationwide that demonizes ordinary citizens, returning veterans and political activists as potential terrorists and domestic extremists.

Forget the fear. Routine activities in life pose more danger than the Pentagon’s shadow puppet al Qaeda.
Instead, Alex reveals a host of statistics from ordinary life that have proven much more deadly. In short, these statistics make clear that terrorism is a complete hoax. It was deliberately created as a false alarm to secure funds for national security contractors building a Stasi state built to control the population through the power of “fear itself.”

But what are the REAL threats our society faces?

Alex turns the tables on the constant propaganda about a projected enemy. He documents proven academic research in Democide, or Death by Government, demonstrating that the real killers throughout history have always been in government. From Mao in Communist China, Stalin in the U.S.S.R., Hitler in Nazi Germany, Pol Pot under the Khmer Rouge and so many others, governments have killed more than 260 million people in just the last one hundred years.

Through this important documentary, you will understand how history’s mega-killers are now poised to kill not millions but billions in a new age of dominance under world government. The elite psychopathic rulers, along with their technocratic Renfield minions, are pursuing a transhumanist vision where they seek to become gods while the masses of humanity are sacrificed in the name of saving the earth, all while risking our very planet in their destructive experimentation.

The existing danger of government has been heightened by the designs of an elite trying to legitimize their corporate-driven world government system– launched in part to carry out the forcible reduction of the population.

Hidden behind another hoax, the very billionaires hailed as saints for their philanthropy have met in secret to ‘solve’ the overpopulation problem by pushing trojan horse vaccines, GMOs and other soft kill weapons on a global scale.

Bunkered down with Arctic seed vaults, endless wealth and private organic food supplies, the elite have in reality waged a war by siege, using food as a weapon to depopulate the earth. Studies confirm that pesticide-producing GMOs are linked to organ failure, sterility and other dangers, yet testing and even labeling of these engineered foods has been blocked by government regulators bought & paid for by Big Agra and Monsanto, putting the general public in harm’s way.

Yet privately, these same elite have been caught in a revealing hypocrisy: From David Rockefeller, to the Queen of England, Bill Gates and China’s ruling class or Monsanto’s own employees and research scientists, the very people pushing GMO refuse to eat it. The same is true for vaccines– as in the case where German politicians received a “clean” flu vaccine while exposing the public to the experimental live virus cocktail jab. This elite knows well the genocidal potential of these dangerous policies, as well as the effects of hundreds of other chemicals that have been spiked into our modern lifestyles. From fluoride, to BPA, aspartame and more, reducing fertility and inducing cancer has been underway for decades by design.

But covert poisoning of the population is only the beginning of the power elites’ megadeath design. The 21st Century happened upon us only after extensive testing and experimentation had long ago risked opening Pandora’s Box. Unlocking the codes to atomic energy, chemical and biological warfare, genetic engineering, etc., has already risked total existence of life on earth. Scientists theorized and tried the explosion of the atmosphere in the fifties. Today CERN’s super hadron collider and other high technology refuses to yield to the possibilities of a black hole and other phenomena while nanotech, genetic engineering and an unfolding age of viral warfare, including race-specific bioweapons, have again threatened to wipe out entire peoples. The “big prize” for these eugenicists is a 90-95% total population reduction, as called for repeatedly in their thoroughly documented Endgame strategy.

Yet they have been so reckless and destructive that not even the elite are safe. Full of hubris, they believe they are gods, but in fact are not. Like failed rulers before, their downfall will come from their arrogance. There is no way to truly contain many of the contagions that have already been released, or are waiting ready for deployment.

“One of the biggest threats we face is the fact that these eugenicists who run our governments have produced literally hundreds of superweapons, and are just waiting until they have their police state grid in place to release them,” Alex Jones states in the documentary.

Yes, they are poised and waiting to use the powers they’ve long built up. As a hand fits into a glove, the elite have wielded science and laboratory research, built up national security & emergency powers, conditioned us that humanity is a menace, and have prepared the masses to cling to government in a disaster, while toying always with destruction. Whether or not we stop these madmen will determine our future, our destiny as a species. What happens is up to you.

But this documentary is another powerful tool in exposing the false threats used by the elite to control us– powerful because it casts an even greater light on their own dangerous megalomaniacal quest for total power. It’s time to see through the propaganda and face the real threats to humanity.


“Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague.”
- Sir Thomas Malthus, 1798

“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”
- Prince Phillip

“I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing…War, as I remarked a moment ago, has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective.
If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full… The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of that? Really high-minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people’s.”
- Lord Bertrand Russell


Article printed from Infowars: http://www.infowars.com

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