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Postby Semper Fidelis » Fri Aug 02, 2024 9:10 am

Just to contribute, in frensh speaking hang glider pilots use MA VIE.

MA VIE means MY LIFE, but in french it is used as the following check :

Materiel = Material, I've checked the "ten" important points of the HG ? Is my HG ready to fly ? if yes
Attache = Fastener, am I fastened to the HG with my harness ? if yes
Vent = Wind, is the wind okay for me to run and take off ? if yes
Incidence = The incidence of the wing, the nose has the right angle for me to penetrate the air, not to high, not to low ? if yes
Environnement = The environment is clear, no people in front or around, no cow or other obstacle ? if yes


Pay attention, I've talked with a pilot for more than 30 years and once he was disturbed between MA and VIE, like the words you read, with a "space" between and the result was that he took off without being fastened !!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Then, we decided to use MA VIE like MAVIE (WITHOUT ANY INTERRUPTION)

My question is do you have this kind of procedure in english ? If yes, which one ?

Thanks :salute:
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Four C's for a hang check

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Tue Aug 06, 2024 11:18 am

Thanks for sharing that check list. It's a good topic.      :thumbup:

I got my early ratings through Joe Greblo's school (WindSports). Joe had what he called the "Four C's" for a hang check:

  • Chinstrap - verify that the chinstrap on your helmet is fastened
  • Clearance - verify that you are hanging the proper distance above the control bar
  • Crotch - verify that your leg loops are properly fastened (and your legs go through them)
  • Connection - verify that you are properly connected to the glider via your hang strap

I have used that "Four C's" check list for every hang check for over 20 years. Thanks Joe!
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BLES and ABLE for Landing

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Tue Aug 06, 2024 11:35 am

Joe Greblo also had two alternate checklist acronyms that he used for teaching landing:


  • Body Upright
  • Low hands on down tubes
  • Eyes on target
  • Speed as chosen


  • Angle of Attack
  • Body Upright
  • Low hands on down tubes
  • Eyes on Target

Thanks Joe!!
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Postby Semper Fidelis » Sun Aug 18, 2024 1:55 pm

After a long research for a translation making sens, MAVIE described above might be translated
as SHAPE, to respect the whole sens of safety in french, step by step. It is like TO BE IN GOOD
, and the acronym would mean this :

:arrow: SETUP of the HG controled
:arrow: HOOKED to the HG controled
:arrow: AIRFLOW of the wind, power and direction, good
:arrow: PITCH of the HG, to penetrate the air
:arrow: ENVIRONMENT cleared

SETUP :thumbup:
I was attentive when I set up the HG and I was concentrated when I checked it.
My HG has been set up carefuly and I do confirm it is controled !

HOOKED :thumbup:
I'm in my harness (with my helmet) and my harness is fasted to the HG.
I'm hooked to the HG with my connector hook and I do confirm it is controled !

AIRFLOW :thumbup:
To take off, I do need the help of the faced wind. Stronger the wind is less I'll have to run.
The wind is strong enough for me to let me take off effortlessly.

PITCH :thumbup:
I'm a HG pilote (not a PG), I fly because I penetrate the air with a minimum of speed.
To penetrate the air and slide in it, my HG sail needs to have the right pitch to not slowing me down !

As a HG pilote, I am 12 yards width and I do have to be sure of the environment around me,
and especialy in front of me, is clear of any obstruction (person, animal, rock, tree,..).
My environment is cleared...


How do you like it ?

Semper Fidelis
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Postby Bob Kuczewski » Mon Aug 19, 2024 8:00 am

Semper Fidelis wrote:SHAPE
:arrow: SETUP of the HG controled
:arrow: HOOKED to the HG controled
:arrow: AIRFLOW of the wind, power and direction, good
:arrow: PITCH of the HG, to penetrate the air
:arrow: ENVIRONMENT cleared

How do you like it ?

How do I like it?
I think it's great!! It didn't seem to lose anything in the translation. Good job!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Postby Semper Fidelis » Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:46 pm

First I have to say that I DO NOT AGREE with the following pre flight check, but it is one that is used in English, so to be transparent, I share it : ... check.html

The BHPA use the Pnemonic "Will Geordie Have His Cat Aboard Today."

W - Wind and Weather
G - Glider
H - Helmet
H - Harness and Reserve pin
C - Controls
A - All Clear
T - Turn direction

In fact it seems to be used also by PG...

Let's keep SHAPE !
:thumbup: :thumbup: :wave: :wave: :salute:

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