JoeF wrote:Has the topic been sidelined? Not sure.
But the following raven realm is the realm that first sparked hang glider pilot Michael Grisham about Theory of Mind. of Mind in the raven realm ...
Starting with reference to
Please be sure you know what you don't know, before you start . . .
threw me off because that quote was prominent when politics of censorship went south and drove a wedge of division here. Troll?
Then this,
This is good information to know when teaching students and interacting with other hang glider pilots. An understanding that the student or other pilot may not know what you know.
is more a subject of FOI ... nstructingof which I did respond. To be A CFI you have to pass a FOI test by the FAA.
Fundamentals of Instructing
Fundamentals of instructing are generally not unique to aviation
These principles apply to growing up, ground through school, and learning any new hobby/job
The study of applied educational psychology underlies the information and theories of learning, and therefore the methods of instruction
Human Behavior:
To successfully bring about learning, the instructor must know why people act the way they do, how people learn, and then use this understanding to teach
To be an effective instructor, knowledge of human behavior, basic human needs, the defense mechanisms humans use that prevent learning, as well as how adults learn is essential for organizing student activities and promoting a productive learning experience for students
Learning Process:
The effective instructor understands the subject being taught, the student, the learning process, and the interrelationships that exist
An effective instructor also realizes learning is a complex procedure and assists each student in reaching the learning outcomes while helping the student build self-esteem and confidence [Figure 2-1]
Through memory, students are able to recall information
Once information is learned its important for the instructor to set the conditions for the Retention and Transfer of Learning
Scenario-based training helps students relate what they've learned
Effective Communication:
Effective Communication is simply asking the question, has message sent translated to message received
There are various cues and questions you can ask in order to determine if understanding has occurred
The Teaching Process:
By using a combination of teaching methods (lecture, group learning, and discussion) and instructional aids (audio/visual and handouts), students can acheive the instructional objective
It is through the teaching process that knowledge can be turned into practical knowledge
Instructors must therefore understand the concepts and principles pertinent to human behavior, how people learn, and effective communication in order to apply them in the classroom.
Michael might have skipped the CFI business and therefore the FOI, on his path to big fast jets.
I did the FOI on the way to an obsolete ultralight teaching path, and then mostly forgot.
It is a layer in instruction that hang gliding doesn't teach its instructors, as far as I know.
I never taught hang gliding but I did once have a problem with a budding student in what THEY thought they knew.
The truth be known, the student doesn't know what he doesn't know.
What he thinks he knows can kill him twice as quick as what he doesn't, if he gets too cocky.
It's not even H3 syndrome when they are Hang 1.
Theory of mind is the study of bird brains.
There it is. I get it now.