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Re: Model Hang Gliders

Postby Craig Muhonen » Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:35 pm

Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
Craig Muhonen
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Re: Model Hang Gliders

Postby Craig Muhonen » Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:46 pm

My Dad was a B 25 Pilot during the war, and he showed me why they called the first 9 that they built, "the widow maker".
The wing had a dihedral all the way to the wing tip, which washed out, and made it difficult to fly. Then they added an anhedral to the wing from the engine cowling on out to the tip, which solved the problem. Dad always said that it was the perfect flying machine, for a medium bomber.
Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
Craig Muhonen
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Re: Model Hang Gliders

Postby Craig Muhonen » Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:59 pm

Nothing to do with HangGlider design but talking about Dihedral and Anhedral, which the B 25 wing had both.
And now for something totally different.
This is a 1942 news clipping of my Dads', 20 minute wild ride in the sky.

b25 chute picture[2305843009314186535].jpg
b25 chute picture[2305843009314186535].jpg (245.62 KiB) Viewed 2879 times

I made a joke about this picture, and said, " this is a cocky paraglider pilot showing off his new, "reverse prone" harness, at 200 MPH.
Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
Craig Muhonen
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Re: Model Hang Gliders

Postby Craig Muhonen » Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:35 am

Yes we can build an airplane on Silent wings
Here are some examples for all the "curious" engineers out there.
possibility of building a Hang Glider on our design data base, AND add it to silent wings.
quite complex, but doable I think for a later time

number of flap settings>
<flap deflection in degrees>
<number of poin# SG38 Panelmodel data file
# Part of Silent Wings
# Ola Røer Thorsen 25.10.2004

# General things
plane_name = SG 38
plane_description = Schulgleiter

# Airfoil data. Note: these are "finite wing airfoils", not
# 2-dimensional data.

airfoil {
name = mainwing
profile = goe533
k = 1.2
aspectratio = 6.5
meanchord = 1.5
cd_adjust = 0.0

airfoil {
name = elevator
profile = naca0012f60
k = 1.2
aspectratio = 3.1
meanchord = 1.0
cd_adjust = 0.0

airfoil {
name = rudder
profile = naca0012f60
k = 1.2
aspectratio = 1.1
meanchord = 1.2
cd_adjust = 0.0

# The panels

wingpanel {
name = left wing tip
airfoil = mainwing
area = 3.1
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 -4.15 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 0.0
delta_max = 25.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
aileron_mix = 1.0
aileron_delta = 30.0
aileron_diff = 1.5

wingpanel {
name = left wing root
dep_panels = [ "left wing tip" ]
airfoil = mainwing
#area = 4.5
area = 5.0
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 -1.5 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 0.0

wingpanel {
name = right wing tip
airfoil = mainwing
area = 3.1
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 4.15 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 0.0
delta_max = 25.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
aileron_mix = -1.0
aileron_delta = 30.0
aileron_diff = 1.5

wingpanel {
name = right wing root
dep_panels = [ "right wing tip" ]
airfoil = mainwing
area = 5.0
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 1.5 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = -3.0

wingpanel {
name = elevator
airfoil = elevator
area = 3.1
meanchord = 1.0
position = [ -3.5 0.0 -0.6 ]
alpha = -3.0
dihedral = 0.0
delta_max = 25.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
elevator_mix = 1.0

wingpanel {
name = rudder
dep_panels = [ elevator ]
airfoil = rudder
area = 1.5
meanchord = 1.2
position = [ -3.5 0.0 -0.6 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 90.0
delta_max = 30.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
rudder_mix = 1.0
broken_drag = 0.3

fuselage {
name = fuselage
position = [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]
ref_area = 12.53
ref_volume = 1.0
cd_front = sg38
cd_side = 0.05
cd_top = 0.05
k_y = 0.0
k_z = 0.0
alpha_fuselage = 0.0
ts for this flap deflection>
<angle of attack (rad) starting at -PI (-180 deg.)> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<PI (+180 deg.)> <coefficient>
<next flap deflection in degrees>
<number of points for this flap deflection>
<angle of attack (rad) starting at -PI (-180 deg.)> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<PI (+180 deg.)> <coefficient>
<next flap deflection in degrees>

# SG38 Panelmodel data file
# Part of Silent Wings
# Ola Røer Thorsen 25.10.2004

# General things
plane_name = SG 38
plane_description = Schulgleiter

# Airfoil data. Note: these are "finite wing airfoils", not
# 2-dimensional data.

airfoil {
name = mainwing
profile = goe533
k = 1.2
aspectratio = 6.5
meanchord = 1.5
cd_adjust = 0.0

airfoil {
name = elevator
profile = naca0012f60
k = 1.2
aspectratio = 3.1
meanchord = 1.0
cd_adjust = 0.0

airfoil {
name = rudder
profile = naca0012f60
k = 1.2
aspectratio = 1.1
meanchord = 1.2
cd_adjust = 0.0

# The panels

wingpanel {
name = left wing tip
airfoil = mainwing
area = 3.1
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 -4.15 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 0.0
delta_max = 25.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
aileron_mix = 1.0
aileron_delta = 30.0
aileron_diff = 1.5

wingpanel {
name = left wing root
dep_panels = [ "left wing tip" ]
airfoil = mainwing
#area = 4.5
area = 5.0
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 -1.5 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 0.0

wingpanel {
name = right wing tip
airfoil = mainwing
area = 3.1
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 4.15 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 0.0
delta_max = 25.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
aileron_mix = -1.0
aileron_delta = 30.0
aileron_diff = 1.5

wingpanel {
name = right wing root
dep_panels = [ "right wing tip" ]
airfoil = mainwing
area = 5.0
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 1.5 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = -3.0

wingpanel {
name = elevator
airfoil = elevator
area = 3.1
meanchord = 1.0
position = [ -3.5 0.0 -0.6 ]
alpha = -3.0
dihedral = 0.0
delta_max = 25.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
elevator_mix = 1.0

wingpanel {
name = rudder
dep_panels = [ elevator ]
airfoil = rudder
area = 1.5
meanchord = 1.2
position = [ -3.5 0.0 -0.6 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 90.0
delta_max = 30.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
rudder_mix = 1.0
broken_drag = 0.3

fuselage {
name = fuselage
position = [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]
ref_area = 12.53
ref_volume = 1.0
cd_front = sg38
cd_side = 0.05
cd_top = 0.05
k_y = 0.0
k_z = 0.0
alpha_fuselage = 0.0

number of flap settings>
<flap deflection in degrees>
<number of points for this flap deflection>
<angle of attack (rad) starting at -PI (-180 deg.)> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<PI (+180 deg.)> <coefficient>
<next flap deflection in degrees>
<number of points for this flap deflection>
<angle of attack (rad) starting at -PI (-180 deg.)> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
Craig Muhonen
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Posts: 962
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:58 pm
Location: The Canyons of the Ancients

Re: Model Hang Gliders

Postby Craig Muhonen » Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:52 am

For you Chris while you work. Never seen a Guitar like this.
It's the space between the notes.
Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
Craig Muhonen
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Posts: 962
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Location: The Canyons of the Ancients

Re: Model Hang Gliders

Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:33 pm

Hello Everyone:

You s truly do not know how it feels for Me to be Playing My Gibson SG, or My Acoustic. Watching that Young Guy play. I was very impressed with His ability to Play His Guitar. It is funny, well it really has stuck in My mind how the Osteopath that i saw oh about Ten years ago upon learning that I was playing Guitar. Well Doctor Susan Chung dsaid; "That She thought it was great that i was playing Guitar." DR. Chung has no idea just how correct that she was when she commented on how I was playing My Guitar. Playing My Guitar has been such a Windfall regarding My regaining dexterity in my Left hand along with the Fingers in My left hand. Can You say manual dexterity?

Another item that I would love to procure for Myself in the interest of having yet another device that I could use for Manual Finger Dexterity. I want to procure a Manual Typewriter. Does anyone have any ideas regarding where, and How much a decent old fashioned Typewriter should cost Me?
Chris McKeon
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Re: Model Hang Gliders

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Sat Sep 18, 2021 12:47 pm

Here's my latest Predator model from Joe's posted photo:

'Version': 1.0,
'KeelFrontPoint': [0,94,0],
'KeelRearPoint': [0,-119,0],
'WingTipPoint': [291,-60,6],
'TrailingEdgePercentKeel': 52.5821596244,
'RearWirePercentKeel': 75,
'ControlBar': {
'Height': 65,
'Width': 107,
'ApexPercentKeel': 42,
'RakeDistance': 27,
'CrossBar': {
'PercentKeel': 35,
'PercentLeadingEdge': 59.0060240964,
'HeightAboveKeel': 7,
'KingPost': {
'PercentKeel': 42,
'Height': 50,
'RakeDistance': 3,
'Battens': {
'NumPerSide': 2,
'BattenList': [
'PercentLeadingEdge': 0,
'Segments': 20,
'LeadingEdge': [50,165],
'LeadingEdgeControl': [125,20],
'TrailingEdgeControl': [275,150],
'TrailingEdge': [685,160]
'PercentLeadingEdge': 100,
'Segments': 20,
'LeadingEdge': [225,305],
'LeadingEdgeControl': [240,295],
'TrailingEdgeControl': [283.5,297.1666717529297],
'TrailingEdge': [404.5,318.1666717529297]

You can select that text and copy/paste it into the "Glider Data (JSON format)" window at and click "Update Model from Text" to see it and modify it. The model is being developed in the "Predator Model" topic, but I thought I'd share it here as well. Here's what it should look like:

Predator_Top_2021_09_17.png (73.72 KiB) Viewed 2826 times
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Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
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Re: Model Hang Gliders

Postby Craig Muhonen » Sat Sep 18, 2021 10:57 pm

Chris McKeon wrote:Hello Everyone:

You s truly do not know how it feels for Me to be Playing My Gibson SG, or My Acoustic. Watching that Young Guy play. I was very impressed with His ability to Play His Guitar. It is funny, well it really has stuck in My mind how the Osteopath that i saw oh about Ten years ago upon learning that I was playing Guitar. Well Doctor Susan Chung dsaid; "That She thought it was great that i was playing Guitar." DR. Chung has no idea just how correct that she was when she commented on how I was playing My Guitar. Playing My Guitar has been such a Windfall regarding My regaining dexterity in my Left hand along with the Fingers in My left hand. Can You say manual dexterity?

Another item that I would love to procure for Myself in the interest of having yet another device that I could use for Manual Finger Dexterity. I want to procure a Manual Typewriter. Does anyone have any ideas regarding where, and How much a decent old fashioned Typewriter should cost Me?

Hi Chris,
Getting your glider out and setting it up, and "tuning" it, and measuring it, and possibly laying in the harness, with your fingers on the control bar, for me, is soo cool.
Maybe you could put a big fan in front, put on your head phones with your favorite music, close your eyes, and just contemplate. It could be your own private 'wind tunnel', and I know you are not flying, YET, but, but the dexterity it takes to do THAT, just adds to your confidence.
Something I use, to keep function in my hands and mind, since I can't plumb any more, because of my "accident" 11 years ago, is to pick up my juggling bags, put my grandson in front of me, and tell him to look at my eyes. I start to juggle and I look into his eyes, and say, "if I look AT the balls, I'll drop them, it is muscle memory. My juggling bags are 2" fabric cubes that are filled with millet, and if you got some, and squeeze them and, practice throwing them from one hand to the other, it may also help with gaining more dexterity.
Vertigo keeps me from being able to walk a straight line, but another trick I use, is to concentrate on, keeping my chin up and walking "Heel to Toe", and breathing bottom to top, and top to bottom, push it all out. That really energizes "the other heart" in the calf muscles, and the lungs. BLOOD IS THE HEALER
If you like piano, you might like this guy, with head phones.

Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
Craig Muhonen
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Posts: 962
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:58 pm
Location: The Canyons of the Ancients

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