number of flap settings>
<flap deflection in degrees>
<number of poin# SG38 Panelmodel data file
# Part of Silent Wings
# Ola Røer Thorsen 25.10.2004
# General things
plane_name = SG 38
plane_description = Schulgleiter
# Airfoil data. Note: these are "finite wing airfoils", not
# 2-dimensional data.
airfoil {
name = mainwing
profile = goe533
k = 1.2
aspectratio = 6.5
meanchord = 1.5
cd_adjust = 0.0
airfoil {
name = elevator
profile = naca0012f60
k = 1.2
aspectratio = 3.1
meanchord = 1.0
cd_adjust = 0.0
airfoil {
name = rudder
profile = naca0012f60
k = 1.2
aspectratio = 1.1
meanchord = 1.2
cd_adjust = 0.0
# The panels
wingpanel {
name = left wing tip
airfoil = mainwing
area = 3.1
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 -4.15 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 0.0
delta_max = 25.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
aileron_mix = 1.0
aileron_delta = 30.0
aileron_diff = 1.5
wingpanel {
name = left wing root
dep_panels = [ "left wing tip" ]
airfoil = mainwing
#area = 4.5
area = 5.0
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 -1.5 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 0.0
wingpanel {
name = right wing tip
airfoil = mainwing
area = 3.1
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 4.15 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 0.0
delta_max = 25.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
aileron_mix = -1.0
aileron_delta = 30.0
aileron_diff = 1.5
wingpanel {
name = right wing root
dep_panels = [ "right wing tip" ]
airfoil = mainwing
area = 5.0
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 1.5 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = -3.0
wingpanel {
name = elevator
airfoil = elevator
area = 3.1
meanchord = 1.0
position = [ -3.5 0.0 -0.6 ]
alpha = -3.0
dihedral = 0.0
delta_max = 25.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
elevator_mix = 1.0
wingpanel {
name = rudder
dep_panels = [ elevator ]
airfoil = rudder
area = 1.5
meanchord = 1.2
position = [ -3.5 0.0 -0.6 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 90.0
delta_max = 30.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
rudder_mix = 1.0
broken_drag = 0.3
fuselage {
name = fuselage
position = [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]
ref_area = 12.53
ref_volume = 1.0
cd_front = sg38
cd_side = 0.05
cd_top = 0.05
k_y = 0.0
k_z = 0.0
alpha_fuselage = 0.0
ts for this flap deflection>
<angle of attack (rad) starting at -PI (-180 deg.)> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<PI (+180 deg.)> <coefficient>
<next flap deflection in degrees>
<number of points for this flap deflection>
<angle of attack (rad) starting at -PI (-180 deg.)> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<PI (+180 deg.)> <coefficient>
<next flap deflection in degrees>
# SG38 Panelmodel data file
# Part of Silent Wings
# Ola Røer Thorsen 25.10.2004
# General things
plane_name = SG 38
plane_description = Schulgleiter
# Airfoil data. Note: these are "finite wing airfoils", not
# 2-dimensional data.
airfoil {
name = mainwing
profile = goe533
k = 1.2
aspectratio = 6.5
meanchord = 1.5
cd_adjust = 0.0
airfoil {
name = elevator
profile = naca0012f60
k = 1.2
aspectratio = 3.1
meanchord = 1.0
cd_adjust = 0.0
airfoil {
name = rudder
profile = naca0012f60
k = 1.2
aspectratio = 1.1
meanchord = 1.2
cd_adjust = 0.0
# The panels
wingpanel {
name = left wing tip
airfoil = mainwing
area = 3.1
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 -4.15 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 0.0
delta_max = 25.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
aileron_mix = 1.0
aileron_delta = 30.0
aileron_diff = 1.5
wingpanel {
name = left wing root
dep_panels = [ "left wing tip" ]
airfoil = mainwing
#area = 4.5
area = 5.0
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 -1.5 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 0.0
wingpanel {
name = right wing tip
airfoil = mainwing
area = 3.1
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 4.15 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 0.0
delta_max = 25.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
aileron_mix = -1.0
aileron_delta = 30.0
aileron_diff = 1.5
wingpanel {
name = right wing root
dep_panels = [ "right wing tip" ]
airfoil = mainwing
area = 5.0
meanchord = 1.5
position = [ 0.0 1.5 -0.5 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = -3.0
wingpanel {
name = elevator
airfoil = elevator
area = 3.1
meanchord = 1.0
position = [ -3.5 0.0 -0.6 ]
alpha = -3.0
dihedral = 0.0
delta_max = 25.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
elevator_mix = 1.0
wingpanel {
name = rudder
dep_panels = [ elevator ]
airfoil = rudder
area = 1.5
meanchord = 1.2
position = [ -3.5 0.0 -0.6 ]
alpha = 0.0
dihedral = 90.0
delta_max = 30.0
delta_min = -25.0
delta_neutral = 0.0
rudder_mix = 1.0
broken_drag = 0.3
fuselage {
name = fuselage
position = [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]
ref_area = 12.53
ref_volume = 1.0
cd_front = sg38
cd_side = 0.05
cd_top = 0.05
k_y = 0.0
k_z = 0.0
alpha_fuselage = 0.0
number of flap settings>
<flap deflection in degrees>
<number of points for this flap deflection>
<angle of attack (rad) starting at -PI (-180 deg.)> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<PI (+180 deg.)> <coefficient>
<next flap deflection in degrees>
<number of points for this flap deflection>
<angle of attack (rad) starting at -PI (-180 deg.)> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
<angle of attack (rad))> <coefficient>
'Version': 1.0,
'KeelFrontPoint': [0,94,0],
'KeelRearPoint': [0,-119,0],
'WingTipPoint': [291,-60,6],
'TrailingEdgePercentKeel': 52.5821596244,
'RearWirePercentKeel': 75,
'ControlBar': {
'Height': 65,
'Width': 107,
'ApexPercentKeel': 42,
'RakeDistance': 27,
'CrossBar': {
'PercentKeel': 35,
'PercentLeadingEdge': 59.0060240964,
'HeightAboveKeel': 7,
'KingPost': {
'PercentKeel': 42,
'Height': 50,
'RakeDistance': 3,
'Battens': {
'NumPerSide': 2,
'BattenList': [
'PercentLeadingEdge': 0,
'Segments': 20,
'LeadingEdge': [50,165],
'LeadingEdgeControl': [125,20],
'TrailingEdgeControl': [275,150],
'TrailingEdge': [685,160]
'PercentLeadingEdge': 100,
'Segments': 20,
'LeadingEdge': [225,305],
'LeadingEdgeControl': [240,295],
'TrailingEdgeControl': [283.5,297.1666717529297],
'TrailingEdge': [404.5,318.1666717529297]
Chris McKeon wrote:Hello Everyone:
You s truly do not know how it feels for Me to be Playing My Gibson SG, or My Acoustic. Watching that Young Guy play. I was very impressed with His ability to Play His Guitar. It is funny, well it really has stuck in My mind how the Osteopath that i saw oh about Ten years ago upon learning that I was playing Guitar. Well Doctor Susan Chung dsaid; "That She thought it was great that i was playing Guitar." DR. Chung has no idea just how correct that she was when she commented on how I was playing My Guitar. Playing My Guitar has been such a Windfall regarding My regaining dexterity in my Left hand along with the Fingers in My left hand. Can You say manual dexterity?
Another item that I would love to procure for Myself in the interest of having yet another device that I could use for Manual Finger Dexterity. I want to procure a Manual Typewriter. Does anyone have any ideas regarding where, and How much a decent old fashioned Typewriter should cost Me?
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