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Postby JoeF » Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:08 pm

Hi ! Please tell about "Kilbourne" site?

Any naming remembrance of Dave Kilbourne?

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Re: Kilbourne

Postby JoeF » Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:32 pm

RGSA site Kilbourne Hole
RGSAsiteKilbourneHole.jpg (21.16 KiB) Viewed 8943 times
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Re: Kilbourne

Postby Bill Cummings » Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:16 pm

Hi Joe,
It's a Maar south of Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Hadley Robinson from El Paso has flown there a lot and Lee Boone also from El Paso TX.
Dave wouldn't have flown here barefoot that I know. I really don't know how the name came to be.
Maybe Had or Lee will see this and bring us up to speed. :?: :?:
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Re: Kilbourne

Postby MattHayes » Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:12 am

Here is a horrible quality video I took while flying my PG about a year ago. At least it gives an idea of the west facing ridge we fly. Listen at the 2:00 minute mark... Whopty clopter in coming! A UH-60 Blackhawk was bearing down from the NW, lucky for me he veered off at about a thousand foot distance. :shock:


Moderator's tip added by Bob Kuczewski on December 16th, 2013:
Hi Matt! As Bill has mentioned below, we have a special syntax for posting YouTube videos that looks like this:
Here's the result:

By the way, that's a great video!! Don't be so modest!!
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Re: Kilbourne

Postby Bill Cummings » Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:26 am

Hey Matt Really nice video. (It's not bad!)
I suspect a chopper in the Boot Heel of New Mexico (about 100 miles to the west of this video) killed a Mexican National smuggling in two bales of Marry Jane.

That smuggler was using a motorized trike. The official public statement was that the smuggler tried to dump the bales and that the weight and balance change caused the aircraft to crash.

I believe that statement had to have come from the mind of a General Aviation pilot that knew nothing about weight shift aircraft and was advancing a theory to shift cause and effect of the death to the Mexican pilot alone.

Having experience with trikes I know that dropping weight from one side of a weight shift trike will not create a weight shift imbalance to cause loss of control.
(It could in a non-weight-shift aircraft. GA type)

The most probable scenario was the chopper flew over the trike and the rotor downwash broke up the wing of the trike killing the smuggler pilot.

Anyway all that to say this. I know that flying in southern New Mexico near the border will and has at times drawn helicopters to check out what is going on.

Chopper pilots guarding our southern border like the one referred to above
either are clueless to the hazard they present to ultra-light’s and shouldn’t be or they were possibly in this instance malevolent and shouldn’t be. The press release of weight and balance disruption causing loss of control is hog-wash. What really did happen we won’t know for sure and so far nothing reasonable, years after the event, has been advanced.

If you see or hear a chopper approaching ----keep this in mind.

I will take the eleven character Youtube identifier of your Youtube post
(FZf0nNBS4nM) highlight it/copy it, then click below the text where I want the Youtube picture to be placed.
Next I will click on the Youtube button then hold down CTRL + v to paste.
Then if it works in “Preview” it will also work when I "Submit".

Practice that with another video. :wave: :thumbup:
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Re: Kilbourne

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:12 pm

Cool video Matt!! That's another place I'd like to fly when I visit again ... when it's warmer!!      :lol:

Bill, I believe you're right with regard to the "imbalance" issue. Whatever weight a hang glider is carrying is all hanging from the single attachment point (typically the hang strap). Maybe they need to hire you as a their "Public Relations Consultant".      :thumbup:
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Re: Kilbourne

Postby SamKellner » Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:20 pm

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Great Matt. :thumbup: Those low rez videos are the only ones I can watch, with dial-up. ;) Thanks for posting. Welcome to US Hawks.


I went to the Halloween party at Dave's house, 1980 I think it was. It was a split level house, seems like there were stairs down, just inside the front door. Not too far up the Coast hwy, from Torrey.

I was just back in San Diego and didn't have a costume but had my nice leather jacket and poly shirt and pants. Donnita answered the door. She said "O let me guess, Pat Boone". :srofl:

Dave was a pioneer. :clap: :clap:

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Re: Kilbourne

Postby MattHayes » Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:10 am

Thanks for the help guys. I tried using the Youtube link button but obviously I was missing something. I thought all I had to do was click the button and paste the video info in between. :roll: Bill I will try your way next time. The Blackhawk was a medical unit from Ft. Bliss on a training mission no doubt. They fly over my house and into the desert west of LC all the time. I had two V-22 Ospreys fly over just the other day, very loud aircraft. Kilbourne is great for PG but I don't think I would fly my U2 there. Maybe a Falcon on a good day but the retrieve from the bottom doesn't excite me. Top landing in a Falcon may be possible otherwise you would have to get up and away from the Maar to land in a clearing in the desert. It's just cool to fly a "hole" in the ground!
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Re: Kilbourne

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:28 pm

MattHayes wrote:I thought all I had to do was click the button and paste the video info in between.

That's pretty much it, but what you paste in between is just the code (not the whole link):


MattHayes wrote:It's just cool to fly a "hole" in the ground!

That looks pretty cool to me too!!      :thumbup:
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Re: Kilbourne

Postby MattHayes » Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:53 am

Thanks Bob, I finally caught on to using only the code not the entire link. 100% now!
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