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Weather this Weekend (Jan. 10-12)

Rio Grande Soaring Association Forum

Weather this Weekend (Jan. 10-12)

Postby RobinHastings » Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:21 am

Hi, folks. This looks like a strong but possibly flyable weekend. Our temperatures will be normal (no deep freeze here!) and as usual, the skies will be clear, except for a little cloudiness on Sunday. The winds will be northwest on Friday, pretty strong, making La Luz about the only good bet for foot launching that day. On Saturday they get a little lighter, but still northwest, so La Luz is still our best bet. On Sunday the winds should be west/southwest early on, but fairly strong. They should be west/northwest later in the day. Dry Canyon might work early, as well as Agave Hill, Lee's Lookout and the Little Floridas. Magdalena Rim is possible, early in the day, but probably not optimal. Once again, La Luz is a good bet for Sunday, since it has 3 launches - west, southwest and northwest. I'll be hoping to fly somewhere this weekend, Saturday or Sunday; give me a call at my new phone number, 575-323-3650. Be safe and enjoy yourself!
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