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Weekend Forecast, Jan. 31-Feb. 2

Rio Grande Soaring Association Forum

Weekend Forecast, Jan. 31-Feb. 2

Postby RobinHastings » Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:02 am

This weekend looks good and bad. The good news is, the winds will be west/southwest! The bad news is, they'll be awfully strong for much of the time. The jetstream is looping down over New Mexico on Friday and much of Saturday. Expect a blowout on Friday, and possibly Saturday as well. Winds should tail off by Sunday, though, and it looks flyable for HG that afternoon at Dry Canyon, La Luz, Little Floridas (go early!) Magdalena Rim, Lee's Lookout and Agave Hill. There's probably going to be too much turbulence for PG's to be safe. Monday might be a good day to try the Rim, too. I may be busy through much of the weekend, but depending on family obligations I might be able to fly on Sunday afternoon. Keep your heads down the next two days, then look ahead to better times on Saturday and Sunday.
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