Well, It happened again. I chalk it up to old timers disease or whatever it’s called.
Right now all I can recall is dementia.
The medication reminder beeper went off so I knew I had better go get my prescription medication now or I would probably forget if I waited for when I completed dressing myself.
In my socks, under shorts, “T” shirt and wrist watch I headed for the kitchen. When I got to the sink I opened the blinds and saw ice on the bird bath. I had forgotten to plug in the warmer last night. The little birds were skating around on top of the bird bath probably wondering why the water was so stiff.
Quick fix for that I thought (wrong again). I would just unlock the inner and outer back doors, hold open the storm door, bend over, pick up the plug and plug in the bird bath warmer to the electrical outlet beside the door. No trouble so far.
I looked at the bird bath when I straightened up and wondered if I should break some ice so the little birds wouldn’t have to wait so long to get a drink. The back yard is fully enclosed so privacy was not an issue.
I stepped out onto the 30 degree concrete patio slab in my socks and took about five steps to the bird bath. The shock on the storm door pulled the storm door shut with a CLICK!
Blissfully I went about making a hole in the ice for the little birds. The slab was uncomfortably cold and my fingers started screaming about working in ice water.
My jaw shivered open enough for me to stutter aloud, “That’s good enough!”
I headed for the storm door put my left hand on the lever to open the door. Yup! You guessed it three paragraphs back with the word. CLICK!
Who in the hell locked that door? Terry left for her job north of Santa Fe the Sunday before last so it couldn’t be her fault. Humm! Let’s affix blame later I thought because at that moment I had to get back inside.
It would be no problem with a knife but the knife was in its case, on my belt that was in my blue jeans, on the edge of the bed. After exactly several minutes of thinking and disregarding stupid solutions I finally broke a finger (not mine) off of the bamboo grass rake and using it as a knife blade I was able to work back the plunger latch on the storm door and get inside.
I never hear of stuff like this happening to someone else. WHY ME?
Gee Wiz it’s 11:57 and I still haven’t taken my morning pills?
Gotta go.