RGSA and Hawks,
I got the word from the Queen Bee that she will not be here at the hive (house) on the 25th. (Club Meeting.)
She said I can have all my little friends over for a sleep over that weekend.
If the forecast is good for Magdalena Rim we could do a meeting at my place. Mike E, and Bob K. have first dibs on the two empty bedrooms if they show up.
I also could plug in Lee’s trailer in the driveway. Someone could put an air mattress on the floor or couch. The back yard has a privacy fence so camping would work too. Maybe a plug in heater would help in tents.
We could do a BBQ out back as well.
We also could meet at Alamogordo if the forecast is for over in that area.
We could camp at Mag. Rim by the fence too. (might be cold. Who knows?)
Anyway just some suggestions

Edit: I closed my yahoo email account so all emails to me should bounce. use my q(dot)com email address.