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Open letter to Region 4 directors.

Rio Grande Soaring Association Forum

Re: Open letter to Region 4 directors.

Postby Bill Cummings » Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:33 pm

Since my two letters to the Region #4 directors I have been keeping tabs on the goings on over on the west coast.
I have received an email from a pilot on the east coast stating that schools in that area have decided the 4K insurance cost is too much and they are closing down. I'm also hearing that an instructor in Region # 4 is quitting for the same reason.
USHPA in my opinion has mishandled a once smoothly run Hang Gliding organization that had for years operated without exorbitant insurance costs. Now we are not insurable by any major insurance company.
The Torrey Hawks had applied for insurance before things went south and were denied. They had chapter status with the USHPA
but now the SOP's have been changed by the RD's so that the Torrey Hawks Chapter can no longer renew.
Below is a must see link to show the underhanded activity going on at the USHPA. If they don't like you -- you can be expelled. If they don't like the way you run you HG club they will change the SOP's and make it too difficult to renew your chapter status.
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Bill Cummings
Posts: 3360
Joined: Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:20 pm
Location: Las Cruces NM 88005 (Region 4)


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