Saturday 1/25/2020 Little Florida Mountains.
Before the RGSA Club meeting at 7:00 pm at
1501 Aspen Ave. Las Cruces, NM, PG/HG pilots
will be meeting at the LZ around 10:30 to head
for launch.
Rio Grande Soaring Association Forum
Flying possibilitiesRe: Flying possibilitiesSaturday 1/25/2020 Little Florida Mountains.
Before the RGSA Club meeting at 7:00 pm at 1501 Aspen Ave. Las Cruces, NM, PG/HG pilots will be meeting at the LZ around 10:30 to head for launch.
Re: Flying possibilitiesSo far Robin and Bill are going to Volcanic Peak tomorrow. Leaving my house at 11:00.
Re: Flying possibilitiesRobin and I and hopefully Dan Simpson May go to Matt’s Mountain, aka Magdalena Rim, if the forecast holds for Friday.
Re: Flying possibilitiesYesterday it was 74 degrees F. By 7:30 pm it was 30 degrees F.
Although I was asleep and unable to witness anything the two inches of snowfall everywhere in Las Cruces is very strong circumstantial evidence that it did in fact snow. This is the very definition of STRONG circumstantial evidence if you were looking for an example. Anyone stepping off the pavement around here will likely get muddy feet. Edit: oops it’s after midnight so make this story out to be the day before yesterday.
Re: Flying possibilitiesWith the windy time of year upon the RGSA area there has been
few “Flying possibilities” to report. Some days cutting up cardboard boxes for recycling requires an assistant to keep one from launching.
Re: Flying possibilitiesWhy not use the windy days to set up a static flight simulator, and train new and old Hang Glider pilots how it strap in and ground handle one in 20+ wind, and safely "dance" with a glider like John Heiney, Off and On training video.
Rick Masters, and John have good experience with them, why not build and test a Hang Gliding Flight Simulator, and use electronics and music to make great videos, for all comers who would strap themselves in under a Hang Glider in the wind. Give Wounded Warriors a chance to check it out. They do it for skydivers, why not? Put your thinking caps on. watch to 1:20 ============================================================================================================ We should all thank John for making this video and others, for the world to see and enjoy. C:+o) . Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
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