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Flying possibilities

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:29 pm
by Bill Cummings
RGSA, Pilots and Drivers,
Today if we had been on launch at the Little Florida’s, 8 miles SE of Deming New Mexico, USA, at 12 :15 that was the short launch window to soar our brains out. Shortly after that launch would have been blown out but soaring would have worked up to 1,000’ over launch. Straight in! West at seven in the LZ would have been 20 at the ramp. ( Venturi through the saddle where the ramp is.) :thumbup: I mean :cry:

Re: Flying possibilities

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:37 pm
by Bob Kuczewski
billcummings wrote:RGSA, Pilots and Drivers,
Today if we had been on launch at the Little Florida’s, 8 miles SE of Deming New Mexico, USA, at 12 :15 that was the short launch window to soar our brains out. Shortly after that launch would have been blown out but soaring would have worked up to 1,000’ over launch. Straight in! West at seven in the LZ would have been 20 at the ramp. ( Venturi through the saddle where the ramp is.) :thumbup: I mean :cry:

I've always wondered where all that air went after it left San Diego heading east at somewhere between 7 and 20 mph.      :lol:

Re: Flying possibilities

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:41 pm
by Bill Cummings
Actually Bob the Continental Divide runs from north to south across Interstate 10
at mile 52 which is thirty miles west of Deming New Mexico (@ MP 82). It is high mostly dirt desert there with an elevation of 4,585’ msl. I imagine that it is like a colossal cambered wing made of earth that accelerates the wind over that hump in that part of the world and that is probably why it is windier near Deming at mile post 82 than it is at the Las Cruces Airport (LRU) at approximately 4,454’ msl, at mile post 132.
I’m no meteorologist but that is my best analogy of why Deming usually shows more wind from the west than we get here, downwind, in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Deming sits just behind the peak camber of the earthen wing. :ugeek:

Re: Flying possibilities

PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:54 pm
by Bill Cummings
Robin resurfaced and said that today would be east winds and as usual he was right. Trouble is he didn’t have an open ended day so we didn’t have the time to drive down to the East Portrillo Mountains. Tomorrow looks northeast and east light so maybe paragliding at the E.P. Mts., would work. Maybe Hadley has plans at the sod farm??

Re: Flying possibilities 11-15-2013

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:49 pm
by Bill Cummings
RGSA, Pilots and Drivers,
Looks like Hadley, Robin and I will give it a try at the Magdalena Rim early tomorrow morning (Tuesday, November 05, 2013)

We have to see yet if the wind will cooperate. North of us in Santa Fe, NM they will be getting rain and above 8,000’ maybe 5 to 11 inches of snow in the mountains. We need the run off down south even if we have to wait until next spring.

Some members of the RGSA met with the BLM on the first of Nov. to see about taking motorized vehicles all the way to launch. That would help me out a lot.

The RGSA will have to draw up three different papers and submit them and probably after the BLM posts a meeting for input from others concerned we might then see which way the wind is blowing, so to speak. Hopefully it will be in our favor.

For now we will still have to use the cart to haul gliders and bags to launch.

Below I’ll imbed a video of Robin Hastings flying the Mag Rim 6-16-2013.
Video by Hadley Robinson

Re: Flying possibilities

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:01 am
by Bill Cummings
Well Shucks!
It’s looking strong and then going west for the Deming, NM and Las Cruces, NM area.
Already it is showing west wind at KLRU (Las Cruces International Airport) and KDMN (Deming NM Airport.)

West if not blown out will work but it due to the wrap it will be more work than fun.

Wind here down in the Rio Grande Valley already at 06:59.

I think it will be a blow out today. :thumbdown: :yawn: :cry:

Re: Flying possibilities Fri 11-08-13

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 7:49 am
by Bill Cummings
Robin will pick me up at 08:01 (:01 cause he will probably be late.)
I plan to step into the shower just to get him here early. That never fails. :evil:
We are going to give Mag Rim a chance today.

Some forecasts have it switching to good conditions at 13:00 hrs.

Robin has a previous end of day appointment so things may get hectic, frantic, panicked some time around 15:00 hrs.

I predict we will become scoff laws on the drive out. (Good thing he’s driving/speeding.)

Not all models agree so we may only be adding joy to the oil companies. :roll:
I’ll post on our success or failure. :thumbup: :thumbdown: :wave:

Re: Flying possibilities

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:11 am
by Bill Cummings
RGSA you still have time to put your glider on Robins truck.
He called at 08:00 to say he will be here at my place at 08:30. :o
(I should have gone with the shower idea.) :shh:
Robin has to make a quick stop at the University first.
We will try to make the time up on the drive home. :crazy:

Re: Flying possibilities

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:12 pm
by Bob Kuczewski
billcummings wrote:Update,
RGSA you still have time to put your glider on Robins truck.
He called at 08:00 to say he will be here at my place at 08:30. :o
(I should have gone with the shower idea.) :shh:
Robin has to make a quick stop at the University first.
We will try to make the time up on the drive home. :crazy:

Fly safe, and have great time!!

I'll look forward to seeing pictures (if not videos!!) when you get back!!    :thumbup:

Re: Flying possibilities

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:31 pm
by SamKellner
bobk wrote:Fly safe, and have great time!!

I hope you didn't get in too big a hurry putting on your drawers, again :srofl: :P

I'm just jealous :roll:

Go BillC. :thumbup: :clap:
