Matt Hayes received a call from the City of Alamogordo, NM.
The metal shade structure south of the new road at the LZ has to be moved.
Matt Hayes, Robin Hastings, Mike Ellsworth and I are of the opinion that we don’t want the RGSA to have the expense of relocating it. (I have called Dave Church and he is of the same mind with us.)
We have a week to notify the City what our wishes are concerning the shade structure. We can’t hold over the decision until our next Club meeting.
So far the plan is to have Matt tell the City to do what they will with it.
Relocating could cost us upward of a thousand dollars and we are not interested in taking on that expense.
Matt will also ask the City Engineer if he could plan for any signage or poles to be east and west of the LZ so as to not have landing obstructions in case a pilot lands long.
If members have different thoughts about what should be done with the shade structure Call Matt Hayes, the RGSA Club President, before next week.
Bill C.
PS I just left a message on Hadley’s phone and as I type Matt is talking with Lee Boone.
Matt Hayes received a call from the City of Alamogordo, NM.
The metal shade structure south of the new road at the LZ has to be moved.
Matt Hayes, Robin Hastings, Mike Ellsworth and I are of the opinion that we don’t want the RGSA to have the expense of relocating it. (I have called Dave Church and he is of the same mind with us.)
We have a week to notify the City what our wishes are concerning the shade structure. We can’t hold over the decision until our next Club meeting.
So far the plan is to have Matt tell the City to do what they will with it.
Relocating could cost us upward of a thousand dollars and we are not interested in taking on that expense.
Matt will also ask the City Engineer if he could plan for any signage or poles to be east and west of the LZ so as to not have landing obstructions in case a pilot lands long.
If members have different thoughts about what should be done with the shade structure Call Matt Hayes, the RGSA Club President, before next week.
Bill C.
PS I just left a message on Hadley’s phone and as I type Matt is talking with Lee Boone.