Hello, everyone! I got a 25 minute flight at Dry Canyon today, with two interested people (Moe Azzolini and Madison Smith) as my drivers. I launched at 3:45 in my Airwave Formula 144 into light lift and zero sink conditions. I caught one thermal that lifted me up to 300 ft over launch (7300 ft MSL) but mostly I just encountered light winds and buoyant air. Nice weather, a bit overcast but with pleasant temperatures. Moe and Madison were impressed, and Madison got his first experience with a 4WD truck (now he wants one!) I had a good landing in zero wind at Cox Field, with Jan Zscenderlein spectating and guiding me in. When my drivers showed up we packed up the glider, said goodbye to Jan and headed to Applebee's to watch the Seattle Seahawks defeat the San Francisco 49ers. Got home about 9:30 pm. Not a long flight, but a very nice day - and who knows? Maybe my drivers will be pilots themselves, sometime. See you all at our RGSA meeting next Saturday!