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Weekend Weather - and Meeting

PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:28 am
by RobinHastings
Hi, folks. I'm still not sure if we should fly in Alamogordo or at Magdalena Rim on Saturday, before our RGSA annual meeting. Here's my take on the weather:
Looks like we can fly! The question is, where? Today (Thursday) is going to be chilly and windy as a cold front blows through from the east. That should be gone by Friday as temperatures begin to warm up again for the rest of the weekend, and the winds turn light and variable, mostly from the southeast. In that case, Dry Canyon is probably the best bet for a foot launched site, and in the light winds towing at the Sod Farm should be fine for PG's. On Saturday the winds turn more westerly. At our launch heights they should be west to southwest, moderate in strength. This means that most of our foot launched sites should work OK - La Luz, Dry Canyon, Lee's Lookout, Agave Hill, Little Floridas. The one question mark is Magdalena Rim. Will it be too westerly? I'll post an update on that tomorrow. Sunday will be windy, with strong winds out of the west/northwest. In that situation, La Luz is the best of our foot-launched sites. It looks like a great weekend to hold our RGSA club meeting. I'll leave it to Matt Hayes (whose cell phone has been out of commission) to make the call as to location - Las Cruces or Alamogordo, both work for me. I plan to fly on Saturday and maybe Sunday, too. Let me know if you're up for it, too! My phone number is 575-541-5744.

Re: Weekend Weather - and Meeting

PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:38 pm
by Bill Cummings
Matt, How’s the cell phone working?
Robin and I were wondering where to eat and hold the meeting if we end up flying at Alamogordo, NM Saturday January 25, 2014
If we go one idea we had was to call Margo’s Restaurant and ask if we could have a section to eat in and hold our club meeting. If that is the spot we end up you could call and make a reservation:

Margo's Mexican Food

504 1st St, Alamogordo · (575) 434-0689

The safety director would not okay The Rustic C. Due to twice serving me undercooked meat. :thumbdown:

Re: Weekend Weather - and Meeting

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:18 am
by Bob Kuczewski
Hello RGSA!!!

I left a longer message in the other topic ("Flying possibilities"), but I just wanted to post here that I plan to be at the meeting to personally meet your members and answer any questions about the US Hawks and our forum.

I can also help out with any flying chores (like driving) if I can be of service to the club.

I look forward to meeting you all!!

Bob Kuczewski

Re: Weekend Weather - and Meeting

PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:56 pm
by RobinHastings
Despite cloudy weather, it was a pretty good day today. Madison Smith and I drove out to Alamogordo about 9:00, and in the landing zone we met up with Mike Ellsworth, Jan Zscenderlein (with his son & daughter) and then with Bill Cummings and Bob Kuczewski from San Diego, out to visit us and promote US Hawks. Minus Jan, we drove up to Dry Canyon, since flags were unexpectedly showing south winds in the LZ, but two hours later we were back, disappointed - the winds at launch were blowing over the back. I wanted a flight, though, so the group (this time including Jan and kids) went up to La Luz NW launch. I was the only one who set up, and at 3:50 pm I launched in my Wills Wing U2. It was a buoyant, pleasant sled ride of 4 to 5 minutes, but I had no trouble clearing the power lines and, thanks to Mike kicking dust in the LZ, I had a perfect landing. We had a meeting that evening at Margot's Restaurant in Alamogordo, which was attended by me, Mike, Bill, Bob, Madison, and eventually, Lee Boone and his family (wife Erica, daughter Tula, and an unnamed third party whom Lee and Erica plan to display upon delivery in June). We settled a number of agenda items over enchiladas and flautas (summary to be provided soon) and made it home in time for the late-night news. Stay tuned!