Hang'in out with the RGSA
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:26 am
I spent the weekend hanging out with the RGSA in New Mexico (Las Cruces and Alamogordo). Here are some photos from Saturday:
Hang Gliding Association with both National and Local Forums
billcummings wrote:Here is Gary Browning from Hidden Valley just north of Deming NM (USA) on our bunny hill.
This would be his second bunny hop in 17 yrs out of the sport.
billcummings wrote:Bob K. wore himself out carrying the glider all over the bunny hill to keep Gary out of the cardiac wing of the hospital which was just across the street.
Bob you can come back and carry for---I mean fly with us anytime.
SamKellner wrote:Sure good to have an established chapter added to the Hawks members.