billcummings wrote:New Mexico ... RtCk7CIiQANew Mexico Recreational Use Statute
ARTICLE 4. PROPAGATION OF FISH AND GAME ... RtCk7CIiQA17-4-7. Liability of landowner permitting persons to hunt, fish or use lands for recreation; duty of care; exceptions
A. Any owner, lessee or person in control of lands who, without charge or other consideration, other than a consideration paid to said landowner by the state, the federal government or any other governmental agency, grants permission to any person or group to use his lands for the purpose of hunting, fishing, trapping, camping, hiking, sightseeing or any other recreational use does not thereby:
(1) extend any assurance that the premises are safe for each purpose; or
(2) assume any duty of care to keep such lands safe for entry or use; or
(3) assume responsibility or liability for any injury or damage to, or caused by, such person or group;
(4) assume any greater responsibility, duty of care or liability to such person or group, than if such permission had not been granted and such person or group were trespassers.
B. This section shall not limit the liability of any landowner, lessee or person in control of lands which may otherwise exist by law for injuries to any person granted permission to hunt, fish, trap, camp, hike, sightsee or use the land for recreation in exchange for a consideration, other than a consideration paid to said landowner by the state, the federal government or any other governmental agency.