Here's a little flight Robin had today.
I'm glad I wasn't flying my PG seeing Robing get tossed around.
Note: YouTube formatting fixed by moderator. Thanks Bill!!!
Rio Grande Soaring Association Forum
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MediaHere's a little flight Robin had today.
I'm glad I wasn't flying my PG seeing Robing get tossed around. Note: YouTube formatting fixed by moderator. Thanks Bill!!!
Re: MediaJan At youtube highlight the 11 charter youtube video identifier (wmQBUjvMP88) Next hold down the CTRL key and press "c" to copy. Next go to US Hawks and in the "New Topic or Reply" click the youtube button. Next hold down the CTRL key and press "V" to paste. Next scroll down and hit preview to see if you did it right. If the video appears you can then click Submit. Make sure you see the alert that you were successful. If you don't see the successful alert hit the back page arrow and hit submit again. Did you use GoPro?
Re: MediaSUNDAY, JUNE 8:
I had a good time flying Dry Canyon today. Jan Zschenderlein (with kids) and Keighley Hastings (my kid) were the drivers. The newly-graded road could sure use some rain and packing in spots! But no chance on this day; there were good, towering cumies to the east, past Cloudcroft, but not a cloud to be seen overhead. We also had to go around a big Ford 250 pickup that stood abandoned in the middle of the road; Jan spotted oil from it, trailed out down the road, so we developed a scenario as to probable cause. (And the smarts of the owners, of course). We got to the launch about 10:30 am. I flew in my Airwaves Formula 144 (thanks again, Matt!) and took off about 11:30. I had a fine launch, went down the ridge a few points to the resident thermal, and quickly took it up to about 9000 ft MSL (2000 over launch). I looked for the abandoned truck but couldn't see it - and neither could Jan and Keighley when they drove back down. It was nice to have some altitude! Cooler up there - though the temperature didn't break 100 F on the ground, today. There was sink between thermals, so when I flew out to the West Face I was down to about 6800 ft. From there, not finding much lift, I went out to the Cox Field LZ, where the conditions were rocking. I'm glad I didn't stay up for another hour! I got lifted as I came in on final approach, and had to do another turn or two to dump altitude, but came in at last without a whack or a broken downtube. All in all, it was wonderful to be in the air again, even if only for 20 minutes. If you fly, this time of year, expect to get up high and then come down hard. Be safe! -Robin
Re: MediaJan,
Only highlight the youtube ID (11 characters) then copy. Next click the youtube button and it should look like this- (youtube)I(/youtube) you paste by holding down the CTRL key and pressing the "v" key. The eleven character ID will then appear in between the two words "(youtube)xxxxxxxxxxx(/youtube) To see if it will post correctly scroll down and click on the preview button. If it looks good then submit. (Always hang around to see the alert that your post was successful after hitting the submit button. Sometimes you may have to back arrow to the previous page and hit submit a second time if the successful alert didn't show up immediately after submitting.) I think where your problem came up is that you pasted after the (youtube) (/youtube) (right here) instead of (youtube) right here (/youtube)
Re: MediaHello Jan and the RGSA!!
One easy way to do anything on the forum is to just copy from someone else. Push the "QUOTE" button on any post that has what you're looking for and then see how they did it. You can then edit that post to make it into what you want, or just use the "back" button to cancel without submitting it. For example, if I push the "QUOTE" button on Bill's post with the video, I'll see this in the editing window:
If I look carefully, I can see that his YouTube post was done like this: [youtube]wmQBUjvMP88[/youtube] So I can see that I need to enclose just the YouTube identifier (wmQBUjvMP88) with the open and closing "youtube" brackets. By the way, you can't just type square brackets ( like these: [ ] ) into a post to get them to show up. So if you want to see how I did it in this example ... just quote my post and take a look. ![]() Thanks, and if you ever really get stuck, just give me a call at 858-204-7499 any time. The US Hawks is here to serve ... you!!! Join a National Hang Gliding Organization: US Hawks at
View my rating at: US Hang Gliding Rating System Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
Re: MediaHello! Yes, for the Dry Canyon site it's pretty typical. We get some pretty good thermals out here! From your photo, would I be right in thinking you fly at the west coast? Come on out and fly with us if you can make it here to the desert!
Dry Canyon PG 06.29.2014Finally got a video flying my PG at Dry Canyon
Accompanied by Robin, who took care of my Kids and drove my Truck down (THANK YOU!!!!!), Patrick and Cloe who had a similar smooth and pleasant flight. We all landed within a 1/4 Mile, so retrieval was fast and easy.
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